Home > Hogwarts Legacy > Hogwarts Legacy Arithmancy Door Cheat Sheet + Locations

Hogwarts Legacy Arithmancy Door Cheat Sheet + Locations

On your way through Hogwarts you probably came across some Arithmancy doors. Here’s a very simple guide to finding and solving them!

The numbers… what do they mean?

It’s very easy! They go from 0 to 9 starting from the left side.
Arithmancy Door Cheat Sheet + LocationsArithmancy Door Cheat Sheet + Locations
When you interact with the door it shows you two simple math problems:
Arithmancy Door Cheat Sheet + Locations
Somewhere close are two blocks in the wall. You can interact with them to “roll” different pictures. The ? block corresponds to the upper one, the ?? block to the lower one. You can also see this when looking at the alignment of the triangles.
The numbers on the corners of the triangles need to add up to the numbers in the middle.
There’s no sound cue for the right solution, so once you are done just go back to the door and open it.


Named after the nearest Floo point.

Greem Circle: Floo Point
Yellow/Orange Circle: ? and ?? blocks

Astronomy Wing

1. Charms Classroom
Arithmancy Door Cheat Sheet + Locations

2. Transfiguration Classroom
Still locked for me, coming soon!

The Grand Staircase

1. Grand Staircase
The ?? block is directly next to the Floo point, the door and the ? block are up the stairs
Arithmancy Door Cheat Sheet + LocationsArithmancy Door Cheat Sheet + Locations

See also:  Hogwarts Legacy PS5 Controls

2. Grand Staircase
Go up the Spiral staircase until you reach the door. ?? is right across from the door on the middle column.
Arithmancy Door Cheat Sheet + LocationsArithmancy Door Cheat Sheet + Locations

3. Ravenclaw Common Room
Arithmancy Door Cheat Sheet + LocationsArithmancy Door Cheat Sheet + Locations

The Great Hall

1. Great Hall
Arithmancy Door Cheat Sheet + Locations

Library Annex

1. Divination Classrom
Arithmancy Door Cheat Sheet + LocationsArithmancy Door Cheat Sheet + Locations

2. & 3. Divination Classrom
After heading through door six and following the corridor you get to the Arithmancy classroom, which has two doors in it.
Arithmancy Door Cheat Sheet + Locations

4. Potions Classroom
Arithmancy Door Cheat Sheet + Locations

5. Potions Classroom
Locked behind Door, coming soon

South Wing

1. Faculty Tower
Still locked for me, coming soon!

Written by pawpawkitty

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