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Come Home Walkthrough Guide & Achievements
This guide is spoiler heavy. If you are looking for a specific achievement unlock, I recommend Melone’s Guide. This guide is intended as a complete walkthrough of the game that hits almost every achievement in a single playthrough and completes storylines.
Note many of these routes can be done in any order however there ARE missable achievements depending on what order you go in. Also want to note in some repeat playthroughs I got some options in a slightly different order but the guide should still keep you on the correct path if you’re following it completely.
Walkthrough Pt 1
Huge wall of text ahead
◈Start a new game
◈Name yourself
◈Sure, I’d like that
◈We probably should, right?
◈No, she’s right. These are perfect
◈Keep watching
◈What’s wrong with us being in the same class?
◈Help Dana
◈Maybe I could help you sort?
◈Go to bed
◈I don’t mind
◈Exhaust all options
◈Visit Lisa in the kitchen
◈Breakfast with Lisa
◈What do you do in your free time?
◈Go to the park
◈Go to the park
◈Go to bed
◈Visit Lisa in the kitchen
◈Breakfast with Lisa
◈What’s your biggest fear?
◈Check out the skater girl again
◈Sure I love boarding
◈Approach the gang in the park
◈Okay, I’m leaving
◈Go to bed
◈Meet the barista
◈Visit Tammy at work
◈That sounds great
◈Do English homework
◈Visit Tammy at work
◈What do you like to do in your free time?
◈Talk to Dana
◈What do you do in your free time?
◈Visit Tammy at work
◈We should go out, just me and you
◈Do you have any siblings?
◈Have you had any serious boyfriends?
◈Kiss her
◈Do English homework
◈Visit Tammy at work
◈Why do you like fighting so much?
◈Talk to Dana
◈Do you have any pets?
◈Are you okay?
◈Buy Kendra a new skateboard
◈Do English homework
◈Visit Tammy at work
◈What is your favorite food?
◈Talk to Dana
◈What’s your favorite food?
◈Talk to Jamie
◈Just wondering what you were up to
◈Call Jamie
◈Just wanted to chat
◈What do you do in your free time?
◈Visit Jamie
◈Have breakfast with Suzy
◈How have you been?
◈You ever get any weird customers?
◈You should be careful messing with people like that
◈Yeah, I wouldn’t like to see you getting hit either
◈Of course
◈Talk to Dana
◈When did you and your fiance meet?
◈Comfort Lisa
◈Check on her
◈I don’t think so
◈Peek through Jamie’s window
◈Do English homework
Basement Dweller – Go into the basement for the first time.
◈Organize the basement
◈Give Kendra the new skateboard
◈You don’t have to ask me twice
◈The daddy stuff was hot!
◈Clean the basement
◈Call Jamie
◈Just wanted to chat
◈Do you have any pets?
◈Work out with Tammy
◈Go see Kendra at the park
◈Ask her out
◈Call Kendra
◈Want to go out on a date?
◈Jackson Burger
◈I do. You look great
◈What’s your favorite movie?
◈I kind of agree
◈Where are you from?
◈I can see that
◈Call Kendra
◈Just wanting to chat
◈What kind of music do you like?
◈That’s cool
◈Clean the basement
◈Talk to Dana
◈Do you have any close family?
◈Anybody would have stopped for a pretty girl like you
◈Clean the basement
◈Call Kendra
◈Just wanting to chat
◈Any hobbies besides boarding?
◈That sounds fun
◈Chat with Jamie
◈Yeah, I was an idiot
◈I aced it, no problem
◈Talk to Dana
◈Where have you travelled?
◈Clean the basement
What have you gotten yourself into? – Finish clearing out the basement.
◈Call Kendra
◈Just wanting to chat
◈What are you most proud of?
◈Coffee with Jamie
◈What kind of music do you like?
◈I could introduce you to some good stuff
◈Hug her
◈Talk to Dana
◈What are you most proud of?
◈Call Kendra
◈Want to go out on a date?
◈Jackson Burger
◈Not yet
◈Do you have a job?
◈Where would you most want to travel?
◈That sounds awesome
◈Call Kendra
◈Just wanting to chat
◈Would you survive a zombie apocalypse?
◈Coffee with Jamie
◈What’s your dream job?
◈You’ll be great at it
◈Hug her
◈We definitely should
◈Talk to Dana
◈Do you like your job?
◈You wanted to hang out with me
◈Call Kendra
◈Just wanting to chat
◈How’s your relationship with your family?
◈For you? Always
◈Just imagine the audience is naked
◈Coffee with Jamie
◈Are you more of an indoors or outdoors person?
◈Hug her
◈Talk to Dana
◈Do you like living in Skyhill?
◈I’d like that
◈Call Jamie
◈Just wanted to chat
◈What’s your favorite food?
◈Work out with Tammy
◈We can go now
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Who is your best friend?
◈He seems cool
◈Perfectly fair
◈Call Kendra
◈Want to go out on a date?
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Just every once in a while
◈Okay, that’s pretty hot
◈What’s your biggest sexual fantasy?
◈Call Kendra
◈Alright, I’ll get ready
◈Give her the ♥♥♥♥
◈Yes, I love her
Watersports (not that kind) – Go waterskiing with Kendra.
◈Call Jamie
◈Just wanted to chat
◈Do you like to drink any?
◈Coffee with Jamie
◈Do you have anything that you regret?
◈Hug her
◈Talk to Dana
◈Why don’t I ever see Mr. Gonzalez at work?
◈Call Kendra
◈Want to go out on a date?
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈You’re reincarnated
◈What’s your favorite memory?
◈That sounds kind of sad. Do you want to talk about it?
◈Come on. It’ll be fine
Ignore Ren’Py error here
◈♥♥♥ inside
◈Coffee with Jamie
◈Where would you most want to travel?
◈I’d like to go there too
◈Hug her
◈Talk to Dana
◈Do you have any regrets?
◈It’s so hot
Girl, interrupted – Catch Dana in the file room
◈Call Kendra
◈Want to go out on a date?
◈Just chit-chat about something
Walkthrough Pt 2
◈I’d stop myself from hitting you with the car
◈Just chit-chat
◈My place
◈<Your choice>
◈Call Jamie
◈Just wanted to chat
◈What are you most proud of?
◈Have breakfast with Suzy
◈I definitely would
◈You want to see what I have?
◈It’s not a big deal
◈That’s crazy
◈Terry sounds like a jerk
◈Visit Jamie
◈That sounds fun
◈Do English homework
◈Have breakfast with Suzy
◈What do you do in your free time?
◈Talk to Dana
◈So how often do you use the file room?
◈Visit Jamie
◈Watch TV
◈Do Social Studies homework
◈Have breakfast with Suzy
◈What kind of music do you like?
◈I thought it was pretty exciting
◈Why not right now?
◈Hell yes I am
◈Talk to Dana
◈What are some of your favorite movies?
◈Not really
◈Sure that sounds fun
◈Call Kendra
◈Want to go out on a date?
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Just chit-chat
◈My place
◈Choose a different option than you did previously
◈Do English homework
◈I mean, I kind of do
◈I’m just looking forward to spending time with you
◈You’re gorgeous
◈It’s been a while, but I think I remember
◈I can’t wait
◈Kiss her
◈MMA training with Tammy
◈Oh, this is kind of nice
◈Why would I want to?
◈Like what?
◈Thanks for teaching me
◈Go see Kendra at the park
◈Hell yes I do
◈Standing Sex
◈<Your choice>
Optional save here – may make an achievement after playthrough easier
◈Call Reba
◈Just wanted to chat
◈Tell me more about your family
◈Call Reba
◈Just wanted to chat
◈Do you have a job?
◈Have breakfast with Suzy
◈What’s your favorite food?
◈Talk to Dana
◈What is your most embarassing moment?
◈You aren’t the only one
◈Confess your attraction
◈Not as nice as I would like
◈Uh, yes
◈♥♥♥♥ yes
◈Call Reba
◈Just wanted to chat
◈Do you have any hobbies?
◈Call Reba
◈Just wanted to chat
◈Is there anywhere you would like to travel?
◈Peek through Jamie’s window
◈Keep watching
◈Do English homework
◈Okay, now you show me yours
◈And I’m okay with that
◈Have breakfast with Suzy
◈You ever talk to your real dad?
◈Talk to Mrs. Mills
◈What do you do in your free time?
◈Call Reba
◈Just wanted to chat
◈What was your last dream about?
◈Call Reba
◈Just wanted to chat
◈Do you know any other languages?
◈Have breakfast with Suzy
◈Are you a virgin?
◈Talk to Mrs. Mills
◈How long have you been a lawyer?
◈Call Kendra
◈Want to go out on a date?
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Just chit-chat
◈To the restrooms!
◈Standing 69
◈In her mouth
◈Do English homework
◈Have breakfast with Suzy
◈What do you want to do after college?
◈Talk to Mrs. Mills
◈Do you have any close family?
◈Visit Jamie
◈You’re cute when you’re sleepy
◈You were just too cute to wake
◈You can use it any time
◈Sure, let’s do it
◈Do English homework
◈Have breakfast with Suzy
◈Who is this guy you’re talking to every night?
◈Talk to Mrs. Mills
◈What are you most proud of?
◈Call Kendra
◈Want to go out on a date?
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Just chit-chat
◈My place
◈Choose an option you haven’t previously
◈Do English homework
◈Sounds fun
◈Try to block
◈MMA training with Tammy
◈Sure, I can help
◈Let me take a look at it
◈I didn’t mind
◈Do Social Studies homework
◈That’s okay, we can meet in town
◈{Continue story}
Falling For Her – Take a big leap for Kendra
◈MMA training with Tammy
◈Talk to Mrs. Mills
◈Why did you not want to hire a female assistant?
◈Sure, let’s do it
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Are you happy where you are living?
◈Kiss her
◈Do English homework
◈MMA training with Tammy
◈English homework
◈Yes, ma’am
◈I kind of like it too
◈Call Reba
◈Want to go out on a date?
◈Movie Theater
◈Something romantic
◈Do you have any hobbies?
◈What would you want to study in college?
◈Kiss her
◈Do English homework
◈Have breakfast with Suzy
◈Why are you so attached to Tammy?
◈Talk to Mrs. Mills
◈Do you like being a lawyer?
◈I like you
◈Maybe I could help?
◈I’m sorry, I’m here for you
◈Do English homework
◈Have breakfast with Suzy
◈Where would you like to go for a date?
◈Talk to Mrs. Mills
◈What were you like when you were younger?
◈That sounds good
◈Call Reba
◈Want to go out on a date?
◈Movie Theater
◈Something with action
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Just a few
◈Do you ever go hunting?
◈Kiss her
◈Do Social Studies homework
◈Have breakfast with Suzy
◈Where are the keys to Dad’s car?
◈It’s funny
◈Grab her by the queynte
Making Chaucer proud – Show Mrs. McGee that you understand what the Miller’s Tale means.
◈Talk to Mrs. Mills
◈Would you ever want to get married?
◈Of course
◈{Continue story}
Always in her corner – Help Tammy win her fight
◈Rub her ♥♥♥♥♥
◈Oh ♥♥♥♥ yeah
◈Go to bed
◈Work out with Tammy
◈Sure, that sounds great
◈Meet the food vlogger
◈How about you stay and have lunch with me?
◈Call Reba
◈Want to go out on a date?
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Kiss her
◈Go to bed
◈Work out with Tammy
Walkthrough Pt 3
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Do you have any relationship with your real dad?
◈Kiss her
◈Skip to evening
◈Call Kendra
◈Want to go out on a date?
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Just chit-chat
◈My place
◈Choose an option you haven’t previously
◈Go to bed
◈Visit Tammy at work
◈I could bend you over that counter
◈Talk to Mrs. Mills
◈Have you ever been in love?
◈Visit Jamie
◈Watch TV
◈Absolutely. Come here
◈Kiss her
◈Go to bed
◈Get a drink at the school cafe
◈Oh I’m definitely interested
◈Social Studies homework
◈Wow, that’s hot!
It’s a living – Help Mrs. Mills out in exchange for a bonus on your next paycheck.
◈Call Kendra
◈Want to go out on a date?
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Just chit-chat
◈My place
◈Choose an option you haven’t previously
◈Do Social Studies homework
◈Visit the school counsellor
◈My father
◈Social Studies homework
◈Call Kendra
◈Want to go out on a date?
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Just chit-chat
◈My place
◈Choose an option you haven’t previously
◈Go to bed
◈Visit Gertrude
◈My job
◈A cute one
◈Sure, I’ll go
◈Get to work
◈Because I believe in the cause
◈Uh, that sounds good
◈Go to bed
◈Visit Gertrude
◈Oh yeah
◈I understand
◈Get to work
◈Yes ma’am
◈Visit Jamie
◈Watch TV
◈I want to do a lot more than kiss
◈Peek through Jamie’s window
◈Go to bed
◈Close your eyes and enjoy it
◈Let it happen
Eyes Wide Shut – Peek when Tammy tells you not to
◈MMA training with Tammy
◈<Your choice>
◈MMA training with Tammy
◈Eat ♥♥♥♥♥
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈What’s the kinkiest thing you’ve ever done?
◈Kiss her
◈Check out Brandi’s livestream
◈Call Brandi
◈Go to bed
◈Work out with Tammy
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈What is your most embarrassing moment?
◈Kiss her
◈Skip to evening
◈Sure, sounds great
◈Let’s just take it slow and figure it out together
◈I did
◈I can pay for it
◈Call Brandi
◈Just chat
◈Where are you from?
◈Visit Gertrude
◈This girl that lives next door to me
◈Are you okay?
◈Get to work
◈Call Brandi
◈Just chat
◈Do you have any hobbies?
◈Visit Gertrude
◈How could he lose interest in you?
◈You’re not that much older than me
◈Talk to Dana
◈Let’s go to the file room
◈Inside her
◈Do it
◈I need to turn the tables
◈Okay, I get it
◈The Park
Let’s get it right this time – Have your first date with Jamie.
◈Just chit-chat
◈Do you still think about your mom a lot?
◈Kiss her
◈Peek through Jamie’s window
◈Do Social Studies homework
◈Visit Gertrude
◈Talk to Dana
◈Let’s go to the file room
◈In her ♥♥♥♥♥
◈Sure, sounds fun
◈Kiss her
◈Call Brandi
◈Just chat
◈What’s your favorite food?
◈Visit Gertrude
◈I volunteer as tribute
◈Hug her
◈Social Studies homework
◈Visit Jamie
◈Ask out
◈The Park
◈Just chit-chat
◈Tell her
◈How’s your relationship with your dad?
◈Kiss her
◈Do Social Studies homework
◈Visit Gertrude
◈After college
◈Social Studies homework
◈Whatever you’d like ma’am
◈Yes ma’am
◈Visit Jamie
◈Ask out
◈The Park
◈Just chit-chat
◈Do you have any close friends?
◈Well you have me
◈Kiss her
◈Call Brandi
◈Just chat
◈What are you most proud of?
◈Sure you can
◈Only if you’re sure
◈I love you too, Suzy
Tender is the Night – Suzy doesn’t want to sleep alone
◈Visit Lisa in the kitchen
◈Breakfast with Lisa
◈Do you like to drink?
◈Skip to evening
◈Sure, sounds great
◈Kiss her
Like and subscribe! – Have your first kiss on camera with Brandi
◈Peek on Suzy in the bathroom
◈Go in and join her
◈♥♥♥ inside
◈Come sleep with me tonight
◈Visit Lisa in the kitchen
◈Breakfast with Lisa
◈How was your relationship with Dad?
◈Skip to evening
◈Call Brandi
◈Just chat
◈What’s your favorite holiday?
◈Peek on Suzy in the bathroom
◈Go in and hug her from behind
◈Pull her panties down and bend her over
◈♥♥♥ inside
◈Come sleep with me tonight
◈Visit Gertrude
◈I’m gentle
◈Close your eyes
◈Close your eyes
Red-handed – Catch Gertrude when your eyes are supposed to be closed
◈It’s okay, I don’t mind
◈Okay, but you have to do something for me
◈<Your choice>
◈Visit Suzy in her bedroom
◈Come sleep with me tonight
◈♥♥♥ inside
◈Visit Gertrude
◈I want to know more about you
◈Okay sounds good
◈Talk to Mrs. Mills
◈Can I call you Rhonda?
◈{Continue story}
I’m doing my part! – Exercise your voting rights with Ms. Welch
◈Yes, I do
◈Visit Suzy in her bedroom
◈Come sleep with me tonight
◈Inside her
◈Visit Gertrude
◈My mom
◈Social Studies homework
◈Sure, sounds great
◈Let her continue
◈Call Brandi
◈Just chat
◈How do you feel about me dating other women?
◈Visit Gertrude
◈Sex with a married woman
◈Maybe it would be worth it
◈Social Studies homework
◈Yes ma’am
◈Yes ma’am
◈Visit Tammy at work
◈Go to bed
◈Visit Gertrude
◈Oh yes
◈Show her
◈Talk to Mrs. Mills
◈I’d love to
◈Yes, ma’am
◈Just chit-chat
◈Yes, ma’am
◈Call Brandi
◈Just chat
◈What would your ideal vacation be?
◈Visit Lisa in the kitchen
◈Breakfast with Lisa
Walkthrough Pt 4
◈How is work going?
◈Skip to evening
◈That sounds great
◈Okay, no problem
◈Let her continue
◈Call Brandi
◈Just chat
◈Do you have any close friends?
◈New phone, who dis?
◈I miss you too
◈Visit Lisa in the kitchen
◈Breakfast with Lisa
◈Do you have any major regrets?
◈Skip to evening
◈Call Brandi
◈Go on a date
◈Just chit-chat
◈I’m dating a few other people
◈Are your parents good cooks?
◈Go to bed
◈Visit Gertrude
◈Do it
◈Get to work
◈Yes, ma’am
◈Call Brandi
◈Go on a date
◈Just chit-chat
◈Do you have any siblings?
◈Go to bed
◈Come lie in bed with me
◈Visit Gertrude
◈Let’s ♥♥♥♥
◈Click the button
◈Inside her
◈Talk to Mrs. Mills
◈I’d love to
◈Yes, ma’am
◈Just chit-chat
◈Yes, ma’am
◈Watch Brandi’s livestream
◈Visit Gertrude
◈Let’s ♥♥♥♥
◈<Your choice>
◈Get to work
◈Call Brandi
◈Go on a date
◈Just chit-chat
◈Whipped Cream
◈What would you be doing if not streaming?
◈Of course I do
◈{Continue story}
Hydration is key – Conclude three times in one day.
◈Visit Gertrude
◈Let’s ♥♥♥♥
◈Choose something different than what you did previously
◈Get to work
◈Yes, ma’am
◈Visit Jamie
◈Ask out
◈The Park
◈Just chit-chat
◈Your personality
◈What’s the thing you’re most passionate about?
◈That’s nice. I envy that
◈Kiss her
◈Call Ms. Welch
◈Do you have any close family?
◈Sounds good to me
◈{Continue story}
A Cord of Three – Enter a throuple relationship.
◈Visit Gertrude
◈Let’s ♥♥♥♥
◈Choose something different than what you did previously
◈Get to work
◈Visit Jamie
◈Ask out
◈The Park
◈Just chit-chat
◈What do you most want to accomplish in your life?
◈Sounds nice
◈Kiss her
◈It’s really hot
◈Call Brandi
◈Just chat
◈What’s the weirdest thing that’s happened to you from live streaming?
◈Visit Lisa in the kitchen
◈Breakfast with Lisa
◈What are you most proud of?
◈Skip to evening
◈Call Brandi
◈Go on a date
◈Just chit-chat
◈Just chit-chat
◈Of course I do
◈Doggy style
◈<Your choice>
◈Of course
◈Visit Lisa in the kitchen
◈Breakfast with Lisa
◈How did you meet my dad?
◈Skip to evening
◈Call Brandi
◈Go on a date
◈Just chit-chat
◈Just chit-chat
◈Of course I do
◈<Your choice>
◈Of course
◈Visit Gertrude
◈Let’s ♥♥♥♥
◈Choose something different than what you did previously
◈Get to work
◈Yes ma’am
◈Call Brandi
◈Go on a date
◈Movie Theater
◈Just chit-chat
◈Just chit-chat
◈Of course I do
◈<Your choice>
◈Of course
◈Visit Gertrude
◈Let’s ♥♥♥♥
◈Choose something different than what you did previously
◈Get to work
◈Watch Brandi’s livestream
◈Go to bed
◈I’m just going to get Dana and leave
◈She doesn’t want you
◈Grab him and yell at him
◈{Continue story}
Don’t you love her as she’s walkin’ out the door? – Help Dana leave her abusive fiancé.
◈I really care about her
◈Get to work
◈Visit Jamie
◈Ask out
◈The Park
◈Just chit-chat
◈How did you lose your virginity?
◈Maybe I can help with that?
◈Kiss her
◈Do Social Studies homework
◈Visit Gertrude
◈Just talk
◈Yes, I’d love to be her friend
◈Social Studies homework
◈Yes ma’am
◈Visit Jamie
◈Ask out
◈Jackson Burger
◈Just chit-chat
◈Do you masturbate a lot?
◈Kiss her
◈Call Ms. Welch
◈What is it that you like about me?
◈Visit Gertrude
◈Social Studies homework
◈How was your day?
◈Only if you want it to be
◈Tell me why first
◈Call Ms. Welch
◈Have you ever been arrested for protesting?
◈Visit Lisa in the kitchen
◈Breakfast with Lisa
◈Where is the key to Dad’s car?
◈Skip to evening
◈Yeah, that sounds fun
◈Smoke up
◈I agree
◈Hot Tub
◈Kiss her back
◈Visit Lisa in the kitchen
◈Breakfast with Lisa
◈Would you like another job? What would you like to do?
◈Skip to evening
◈Call Ms. Welch
◈What do you do for fun?
◈Call Ms. Welch
◈Who is your closest friend?
◈Visit Gertrude
◈I’d like that
◈Uh yeah, absolutely
◈Get to work
◈Yes, ma’am
◈Do you have any hobbies?
◈What kind of medicine do you want to specialize in?
◈Keep talking
◈Call Dana
◈Stay the night
◈Top left -> top right -> bottom right
◈Visit Gertrude
◈Just talk
◈Can we meet outside of your office?
◈Talk to Mrs. Mills
◈I’d love to
◈Yes, ma’am
◈Just chit-chat
◈Yes, ma’am
◈Call Ms. Welch
◈Is your hair always going to be purple?
◈Visit Gertrude
◈I understand
◈Get to work
◈Call Dana
◈Go on a date
◈The Pit
◈Just chit-chat
◈What is your dream date?
◈♥♥♥♥ yes
◈<Your choice>
◈Visit Gertrude
◈Just talk
◈What would you do if somebody found out about us?
◈Get to work
◈Yes, ma’am
◈Call Dana
◈Go on a date
◈The Pit
◈Just chit-chat
◈Do you have any sexual fantasies?
◈♥♥♥♥ yes
◈<Your choice>
◈Visit Lisa in the kitchen
◈Breakfast with Lisa
◈Have you ever been to a concert?
◈{Continue story}
Out of the Office – Meet Gertrude outside of her office for the first time.
◈Skip to evening
◈Call Dana
◈Go on a date
◈The Pit
◈Just chit-chat
◈That sounds hot as ♥♥♥♥
◈How are you liking single life so far?
◈♥♥♥♥ yes
◈<Your choice>
Walkthrough Pt 5
◈Visit Gertrude
◈Let’s ♥♥♥♥
◈Switch to anal and click button
◈<Your choice>
◈Get to work
◈Yes, ma’am
◈Call Dana
◈Go on a date
◈The Pit
◈Just chit-chat
◈She’s not that bad
◈Are you worried about Terry?
◈♥♥♥♥ yes
◈<Your choice>
◈Have breakfast with Suzy
◈Mess around
◈Cowgirl sex
◈Get to work
◈Call Dana
◈Go on a date
◈The Pit
◈Just chit-chat
◈Just chit-chat
◈♥♥♥♥ yes
◈<Your choice>
◈Visit Mi-Cha
◈Get to work
◈Visit Jamie
◈Ask out
◈Movie Theater
◈Something romantic
◈Just chit-chat
◈Just chit-chat
◈Kiss her
◈Call Ms. Welch
◈Does age matter to you in a relationship?
◈Visit Mi-Cha
◈Just chat
◈What do you miss about Korea?
◈Get to work
◈Yes, ma’am
◈Call Dana
◈Go on a date
◈The Movie Theater
◈Just chit-chat
◈Just chit-chat
◈You don’t have to tell me twice
◈<Your choice>
◈Visit Mi-Cha
◈Just chat
◈What surprised you the most about coming to America?
◈Get to work
◈Do you want children?
◈Do you have any sexual fantasies?
◈Call Ms. Welch
◈Go stay the night
◈<Your choice>
◈Skip to afternoon
◈Skip to evening
◈Call Ms. Welch
◈Meet up
◈Movie Theater
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Of course
◈Have you even been with another student?
◈Since day one
◈Choose something different than what you did previously
◈Skip to afternoon
◈Skip to evening
◈Call Ms. Welch
◈Meet up
◈Movie Theater
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈I agree
◈What happened with your ex-husband?
◈Choose something different than what you did previously
◈Visit Mi-Cha
◈Just chat
◈What made you come to Skyhill?
◈Well at least that part is not a lie
◈Get to work
◈Yes, ma’am
◈Call Ms. Welch
◈Meet up
◈Movie Theater
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈What would you do if we got caught?
◈Choose something different than what you did previously
◈Visit Mi-Cha
◈Just chat
◈Do you like to dance?
◈Get to work
◈I’m in if you are
◈{Continue story}
If you wanna be my lover… – You gotta get with Nora’s friend.
◈Visit Bai at work
◈Sure that sounds fun
◈$2 – Coffee
◈Get to work
◈Yeah that sounds great
◈Yes, I’d date Bai
◈Any time
◈Call Bai
◈Just chat
◈Where did you move here from?
◈Go to Social Studies class
◈Get to work
◈Yes, ma’am
◈Watch Brandi’s livestream
◈Call Bai
◈Just chat
◈What are you going to school for?
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Visit Suzy in her bedroom
◈Let’s go on a date
◈The movie theater with Tammy
◈What do you two think about your boss at Java Lava?
◈It’s pretty damn nice!
◈Suzy: What was it like for you when Lisa and my dad got together?
◈Let’s go to my room
◈<Your choice> x2
◈Skip to afternoon
◈Call Bai
◈Just chat
◈Do you have any hobbies?
◈Call Kendra
◈Want to go out on a date?
◈Jackson Burger
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Just chit-chat
◈My place
◈Choose something different than what you did previously
◈Call Bai
◈Just chat
◈How’s work?
◈Yeah, I am
◈Skip to afternoon
◈Call Bai
◈Go out?
◈Movie Theater
◈Have you had any serious girlfriends?
◈Well, let me know if you need some company
◈Oh yeah
◈What’s your biggest regret?
◈Ask first
◈Visit Suzy in her bedroom
◈Let’s go on a date
◈The movie theater with Tammy
◈Tammy: Are you going to keep fighting?
◈It’s fine with me
◈Suzy: Why did you get so upset when you saw Tammy and me together?
◈Let’s go to my room
◈<Your choice> x2
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈What are we going to do?
◈No. This time, I’m ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ you
◈Call Bai
◈Just chat
◈Do you live by yourself?
◈Go to Social Studies class
◈Talk to Mrs. Mills
◈I’d love to
◈Whatever the ♥♥♥♥ I want to do
◈Just chit-chat
◈Missionary with choking
◈Call Bai
◈Just chat
◈What were you like in high school?
◈Go to English class
◈Talk to Mrs. Mills
◈I’d love to
◈Whatever the ♥♥♥♥ I want to do
◈Just chit-chat
◈Use her like a ♥♥♥♥ sleeve
◈Call Bai
◈Just chat
◈What is your family like?
◈Go to Social Studies class
◈Talk to Mrs. Mills
◈I’d love to
◈Whatever the ♥♥♥♥ I want to do
◈Just chit-chat
◈♥♥♥♥ her face
◈Call Bai
◈Go to bed
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Sure that sounds fun
◈Yeah, please do
◈Want me to do you too?
◈Sure, let’s watch another movie
Extra Sausage – Enjoy pizza and a movie at Bai’s apartment.
◈Call Bai
◈Just chat
◈Do you like to travel?
◈MMA training with Tammy
◈<Your choice> x2
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Would you be interested in having a threesome with another guy?
◈Only if it’s something you would want
◈Kiss her
◈Call Bai
◈Go out?
◈Movie Theater
◈What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?
◈Compatible personalities
◈What’s your biggest fantasy?
◈Sure, let’s go
◈Get a blowjob
◈<Your choice>
◈{Continue story}
Livestream Fail – Brandi makes a big mistake.
◈Skip to afternoon
◈Call Bai
◈Go out?
◈Movie Theater
◈Just chit-chat
◈Not until you
◈What’s your biggest turn-on?
◈Sure, let’s go
◈Go to English class
Walkthrough Pt 6
◈Get to work
◈Visit Jamie
◈<Your choice>
◈Call Bai
◈Just chat
◈Propose a threesome with Tammy
◈Go to Social Studies class
◈Get to work
◈Call Brandi
◈Go on a date
◈Just chit-chat
◈Are you worried about your parents seeing our sex tape?
◈Of course I do
◈<Your choice> x2
◈Of course
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Call Bai
◈Go out?
◈Movie Theater
◈Just chit-chat
◈Yeah, I’m sure they would
◈Do your siblings know you’re into guys?
◈Sure, let’s go
◈Go to Social Studies class
◈Get to work
◈Call Bai
◈Go out?
◈Movie Theater
◈Just chit-chat
◈Just chit-chat
◈Sure, let’s go
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Call Bai
◈Go out?
◈Movie Theater
◈Just chit-chat
◈Just chit-chat
◈Sure, let’s go
◈Work out with Tammy
◈Finish in Tammy
◈Call Bai
◈Go out?
◈Movie Theater
◈Just chit-chat
◈Just chit-chat
◈Sure, let’s go
◈Doggy style
◈Skip to afternoon
◈Call Bai
◈Go out?
◈Movie Theater
◈Just chit-chat
◈Just chit-chat
◈Sure, let’s go
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Call Bai
◈Go out?
◈Movie Theater
◈Just chit-chat
◈Just chit-chat
◈Sure, let’s go
◈<Your choice>
◈Go to Social Studies class
◈Get to work
◈Call Bai
◈Go out?
◈The Park
◈Just chit-chat
◈Just chit-chat
◈Sure, let’s go
◈<Your choice>
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Visit Tammy at work
◈Let’s go see a movie with Suzy
◈What kind of movies do you two like?
◈I could never choose between you two
◈Tammy: If you could get out of your parents’ house, would you?
◈Let’s go to my room
◈<Your choice>
◈Go to Social Studies class
◈Get to work
◈Visit Tammy at work
◈Let’s go see a movie with Suzy
◈What superpower would you two want?
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Let’s go to my room
◈<Your choice>
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Visit Tammy at work
◈Let’s go get some ice cream with Suzy
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Let’s go to my room
◈<Your choice>
◈Skip to afternoon
◈{Continue story}
Meet the Parents – Be there for him when Bai comes out.
◈Let’s go to my room
◈<Your choice>
◈Skip to afternoon
◈Call Bai
◈Go out?
◈The Beach
◈Just chit-chat
◈Would you have a threesome with another guy?
◈<Your choice>
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Call Bai
◈Go out?
◈The Park
◈Just chit-chat
◈Just chit-chat
◈Go stand with Bai
◈Oh hell yes
◈Go to Social Studies class
◈Get to work
◈Call Dana
◈Go on a date
◈The Beach
◈Just chit-chat
◈Just chit-chat
◈Yeah, let’s go
◈<Your choice> x2
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Call Kendra
◈Want to go out on a date?
◈The Beach
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Just chit-chat
◈<Your choice>
◈Sounds great to me
◈That sounds fun
◈Go to bed
◈<Your choice>
◈Get to work
◈Call Brandi
◈Go on a date
◈Just chit-chat
◈Sounds fun to me
◈Just chit-chat
◈Of course I do
◈<Your choice> x2
◈Of course
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Visit Suzy in her bedroom
◈Let’s go on a date
◈Let’s go to the beach again
◈Just chit-chat
◈Do you have any sexual fantasies?
◈Exhaust all options
◈Let’s go to my room
◈<Your choice>
◈Skip to afternoon
◈Go to Jackson Burger
◈Age is just a number, baby
◈I wouldn’t mind a piece of you
◈Go to bed
◈Skip to afternoon
◈Skip to evening
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Visit Suzy in her bedroom
◈Let’s go on a date
◈Let’s go to the beach again
◈Just chit-chat
◈What would you do if Lisa found out about us?
◈Let’s go to my room
◈<Your choice>
◈Go to Social Studies class
◈Get to work
◈Visit Suzy in her bedroom
◈Let’s go on a date
◈Let’s go to the beach again
◈Just chit-chat
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Let’s go to my room
◈<Your choice>
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Visit Suzy in her bedroom
◈Let’s go on a date
◈Let’s go get a burger, just you and me
◈Just chit-chat
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Let’s go to my room
◈<Your choice>
◈Go to Social Studies class
◈Get to work
◈Take Suzy and Tammy out
◈♥♥♥♥, yes!
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Visit Suzy in her bedroom
◈Let’s go on a date
◈Let’s go get a burger, just you and me
◈Just chit-chat
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Let’s go to my room
◈<Your choice>
◈Workout with Tammy
◈<Your choice>
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈No questions
◈Kiss her
◈Skip to evening
◈Call Mi-Cha
◈Ask out on date
◈What is your favorite food?
◈You’re cute
◈Have you ever had a boyfriend?
◈Go to bed
◈Skip to afternoon
◈Skip to evening
◈Call Mi-Cha
◈Ask out on date
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Yes, I do
◈Do you have any siblings?
◈Go to bed
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Visit Jamie
◈Watch TV
◈{Continue story}
Don’t touch that… dial? – Get intimate with Jamie during the commercials.
◈Go to bed
◈Go to Social Studies class
◈Get to work
◈Visit Jamie
◈Watch TV
◈Go to bed
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Visit Jamie
◈Watch TV
◈<Your choice>
◈Go to bed
◈Go to Social Studies class
◈Get to work
◈Visit Jamie
◈Ask out
◈Movie Theater
◈Something romantic
◈Just chit-chat
Get it out in the open – Get intimate with Jamie in public.
◈Just chit-chat
◈Kiss her
◈Go to bed
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Let’s do it
I’m a Lover and a Figher – Celebrate Tammy’s second fight.
◈Skip to afternoon
◈Skip to evening
◈Call Mi-cha
◈Ask out on date
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈That sucks, because I really like you
Walkthrough Pt 7
◈Kiss her
◈Go to bed
◈Skip to afternoon
◈Skip to evening
◈Call Mi-cha
◈Ask out on date
◈Is there anywhere you’d want to go on a date?
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Kiss me
◈Climb onto my lap
◈Grind your hips
◈Go to bed
◈It’s okay, I understand
◈I love you too
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Talk to a woman at the school cafe
◈Go to bed
◈Go to Social Studies class
◈Get to work
◈Call Mi-Cha
◈Ask out on date
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈What are you into, sexually?
◈Go to bed
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Call Mi-Cha
◈Ask out on date
◈Movie Theater
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Finger her
◈Of course
◈Go to bed
◈Go to Social Studies class
◈Get to work
◈Visit Jamie
◈A scapegoat
◈A Venn diagram
◈their, they’re
◈Go to bed
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Visit Jamie
◈Go to bed
◈Skip to afternoon
◈Skip to evening
◈Go down on her
◈Call Mi-Cha
◈Just wanting to chat
◈What is your favorite movie?
◈Skip to afternoon
◈Skip to evening
◈Call Mi-Cha
◈Ask out on date
◈Movie Theater
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Let her keep going as she is
◈You did great
◈Go to bed
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Visit Jamie
◈Ask out
◈The Park
◈Just chit-chat
◈Just chit-chat
◈Suggest a blowjob
◈<Your choice>
◈Kiss her
◈Go to bed
◈Go to Social Studies class
◈Get to work
◈Call Mi-Cha
◈Ask out on date
◈Movie Theater
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Tell her to only user her mouth
◈Tell her to take her hand away
◈Teach her to mind
◈Go to bed
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Call Mi-Cha
◈Ask out on date
◈Movie Theater
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Tell her to only user her mouth
◈Tell her to take her hand away
◈Let her finish like this
◈Punish her for spitting
◈Go to bed
◈Go to Social Studies class
◈Get to work
◈Approach the gang in the park
◈I’ll go wherever I want
◈Go to bed
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Go to Jackson Burger
◈Wow, it looks almost as good as you do
◈Leave a tip
◈Go to bed
◈Skip to afternoon
◈Skip to evening
◈Go to Java Lava
◈Uh… yes?
◈Go to bed
◈Skip to afternoon
◈Skip to evening
◈Hang out with Izzy in the park
◈Can I get some of that?
◈I could help you out with that
◈Go to bed
◈Get to work
◈{Continue story}
Resolved Daddy Issues – Work things out with Jamie and her father.
◈Call Jamie
◈Want to come stay the night?
◈<Your choice>
◈Of course
◈Visit Mi-Cha
◈Get to work
◈Visit Jamie
◈Ask out
◈The Grotto
◈Just chit-chat
◈Just chit-chat
◈Invite her over
◈Choose the other option that you didn’t pick before
◈Of course
◈Go to English class
◈Sounds good to me
◈Get to work
◈Sounds good to me
◈Peek through Jamie’s window
◈Go to bed
◈Go to Social Studies class
◈Get to work
◈Visit Jamie
◈Ask out
◈The Grotto
◈Just chit-chat
◈Just chit-chat
◈♥♥♥♥ her by the car
◈Invite her over
◈Switch to anal
◈Of course
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Visit Jamie
◈Ask out
◈Jackson Burger
◈Just chit-chat
◈Just chit-chat
◈Suggest a handjob
Secret Sauce – Make some sauce at Jackson Burger.
◈Invite her over
◈Switch to anal
◈Click all buttons
◈Of course
◈Skip to afternoon
◈Skip to evening
◈Hang out with Izzy in the park
◈Call Izzy
◈Just chat
◈What do you like to do in your spare time?
◈I guess they could be
◈Sounds like it to me
◈Skip to afternoon
◈Skip to evening
◈Call Mrs. McGee
◈Could I come over?
◈Click all three buttons on left -> Click button top-right
◈Go ahead
◈Click remaining two buttons on the right
◈Click Pete button
◈Click jerking button
◈Click the 3 people button
◈Invite him to join
◈Click all buttons
Full of Bull – Go visit the McGee’s for some special time.
◈Call Izzy
◈Just chat
◈What kind of music do you like?
◈Oh yeah
◈God yes
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Visit Mari at work
◈◈Much better now
◈It’s okay, I don’t mind the view
◈Leave a tip
◈Call Izzy
◈Just chat
◈What’s your favorite kind of food?
◈Oh yeah
◈Go to Social Studies class
◈Get to work
◈Call Mrs. McGee
◈Could I come over?
◈Switch to anal and go through all options
◈Call Izzy
◈Just chat
◈What’s the last place you would want to go?
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Visit Jamie
◈Ask out
◈Movie Theater
◈Something funny
◈Just chit-chat
◈Just chit-chat
◈Kiss her
◈Call Izzy
◈Just chat
◈So what’s up with you and Devon?
◈I volunteer as tribute
◈Go to Social Studies class
◈Get to work
◈Visit Mari at work
◈Is anything wrong?
◈Sure, that’s no problem
◈I wouldn’t ever kick you out
◈Call Izzy
◈Just chat
◈Do you have any family?
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Visit Mari at work
◈Ask her out
◈Leave a tip
◈Call Izzy
◈Just chat
◈What’s the kinkiest thing you’ve ever done?
◈Call Mari
◈You are gorgeous
◈What do you like to do in your free time?
◈Of course
◈No reason to be embarrassed
Walkthrough Pt 8
◈A date
◈What happened to your parents?
◈Only if you want to tell it
◈Hug her
◈Kiss her
◈Call Mari
◈Just talk
◈Are you more of an indoors or outdoors person?
◈Definitely a wolf
◈A rabbit
◈Hang out with Izzy in the park
◈Call Mari
◈Just talk
◈Are you more a morning person or a night owl?
◈It’s impressive how much you do
◈It does sound beautiful when you put it like that
◈Call Mari
◈Ask her out on a date
◈The Park
◈Do you watch any sports?
◈I love sports
◈Do you like your job?
◈He does seem like a nice guy
◈That doesn’t bother you?
◈Not at all
◈Kiss her
◈Call Mari
◈Just talk
◈What are you most afraid of?
◈Call Mari
◈Just talk
◈What’s the worst thing about being a woman?
◈Call Mari
◈Just talk
◈What’s your ideal date?
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Visit Mari at work
◈Go out after work?
◈What are you most proud of?
◈What is the biggest turnoff for you?
◈I agree
◈Pet the dogs
◈Yes please
◈Eat that ♥♥♥♥♥
◈<Your choice>
◈No, I really like you, Mari
Booty in the boonies – Get invited into Mari’s house.
◈Go to bed
◈Go to Social Studies class
◈Get to work
◈Visit Mari at work
◈Go out after work?
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈No, never
◈Do you have any close friends?
◈I think we’re pretty close
◈All left buttons then all right buttons -> Finish
◈<Your choice>
◈Go to bed
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Visit Mari at work
◈Go out after work?
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Your attitude
◈When did you lose your virginity?
◈<Your choices>
◈Go to bed
◈Go to Social Studies class
◈Get to work
◈Visit Mari at work
◈Go out after work?
◈The bar
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈What’s your biggest sex fantasy?
◈There’s not anything that would stop me from liking you
◈<Your choices>
◈Go to bed
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Visit Mari at work
◈Go out after work?
◈Movie Theater
◈Something animated
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈No questions
◈<Your choices>
◈Go to bed
◈Skip to afternoon
◈Skip to evening
◈Hang out with Izzy in the park
◈I’m not scared of him
◈Well okay then
◈Go to bed
◈I love you too
Rural Romance – Profess your love to Mari.
◈Skip to afternoon
◈Skip to evening
◈Hang out with Izzy in the park
◈Do it
◈Yeah that sounds great
◈Call Mari
◈Go visit her
◈Go through all options -> Finish
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Call Mi-Cha
◈Ask out on date
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Yes, I do
◈Call Izzy
◈Just chat
◈Do you want to go on a date sometime?
◈Sure that sounds fun
◈I’m TOTALLY into it
◈♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, this is hot
◈Visit Gertrude
◈Let’s ♥♥♥♥
◈Go through all options -> finish
◈Get to work
◈Talk to a woman at the school cafe
◈Call Mari
◈Go visit her
◈Wear your wolf costume
◈Go through all options -> finish
◈Yes, I do
◈No questions
◈Visit Gertrude
◈Let’s ♥♥♥♥
◈Get to work
◈Sure, I’ll be right over
◈I do
◈Go to bed
◈Go to Social Studies class
◈Get to work
◈Make something up
◈Go to bed
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Talk to a woman at the school cafe
◈I might be
◈Follow her
◈Go to bed
◈Skip to afternoon
◈Skip to evening
◈Call Mi-Cha
◈Ask out on a date
◈Why don’t you want to go back to Korea?
◈I love you too
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Punish her
◈Tit♥♥♥♥ with nipple clamps
◈Go to bed
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Talk to a woman at the school cafe
◈Go to bed
◈Go to Social Studies class
◈Get to work
◈Maybe, but I like it
◈A date actually, this is Claire
◈Sounds good to me
◈But I am okay with that
◈Pay for dinner
◈No hard feelings
◈I’d ♥♥♥♥ her again, for sure
◈Go to bed
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Get to work
◈Just chit-chat
◈How did your brothers end up in your care?
◈Top-left button
◈Are you really going to give up drugs?
◈Get to work
◈Call Izzy
◈Go on a date
◈Movie Theater
◈Just chit-chat
◈Whatever you want to do, baby
◈What kind of job would you like to have?
◈<Your choice>
◈Tell her about the job opening at Jackson Burger
◈Skip to afternoon
◈No, go back! I really want that threesome scene
◈Call Izzy
◈Go on a date
◈Movie Theater
◈Just chit-chat
◈Because I like you, Izzy
◈Would you ever settle down and get married?
◈Choose something else than what you did previously
◈Just chit-chat
◈Skip to afternoon
◈Skip to evening
◈Call Izzy
◈Go on a date
◈Just chit-chat
◈Just chit-chat
◈Choose all options
◈Just chit-chat
◈Get to work
◈Izzy’s new job
◈Call Izzy
◈Just chat
◈What happened to Moose and Mal?
◈Go to Social Studies class
◈Get to work
◈Visit Izzy at work
◈Go out after work?
◈The Beach
◈Just chit-chat
◈Just chit-chat
Walkthrough Pt 9
◈Choose all options
◈Just chit-chat
◈Get to work
◈Get a drink at the school cafe
◈Yeah, it’s great
◈Go to bed
◈Go to Social Studies class
◈Get to work
◈Comfort Lisa
◈Check on her
◈Sure, you’re pretty
◈Your butt is amazing
◈Go to bed
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈{Continue story}
Wood for Sheep – Play a board game with the gang.
◈Skip to afternoon
◈Skip to evening
◈Call Detective Rodriguez
◈Bump into Adrian at the supermarket
◈See anything good?
◈Call Adrian
◈Help unlock Dad’s laptop
◈Search through Dad’s laptop
◈Call Adrian
◈Just chat
◈Where are you from?
◈Search Dad’s laptop
◈Skip to evening
◈Call Detective Rodriguez
◈Sure I’ll be there in five minutes
◈You just look so young
◈E-mail Whitney
◈Check on Lisa
◈Keep watching
◈Call Adrian
◈Just chat
◈Do you have a job?
◈Check E-mail
◈Go to English class
◈That sounds great
◈Get to work
◈Visit Izzy at work
◈Well I wouldn’t say no to it
◈Sure, it’s kind of hot
◈Yeah, if I’m with you
◈Study with Juliana
◈Get to work
◈Call Adrian
◈Just chat
◈What’s your favorite video game?
◈I love those games too
◈Call Adrian
◈Just chat
◈What’s your proudest moment?
◈Yeah I saw it, very nice
◈Okay, I will
◈Save it
Nothing to see here! – Get an accidental text from Jez.
◈Study with Juliana
◈Get to work
◈Call Adrian
◈Just chat
◈What’s the thing about the world that you dislike the most?
◈Call Adrian
◈Just chat
◈Do you have a vehicle?
◈Study with Juliana
◈Return her gaze
◈I’d like that
◈That sounds fun
◈Get to work
◈It’s okay, I get it
◈Watch the screen
◈Call Adrian
◈Just chat
◈What superpower would you want?
◈Sure, what’s going on?
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Visit Suzy in her bedroom
◈Let’s go on a date
◈Let’s go get a burger, just you and me
◈Just chit-chat
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Let’s go to my room
◈Just sleep
◈Breakfast with Lisa
◈Exhaust all options
◈Good. Not having any problems
◈I’m seeing one right here
◈Help Lisa in the bathroom
◈Walk in
◈Yeah, lucky me
◈That’s ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hot
◈Skip to night
◈Call Jez
◈Just chat
◈Where are you from?
◈It’s okay, landlady
◈I really didn’t mind
◈Yes please
◈Go faster
A more hands-on approach – Lisa visits your bedroom at night.
◈She was cute too…
I’m something of a scientist myself – Meet Whitney for the first time.
◈Call Whitney
◈Just chat
◈Why did you help my dad?
◈Call Whitney
◈Just chat
◈Do you live in Skyhill?
◈Call Jez
◈Just chat
◈How long have you been a cop?
◈Visit Gertrude
◈Just talk
◈Other worlds
◈Get to work
◈Just working and school mostly
◈Oh yes
◈Call Jez
◈Just chat
◈Do you have any hobbies?
◈Go to Social Studies class
◈Get to work
◈Call Whitney
◈Just chat
◈Do you have any family?
◈Call Whitney
◈Just chat
◈What do you do for fun?
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Call Whitney
◈Just chat
◈Have you ever had a pet?
◈Call Whitney
◈Just chat
◈Are you involved in politics?
◈Go to Social Studies class
◈Get to work
◈Call Whitney
◈Just chat
◈Do you have family back in Pakistan?
◈Call Jez
◈Just chat
◈How often do you accidentally send a nude to the wrong person?
◈I’m looking forward to that too
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Visit Juliana at work
◈I’m honored
◈Kiss her
◈Call Jez
◈Just chat
◈Do you like your job?
◈Hopefully some other time soon
◈Skip to evening
◈Skip to night
◈Call Jez
◈Just chat
◈What kind of food do you like?
◈wish I were lying there beside you
◈Skip to afternoon
◈Skip to evening
◈Skip to night
◈Play Souls of War with Adrian
◈Send her a ♥♥♥♥ pic
◈Study with Juliana
◈Sure, that sounds nice
◈What do you do for fun?
◈So, are you a virgin?
◈Kiss her
◈Get to work
◈Watch TV with Lisa
◈Sure, landlady
◈Play Souls of War with Adrian
◈Kiss her
◈Roughness is in my nature
◈Jerk off
◈Study with Juliana
◈Go to the park
◈What’s your favorite book?
◈I read some
◈Why do you live with your grandma?
◈Kiss her
◈Get to work
Full Disclosure – Adrain comes out as transgender to you.
◈Woah really?
◈It feels great, but I want to make you feel good too
◈Call Jez
◈Just chat
◈What would your dream vacation be?
◈That does sound fun
◈I would set the mood
◈Begin to slide your clothes off
◈Kiss you sensually while rubbing you
◈Slide my ♥♥♥♥ inside of you
◈We would orgasm together
◈Study with Juliana
◈Go to the park
◈What are you majoring in?
◈That makes sense
◈Do you watch porn?
◈Kiss her
◈Get to work
◈Sure, let’s do it
◈Do you ever play any adult games?
◈Are you into women too, or just guys?
◈Get a blowjob
◈<Your choice>
◈Call Jez
◈Just chat
◈Do you have any pets?
◈Study with Juliana
◈Go to the park
◈Do you have any pets?
◈The love is worth it
◈No questions
◈Kiss her
◈Get to work
◈Visit Juliana at work
◈Chat with Juliana
◈Where would you most want to travel?
◈Call Juliana
◈Just wanting to chat
◈Where are you from?
◈Study with Juliana
◈Go to the park
◈Do you have any siblings?
◈No questions
◈Kiss her
◈Get to work
Walkthrough Pt 10
◈Visit Juliana at work
◈Chat with Juliana
◈What would you do if you had a million dollars?
◈Call Juliana
◈Just wanting to chat
◈What skill do you wish you had?
◈Skip to evening
◈I like your hair
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈No questions
◈Oh yes
◈Heck yes I do
◈I can do that
◈{Continue story}
Deep undercover – Stay the night at Jez’s house.
◈Skip to afternoon
◈Skip to evening
◈Call Adrian
◈Ask out on a date
◈Movie Theater
◈Has your father tried to contact you since moving here?
◈Take off your clothes first
◈Top-left button
◈Go to bed
◈Tell me what you want
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Watch TV with Lisa
◈Mess around with Lisa
◈<Your choice>
◈Go to bed
◈You should do it
◈Go to Social Studies class
◈Get to work
◈Visit Juliana at work
◈Ask Juliana out
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈No questions
◈Oh yes
◈Two top-left buttons
◈Go to bed
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Call Detective Rodriguez
◈Tell her about the meth lab
◈It’s not important how I know
Snitches get stitches – Tell Jez about the meth lab.
◈Visit Juliana at work
◈Ask Juliana out
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈No questions
◈Oh yes
◈Tits option
◈Go to bed
◈Go to Social Studies class
◈Get to work
◈Visit Juliana at work
◈Ask Juliana out
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈No questions
◈Oh yes
◈Finger option
◈Play Souls of War with Adrian
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Call Adrian
◈Ask out on a date
◈Movie Theater
◈When was the last time you had an orgasm?
◈Choose something different than you did previously
◈Go to bed
◈Go use your tongue to help her
◈I’m on my way
◈{Continue story}
Let’s Smash – Spend a night smashing with Adrian.
◈Cool! Yeah, let’s go
◈What do you think about Ms. Welch?
◈Two top-right buttons
◈Call Brandi
◈Go on a date
◈Just chit-chat
◈Just chit-chat
◈Of course I do
◈<Your choices>
◈Of course
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Visit Izzy at work
◈Go out after work?
◈The Arcade
◈Just chit-chat
◈Just chit-chat
◈<Your choices>
◈Just chit-chat
◈Get to work
◈Call Ms. Welch
◈Meet up
◈Movie Theater
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈<Your choices>
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Call Adrian
◈Ask out on a date
◈Choose a different option than you did previously
◈Help Lisa in her bedroom
◈Offer to help
◈Go to Social Studies class
◈Get to work
◈Sure, let’s do it
◈Just chit-chat
◈What was your craziest case?
◈Go to bed
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Call Mi-Cha
◈Ask out on date
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈<Your choices>
◈Go to bed
◈Yeah, I’m dating somebody
◈I’ll pay
◈Why not?
◈She’s too cute to pass up
◈Call Jez
◈Sure, let’s do it
◈The Pit
◈Just chit-chat
◈Do you still talk to Javi’s dad?
◈Go to bed
◈Hug her from behind
◈Kiss her neck
◈Oh heck yeah
◈Go to bed
◈Try the key in the basement
◈Get to work
◈Call Adrian
◈Ask out on a date
◈Movie Theater
◈Yes, I would
◈Choose options that you didn’t choose previously
◈Tell Lisa about the safe
◈Go to Social Studies class
◈Get to work
◈Sure, let’s do it
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈How old are you?
◈Call Whitney
◈Just chat
◈Can you swim?
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Call Jez
◈Sure, let’s do it
◈The Pit
◈Just chit-chat
◈Just weed occasionally
◈Are you left-handed?
◈Go to bed
◈Go to Social Studies class
◈Get to work
◈Call Jez
◈Sure, let’s do it
◈Just chit-chat
◈Just chit-chat
◈An invitation from Lisa
◈Sure, I’ll go
◈Go to bed
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Call Jez
◈Sure, let’s do it
◈The Park
◈Just chit-chat
◈Just chit-chat
◈Go to bed
◈That sounds great
◈Come live with me
Her first time was in-tents – Share a tent with Reba.
◈Call Mari
◈I know somebody who may be able to help fix your truck
◈I really like her
◈I mean…
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Call Reba
◈Want to go out on a date?
◈Jackson Burger
◈Do you like to cook?
◈Do you have any sexual fantasies?
◈Invite her back to your house
◈{Continue story}
Mi Famlia – Meet Jez’s family.
◈Get to work
◈Call Reba
◈Want to go out on a date?
◈Jackson Burger
◈When are you moving?
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Invite her back to your house
◈Eat her ♥♥♥♥♥
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Call Reba
◈Want to go out on a date?
◈Jackson Burger
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Invite her back to your house
◈♥♥♥ inside
◈Go to Social Studies class
◈Get to work
◈Call Reba
◈Want to go out on a date?
◈Jackson Burger
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Invite her back to your house
◈Reverse Cowgirl
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Call Reba
◈Want to go out on a date?
◈Jackson Burger
Walkthrough Pt 11
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Invite her back to your house
◈Doggy style
◈Sing along
◈Go talk to her
◈I want you too
Business and Pleasure – Go on a business trip with Lisa.
◈Visit Lisa in her bedroom
◈Have sex
◈Top right button
◈<Your choice>
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Watch TV with Lisa
◈Mess around with Lisa
◈Reverse Cowgirl
◈<Your choice>
◈Visit Lisa in her bedroom
◈Have sex
◈Bottom right button
◈<Your choice>
◈Go to Social Studies class
◈Get to work
◈Hang out with Lisa
◈Go on a date
◈Movie Theater
◈Just chit-chat
◈Did you sleep with anybody else while you were with Dad?
◈Go have sex with Lisa
◈<Your choices>
◈Yeah, I’ll sleep with you
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Call Brandi
◈Go on a date
◈Just chit-chat
◈Just chit-chat
◈Of course I do
◈<Your choices>
◈Of course
◈Go to Social Studies class
◈Get to work
◈Call Ms. Welch
◈Meet up
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈<Your choices>
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Call Jez
◈Sure, let’s do it
◈The Pit
◈What is being a single mom like?
◈Just chit-chat
◈<Your choices>
◈Go to bed
◈Visit Lisa in the kitchen
◈Kitchen sex with Lisa
◈Skip to evening
◈Call Juliana
◈Ask out on date
◈Movie Theater
◈Something romantic
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈No questions
◈Not tonight
◈Go to bed
◈Heck yeah
◈Study with Juliana
◈Go to the park
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Do you want to have sex with anybody else?
◈Get to work
◈Call Jez
◈Sure, let’s do it
◈The Pit
◈Just chit-chat
◈Just chit-chat
◈Choose something different than you did previously
◈Read Juliana’s manuscript
◈Go to Social Studies class
◈Get to work
◈Call Jez
◈Sure, let’s do it
◈The Pit
◈Just chit-chat
◈Just chit-chat
◈Choose something different than you did previously
◈Read Juliana’s manuscript
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Call Jez
◈Sure, let’s do it
◈The Pit
◈Just chit-chat
◈Just chit-chat
◈Choose something different than you did previously
◈Read Juliana’s manuscript
◈Is it true? You’re in love with me?
◈Go to Social Studies class
◈Get to work
◈Call Jez
◈Sure, let’s do it
◈The Pit
◈Just chit-chat
◈Just chit-chat
◈Choose something different than you did previously
◈Go to bed
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Call Whitney
◈Go on a date
◈Jackson Burger
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈That sounds amazing
◈That sounds great
◈Have you been in any serious relationships?
◈Go to bed
◈Skip to afternoon
◈Skip to evening
◈Go to bed
◈Skip to afternoon
◈Call Bai
◈Go out?
◈The Grotto
◈Just chit-chat
◈Just chit-chat
◈Yeah, let’s go
◈<Your choice>
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈No questions
◈Oh yes
◈Suggest anal
Playing it safe – Follow Juliana’s grandmother’s advice. For safety.
◈Go to bed
◈Go to Social Studies class
◈Get to work
◈Call Dana
◈Go on a date
◈The Grotto
◈Just chit-chat
◈Just chit-chat
◈<Your choices>
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Call Reba
◈Want to go out on a date?
◈Jackson Burger
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Invite her back to your house
◈Go to Social Studies class
◈Get to work
◈Call Reba
◈Want to go out on a date?
◈The Lake
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Invite her up to your room
◈<Your choice>
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Call Kendra
◈Want to go out on a date?
◈The Grotto
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Just chit-chat
◈<Your choices>
◈Go to bed
◈Skip to afternoon
◈Skip to evening
◈Call Juliana
◈Ask out on date
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈No questions
◈Oh yes
◈<Your choices>
◈Go to bed
◈Skip to afternoon
◈Skip to evening
◈Call Juliana
◈Ask out on date
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈No questions
◈Oh yes
◈<Your choices>
◈Go to bed
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Call Adrian
◈Ask out on date
◈<Your choices>
◈Go to bed
◈Go to Social Studies class
◈Get to work
◈Call Adrian
◈Ask out on date
◈<Your choices>
◈Go to bed
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Call Whitney
◈Go on a date
◈Jackson Burger
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈No, just playing the field
◈Of course
◈What is being paralyzed like?
◈Go to bed
◈Go to Social Studies class
◈Get to work
◈Call Whitney
◈Go on a date
◈Jackson Burger
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Go to bed
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Call Whitney
◈Go on a date
◈The Park
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈<Your choice>
◈Go to bed
◈I am, if you are
◈Okay, let’s do it
◈♥♥♥♥ yes, I want that too
◈{Continue story}
Wet Bandit – Celebrate with Whitney after committing a felony.
◈Skip to afternoon
◈Skip to evening
◈Call Whitney
◈Go on a date
◈The Park
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Not really
◈Do you have any sexual fantasies?
◈Prone bone
◈Go to bed
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Call Whitney
◈Go on a date
◈The Park
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Side sex
◈Go to bed
◈Go to Social Studies class
◈Get to work
◈Call Whitney
◈Go on a date
◈The Park
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Go to bed
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Call Whitney
◈Go on a date
◈The Lake
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈<Your choice>
◈Go to bed
◈Go to Social Studies class
◈Get to work
◈Call Adrian
◈Ask out on a date
◈I’m into it
◈<Your choices>
◈Call Bai
◈Threesome with Adrian
◈Suck her ♥♥♥♥
◈Go to bed
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Go to bed
◈Skip to afternoon
◈Skip to evening
◈Call Juliana
◈Ask out on date
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈You’re sweet
◈No questions
◈Oh yes
◈Choose something you didn’t previously
◈Go to bed
◈Skip to afternoon
◈Skip to evening
◈Call Juliana
◈Ask out on date
◈Just chit-chat about something
◈No questions
◈Oh yes
◈Suggest anal
◈Go to bed
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Hang out with Lisa
◈Go on a date
◈The Grotto
◈Just chit-chat
◈Tell her everything
◈Why did you and Dad never get married?
◈<Your choice>
◈Go to Social Studies class
◈Get to work
◈Hang out with Lisa
◈Go on a date
◈The Grotto
◈Just chit-chat
◈Get married. Make a family
◈Have you ever been with another woman?
◈<Your choice>
◈Go to English class
◈Get to work
◈Visit Suzy in her bedroom
◈Let’s go on a date
◈Let’s go to the beach again
◈Just chit-chat
◈Are you really okay with me sleeping with your mom?
◈No it’s not weird
◈Let’s go to my room
◈<Your choice>
At this point the main content is over and most storylines should be complete
Walkthrough Pt 12
Follow these steps to clean up some achievements
The scene for delivering the package for Izzy is bugged but does work in replay
◈Click the Heart icon at the top-right
◈Choose Izzy -> Scenes -> Delivering a package for Izzy
◈Sure, hand it over
◈No problem
I’ve got a bad feeling about this – Deliver a package for Izzy.
Follow the below steps to get the ‘Do this X amount of times’ achievements
During Weekdays
◈Visit Bai at work -> $2 – Coffee (Morning)
◈Play Souls of War with Adrian (Night)
◈Repeat 20x each
Grinding the beans – Order 20 coffees
Just one more turn… – Play Souls of War 20 times.
During Weekends
◈MMA training with Tammy (Morning)
◈No sex
◈Not today
◈Repeat 20x
Gonna need a montage! – Workout or practice MMA at the gym 20 times.
◈Skip to evening
◈Skip to night
◈Play Souls of War with Adrian (If still need this)
Finishing Up
◈No ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ way
◈No ma’am
◈♥♥♥♥ yes, I would
◈I’m not done though
◈Shove your ♥♥♥♥ in her mouth
Who’s the Boss? – Turn things around on Mrs. Mills.
◈Start a new game or use the optional save from early in the guide before you start calling Reba
◈Keep progressing Tammy’s route as much as possible until you complete all 3 sex scenes with her at the gym
◈Then call Reba and start going through options (getting the automatic Reba scenes prior is fine)
◈When she asks you about muddling and you go, you’ll get an option to Block and counterpunch Mickey
If he dies, he dies – Knock Reba’s brother Mickey out when he starts a fight with you.