Take Me To The Dungeon Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)

This walkthrough focuses on the “Tiger Slash Build” as it is considered a more user-friendly deck, but it does not mean it is the strongest. Also check: Take Me To The Dungeon Achievement Guide.

Take Me To The Dungeon Walkthrough Guide

Other Buildare also viable for clearing the game! Please be aware that some parts of this walkthrough may significantly reduce the enjoyment of the game. It is recommended to use it only when you feel the need for guidance.

How to Import Card Deck

1. Enter the ” Building Deck” page and select the “Note” option in the upper right corner.

Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)

2. Choose “Import Deck Info” and paste the deck info.

Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)

Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)

The following strategy may significantly reduce the enjoyment of the game.

01 – 20F Walkthrough Guide

Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)


1. Blizzard (Counterattack – triggers Follow-up Attack(s) every time you are hit)

Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)

2. Fireball (Cherubim’s Sword – inflicts Burn(s) on the enemy with each attack)

Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)

Clearing Process:

▶1 – 9F

  • Explore Treasure Chest, Event, and Shop as much as possible to strengthen yourself.
  • Normal Monster are not too challenging, just consider their attributes when attacking. You generally won’t need to discard cards unless you encounter rare monsters.
  • If you need to discard cards, prioritize discarding the above mentioned cards to triagger a halo.

▶10F – Elite Monster: Ent

Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)


  • Tough Bark: Decreases all DMG taken by 80%. Stack count reduces by 1 each time DMG is taken.


  • Pick Up Stone: You can gain 2 attack opportunities for only 1 COST. There is even a chance that it won’t be removed from your hand after use. It’s a great weapon against the Ent!
Take Me To The Dungeon Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)

When the Tough Bark buff disappears, the Ent will gain the Weakness Exposed debuff, allowing you to unleash your full offensive power.

Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)

Repeat this strategy for 2-3 rounds to defeat the enemy.

▶11 – 19F

  • Just like in 1-9F.
  • By now, you should have obtained several runes from previous battles. Select the “Card” option on the bottom left and equip runes to your cards by right-clicking on them.
  • Before entering 20F, make sure to equip all the runes you obtained during battles. This will make the boss fight much easier. (Recommended to equip them before entering the hot spring)

Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)

Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)

▶20F – Boss: Tentacle Monster

Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)


  • Multi-target: 1 big tentacle + 2 tiny tentacles. Be mindful of not getting overwhelmed and killed.
  • The tiny tentacles will strengthen the big tentacle. However, after killing a tiny tentacle, it will give the big tentacle a debuff that increases damage received from a certain attributes of card.
  • The tiny tentacles will keep resurrecting, so don’t invest too many resources in them, or you may run out of cards before defeating the big tentacle.


  • Prioritize killing the tiny tentacles early on, using as few cards as possible.
    ※When the number of Burn stacks on the small tentacle exceeds its current HP, it will burn to death in the next turn. At this point, you don’t need to waste cards to kill it. Just turn around and attack the big tentacle.
    Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)
  • Attack the large tentacle during the turns when the tiny tentacles haven’t revived yet.
  • Properly using cards and runes should make the clearance easier! Good luck!

After defeating the boss and returning to the town, remember to strengthen at Tavern.

▶21 – 40F Walkthrough Guide

Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)


  • Recommended Card Sequence for the Tiger Slash: Unsheathed Slash➜Morale➜Rest➜ Tiger Slash

1. Fireball (Cherubim’s Sword – inflicts Burn(s) on the enemy with each attack)

Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)

2. Blizzard (Counterattack – triggers Follow-up Attack(s) every time you are hit)

Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)

3. Magic Missile (Accurate Attack – when attacking an enemy without Armor, DMG increases).

Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)

New Year’s Card
Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)
Tactical Gloves
Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)
Divine Water of Strength
Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)
Holy Crest
Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)


When encountering an enchantment with the First mod / All mods, prioritize enchanting it on the Tiger Slash.

Clearance Process:

▶21 – 29F

  • Explore Treasure Chest, Event, and Shop as much as possible to strengthen yourself.
  • Normal Monster are not too challenging, just consider their attributes when attacking. You generally won’t need to discard cards unless you encounter rare monsters.
  • If you need to discard cards, prioritize discarding the above mentioned cards to triagger a halo.
  • If you feel confident, you can challenge rare monsters to obtain more treasures.

▶30F – Elite Monster: Mutated Bat

Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)


  • Enhanced Wings: Increases damage dealt and reduces one layer when hit by a direct attack.
  • Attribute Transformation: Changes its own attribute.


  • Pay attention to attribute changes and try to deal damage as efficiently as possible.
  • Use “Morale” to remove negative statuses when needed.

▶31 – 39F

  • Same as 21 – 29F.
  • Before reaching the final boss, there will be a hot spring. You can try to discard halo cards before the hot spring to stack the halo effects higher.

▶40F – BOSS: Vampire Queen

Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)


  • Need for Blood: Increases power as HP decreases.
  • Summon bat: Only summons one bat. If you’re afraid of dying, you can defeat it first. If you’re confident, you can focus on the Queen while using AoE attacks to deal with the bat.
  • Inflicts Bleed debuff on the player.
  • After each life steal, gains Boiling Blood status, absorbing Una’s blood increases
    stacks. When it reaches 5 layers, it will unleash a powerful brutal attack. Be cautious of the high damage it deals.

Battle Advice

  • The Vampire Queen will continuously increase the player’s bleeding status, so avoid discarding “Morale” too early. In the presence of bleeding, “Morale” can restore 16 HP at once and remove the bleeding effect, which is very helpful for extended battles.
  • The Queen’s brutal attack combined with bleed damage is quite powerful, so pay attention to the stack count of Boiling Blood and Una’s HP. Otherwise, it’s easy to be defeated.
  • The New Year’s Card can greatly increase your chances of staying alive. If you encounter it, obtain it!

After defeating the boss and returning to the town, remember to strengthen at Una’s home.

▶41 – 60F Walkthrough Guide


After entering the shop, you will find that you can craft some rune II. However, since you haven’t obtained any material rune II yet, you are unable to purchase them from the shop.
It is recommended to enter 41/F of the dungeon and obtain all four colors of material rune II and then returning to the town. This will allow you to purchase material runes II.

Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)


  • Recommended Card Sequence for the Tiger Slash: Sever➜Morale ➜Pick Up Stone ➜Rest ➜Tiger Slash

1. Heart Piercer (Cruelty – inflicts Bleed(s) on the enemy with each attack)

Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)

2.Blizzard (Counterattack – triggers Follow-up Attack(s) every time you are hit)

Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)

3. Unsheathed Slash (Sheating – At the start of the turn, gain Charge Up).

Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)

New Year’s Card
Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)
Mutated Scroll I
Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)
Mutated Scroll II
Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)
Tactical Gloves
Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)
Divine Water of Strength
Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)
Blood Ring
Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)
Spiked Club
Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)


When encountering an enchantment with the First mod / All mods, prioritize enchanting it on the Tiger Slash.

Clearance Process:

▶41 – 49F

  • Explore Treasure Chest, Event, and Shop as much as possible to strengthen yourself.
  • Mutated Monsters are not too challenging, just consider their attributes when attacking. You generally won’t need to discard cards unless you encounter rare monsters.
  • If you need to discard cards, prioritize discarding the above mentioned cards to triagger a halo.
  • If you feel confident, you can challenge rare monsters to obtain more treasures.

▶50F – Elite Monster: Minotaur

Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)


  • It will absorb the damage of the highest damage’s card color, red will charge, green will recover hp, and blue will recover shield.


  • Pay attention to his attributes when attacking.

▶51 – 59F

  • Same as 41 – 49F.
  • Before reaching the final boss, there will be a hot spring. You can try to discard halo cards before the hot spring to stack the halo effects higher.

▶60F – BOSS: Pamela

Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)


  • I’m the Boss: Attribute changes randomly every round. Absorbs DMG of the same attribute.
  • Inflict multiple debuffs on Una: Burn, Poison, and Bleed.
  • Randomly change our cards attributes (also considered a debuff).
  • Replicant: Pamela will clone herself up to three when reaching a certain amount of HP.
  • Bomb: Set a bomb that moves towards the enemy after being attacked. Upon contact with either side, it explodes and directly deducts damage equal to the bomb’s health.


The most troublesome thing is that she constantly changes her attributes, hides her own attributes, and regains health when hited by the same attribute. It is crucial to calm down and accurately determine her attributes. Once unable to determine her attributes, it is easy to lose. There are two methods to determine her attributes:

Determine from the card content:
Cards that have attribute advantage will be marked with a special color in the value column. For example, if a Strength (red) card has an advantage over her, it means she has a Speed (green) attribute. At this time, avoid playing cards with Speed (green) attribute.2. Brief hint:
Every time Pamela changes her attribute, there will be a hint of “Convent to [Attribute]” on her. Just pay attention to the hint.

Debuff can be removed by Morale card.

The debuff that changes card attributes can also be removed by Morale card.

When clones appear, pay attention to the status bar. The one with the BUFF is the main body. Being surrounded by clones makes it easy to die, so you need to judge whether to kill the main body first or deal with the clones.

Bombs can be pushed away by Blizzard card and rocks effectively.

New Year’s Card can significantly improve fault tolerance. Take them whenever you encounter it!

After defeating the boss and returning to the town, remember to strengthen at Una’s home.

▶61 – 80F Walkthrough Guide

Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)


  • Recommended Card Sequence for the Tiger Slash: Sever➜Pick Up Stone ➜Rest ➜Aerial Slash➜Tiger Slash

1. Fireball (Cherubim’s Sword – inflicts Burn(s) on the enemy with each attack)

Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)

2. Unsheathed Slash (Sheathing – At the start of the turn, gain Charge Up).

Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)

New Year’s Card
Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)
Mutated Scroll I
Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)
Mutated Scroll II
Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)
Tactical Gloves
Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)
Divine Water of Strength
Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)
Infernal Crystal
Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)
Ignition Powder
Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)

Clearance Process:

▶61 – 69F

  • Explore Treasure Chest, Event, and Shop as much as possible to strengthen yourself.
  • Mutated Monsters are not too challenging, just consider their attributes when attacking. You generally won’t need to discard cards unless you encounter rare monsters.
  • If you need to discard cards, prioritize discarding the above mentioned cards to triagger a halo.
  • If you feel confident, you can challenge rare monsters to obtain more treasures.

▶70F – Elite Monster: Flying Lizard

Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)


  • Give player Bleed


  • Nothing special, just play as usual.

▶71 – 79F

  • Same as 61 – 69F.
  • Before reaching the final boss, there will be a hot spring. You can try to discard halo cards before the hot spring to stack the halo effects higher.

▶80F – BOSS: Mona

Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)


  • Inflict debuffs on Una: Burn, Poison, and Bleed.
  • Decreases the base values of all cards.
  • At 50% HP, gains a large amount of armor.
  • At 50% health, gains 1 stack of “Charge (Evil)” each turn, increasing damage by 25 for each stack.
  • When Mona’s armor is broken or “Charge (Evil)” reaches 10 stacks, Mona will immediately attack and flee. As long as Una is alive, it is considered a victory.


  • Focus on attacking and quickly breaking Mona’s armor.
  • Debuffs can be removed by Rest card.
  • Even if killed by her ultimate move, as long as you have New Year’s Card, you can revive and achieve clearance!

After defeating the boss and returning to the town, remember to strengthen at Una’s home.

▶SP Walkthrough Guide


After entering the shop, you will find that you can craft some rune III. However, since you haven’t obtained any material rune III yet, you are unable to purchase them from the shop.
It is recommended to enter the SP dungeon and obtain all four colors of material rune III and then returning to the town. This will allow you to purchase material runes III.

Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)


  • Recommended Card Sequence for the Tiger Slash: Sever➜Pick Up Stone ➜Rest ➜Aerial Slash➜Tiger Slash

1. Heart Piercer (Cruelty – inflicts Bleed(s) on the enemy with each attack)

Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)

2. Unsheathed Slash (Sheatging – At the start of the turn, gain Charge Up).

Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)

Blood Scythe
Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)
Mutated Scroll I
Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)
Mutated Scroll II
Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)
Tactical Gloves
Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)
Divine Water of Strength
Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)
Blood Ring
Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)
Spiked Club
Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)

Clearance Process:

▶1 – 9F

  • Explore Treasure Chest, Event, and Shop as much as possible to strengthen yourself.
  • Mutated Monsters are not too challenging, just consider their attributes when attacking. You generally won’t need to discard cards unless you encounter rare monsters.
  • If you need to discard cards, prioritize discarding the above mentioned cards to triagger a halo.
  • If you feel confident, you can challenge rare monsters to obtain more treasures.

▶10F – Elite Monster: Pinky, Bluey, Blackey, Yello

Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)


  • Group attack: a total of 4 succubi. Yello won’t wake up without being attacked.
  • Will flee when HP reaches 50%.
  • Their attacks will apply corresponding color mark, which increases the damage Una receive from the enemy, but also increases card values.


  • Prioritize reducing the number of monsters (kill Pinky or Bluey first, leave Yello for last) to avoid being overwhelmed.

▶11 – 19F

  • Same as 1 – 9F.
  • Before reaching the final boss, there will be a hot spring. You can try to discard halo cards before the hot spring to stack the halo effects higher.

▶20F – BOSS: Succubus Queen, Pinky, Bluey, Blackey, Yello

Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)


  • Group attack: a total of 5 succubi. Yello won’t wake up without being attacked.
  • Pinky, Bluey, Blackey, Yello start with only 50% HP.
  • Their attacks will apply corresponding color mark, which increases the damage Una receive from the enemy, but also increases card values.


  • Prioritize reducing the number of monsters (kill Pinky or Bluey first, leave Succubus Queen for last) to avoid being overwhelmed.
  • Take the splash damage boosting treasure to increase AOE damage.

After defeating the boss and returning to the town, remember to strengthen at Una’s home.

▶81-100F Walkthrough Guide

Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)


  • Recommended Card Sequence for the Tiger Slash: Sever➜Pick Up Stone ➜Rest ➜Aerial Slash➜Tiger Slash
  • Recommended Card Sequence for the Body Shredde: Unsheathed Slash➜Omni Slash➜Body Shredder

1. Heart Piercer (Cruelty – inflicts Bleed(s) on the enemy with each attack)

Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)

2. Unsheathed Slash (Sheathing – At the start of the turn, gain Charge Up).

Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)

New Year’s Card
Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)
Mutated Great Sword
Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)
Mutated Scroll I
Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)
Mutated Scroll II
Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)
Tactical Gloves
Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)
Divine Water of Strength
Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)
Blood Ring
Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)
Spiked Club
Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)

Clearance Process:

▶81 – 89F

  • Explore Treasure Chest, Event, and Shop as much as possible to strengthen yourself.
  • Mutated Monsters are not too challenging, just consider their attributes when attacking. You generally won’t need to discard cards unless you encounter rare monsters.
  • If you need to discard cards, prioritize discarding the above mentioned cards to triagger a halo.
  • If you feel confident, you can challenge rare monsters to obtain more treasures.

▶90F – Elite Monster: Reaper

Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)


  • Has a lot of HP, but the damage taken increases with each round.


  • The usual way of doing things will be fine.

▶100F – BOSS: Mona

Walkthrough Guide (Tiger Slash Build)


  • Same as 80F, gains 1 stack of “Charge (Evil)” each round, which increases DMG by 25. Will perform an attack when it reaches 10 stacks or when Mona’s armor is broken.
  • Pamela will intervene in the battle, immediately releasing bombs and pushing them towards our side with Mona.
  • Mona will not take damage while Pamela is present. When Pamela is defeated, the bomb will disappear.
  • After reducing Mona health to 0, depending on the story option, you will achieve victory or start a new round of battle (with restored cards).
  • The extra battle in HE does not have any special mechanics to decipher, but Mona is strong and it’s not easy to clear.


  • Break Mona’s armor as soon as possible.
  • Use stones or Follow-up ATK to push the bombs away.
  • If possible, try to control the bomb’s health nearly at 999 before hitting it back to Pamela.
  • New Year’s Card can also help turn the tide of battle. Take them when encountered!

If you find the extra battle in HE very difficult, you can go back to NE first, defeat NE Mona and obtain the “Ultimate Magic” card, then go and fight HE. It will be a significant power boost.

Ultimate Magic Card Deck:


Recommended Card Sequence for the Ultimate Magic: Nothingness (If the residual is successful, use it again)➜Psychokinesis➜Magic Missile➜Thunder➜Rest➜Ultimate Magic

Basically, it’s a stack of concentration levels, and remember to save the last 2 COST for Rest➜ Ultimate Magic

Recommended Cards to Discard First: Psychokinesis

Recommended Card Sequence for Recover and Armor: Mystic Arrow➜Holy Light Heal➜Shield

There’s nothing to be afraid of anymore. Congratulations!