Home > CosmicBreak Universal > CosmicBreak Universal HP Restore Values

CosmicBreak Universal HP Restore Values

Upon future balance adjustments or changes, the values may change. I’ll update these as often as I can and continue to add newer information. As the title states, this is a compiled list of tested repair values & things i’ve tested.

CosmicBreak Universal HP Restore Values

  • 121: Anna Comet
  • 81: Buff Devastator
  • 81: Papo BS
  • 80: Amy
  • 65: Magic Book
  • 60: Melfi EO
  • 30: Ion chan
  • 36: Medigear AM4
  • 60: Medigear AM2
  • 51: Chibi Melfi
  • 42: Overall Chibi’s
  • 42: HILTI Repair restore
  • 30: Amy’s bed
  • 22: Repair Bit
  • 10: Hilti GARAGE Bit
  • 22: Medic ball repair AM
  • 18: Medic ball’s Ride on
  • 11: Mini Repair Bit
  • 10: Repair unit
  • 51: Orphenous
  • 30: Give repair (Wanderer PATA)
  • 20: Summon Pata (PATA HD)
  • 7: Buff Devastator FL
  • 7: Priestol Q Auto repair field
  • 7: Heat wave AM (Priestol Q)
  • 9: Priestol G Auto repair field
  • 9: Liefy BS
  • 11: Repair gun (Priestol G)
  • 7: Auto repair field (Regina BD)
  • 8: Auto repair + Clearance (Regina BD)
  • 3: Auto repair field (Regina-Chan)
  • 75: Medicarest repair medicine

Useful Information

**Revenge Shot Activation Chances**
Chances of activation increases with the current percentage of maximum HP.
HP Percentage = Trigger probability
For weapons that fire multiple rounds the calculation is based on each individual bullet?

Repair bit total heal duration including amount of HP restored.
Str 1 Tec 40 : ~35 sec, HP 258 (HP 333 + Tough Wonder Bit)
Str 3 Tec 18 : ~40 sec, HP 300
Str 10 Tec 10 : ~45 sec, HP 340
Str 40 Tec 40 : ~69 sec, HP 430

Auto repair information

The tests started with whatever amount of HP I had and then the amount I stopped receiving from auto repair.
Priestol G: 80 > 215 = 135 HP recovered (9HP per tick.)
Priestol Q: 45 > 150 = 105 HP recovered. (7HP per tick.)
Regina: Restores 105 HP total. (7HP per tick.)
Liefy BS: 205 > 259 = 54 HP recovered. (9HP per tick.)
Buff Deva FL: 195 > 300 = 105 HP recovered. (7HP per tick.)

Liefy BS’s auto repair buff lasts 6 seconds.
Buff Devastator FL’s auto buff repair lasts 11 seconds.
Priestol G’s auto repair buff lasts 15 seconds.
Priestol Q’s auto repair buff lasts 15 seconds.
Regina Winberyl’s auto repair buff lasts 15 seconds.

Misc information

  • Medigear Sign restores 5-6% ammo per shot.
  • Bioran HD has ammo regen buff > lasts 8 seconds > regen 6% of ammunition.
  • Medicarest applies all guard for 6 seconds.
  • Medicarest repair medicine grants speed up after the timer.
  • Yunessa’s protection field allows up to 3 people to receive vanics. (Can not be restored with ammo.)
  • Combining Liefy’s auto repair BS with Amy’s repair medicine allows her to bypass the heart clock timer.
  • Repair bit under the power spot or hypershot bit makes the repair bit heal slower than when the effect is not in place.
  • After purifying the auto repair field. The repair field grants auto repair + clearance to players who come into contact with the repair field.
  • Chibi Ion’s purify works on the humanoid version of Regina’s auto repair field but not Regina-Chan.
  • Wanderers Pata bat restores 20 hp (per hit)
  • Give heal drops x5, 30HP repair hit. (Wanderer PATA BD)
  • Shroom BD/AM inflicts Slow turn & Poison
  • Buff devastator BD heals up to 6 people. (Long range buff)
  • Papo BS heals up to 3 allies. (no buffs applied.)
  • Medigear AM3 (book) heals up to 6 people. ( Hypershot buff)
  • Melfi’s repair bubbles heals up to 6 people. (may be changed.)
  • Buff Devastator FL cannot replenish ammo on the shock field (BD2@)
Written by Nansugoi

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