Despotism 3k PC Keyboard Controls

Despotism 3k PC Keyboard Controls

We added keyboard controls for those who want them. Please check them out: PC Keyboard Controls Facility selection – left and right arrows “←→” Add/Remove human in a selected facility – up/down arrows “↑↓” Upgrade selected facility – “U” Upgrade manipulators – “M” Press timer – “T” Choose an answer in dialogs – digits “123..” … Read more

Day Choices Guide Despotism 3k

Day Choices Guide Despotism 3k

A guide for all the dialogues and choices you get at the end of each day. Use at own risk! this guide may ruin your fun. Day Choices Guide Despotism 3k DisclaimerThis guide spoils (almost) all of the choices and the result of them. This means you can figure out the best choices without actually … Read more

Achievement Guide Despotism 3k

Achievement Guide Despotism 3k

100% Achievement Guide for Despotism 3k. This is my attempt to create a comprehensive guide for Despotism 3k, since no one else tried to make one. Despotism 3k Achievement Guide Despotism 3k is a rougelike resource management sim. You are an evil AI enslaving humans in order to generate power, food, and more humans. The … Read more