Human Fall Flat Console Commands & Cheats
This guide will tell you how to access the console and all of the known commands.
Opening the console
To open the console you need to press ` which is located to the left of 1 on a keyboard.
- climbcheat – activates climbing cheat
Note: If you use cheats you will not get achievements.
Multiplayer commands
Note: Need to be written into chat not console.
If you are the lobby leader in Multiplayer you can use these commands:
- /list: shows all the players on the server
- /kick (playername): kicks the player
- /mute (playername): mutes the player
General commands
Jump to Checkpoint
Enter L, then level number 0-7, then checkpoint number without spaces and press Enter to jump to specific location in the game.
1st Person Camera
FPS+Enter – Switch to experimental FPS mode.
In game you can press * (multiplay at numpad) it will start capturing frames. Pressing * again will stop capturing and enter play mode. In play mode you have the following shortcuts:
- * Left arrow – rewind
- * Right arrow – forward
- * Shift left/right – fast forward/rewind
- * Space – play/pause
- * Shift+Space – reverse play
- [ and ] – change camera zoom (e.g. fall animation)
- Comma, Period – increase decrease fog density (more isometric shots would look desatured without this)
- F6 – freeze/unfreeze time (to capture a still)
- F7 – toggle fullscreen camera in COOP mode
- F8 – enter FreeRoam camera mode – enables moving camera and capturing keyframed camera animations
- Ctrl+Shift+T – slow-motion – time becomes 2x slower
- Ctrl+Shift+R – frame video capture (will slow game time to export PNGs)
Free-Roam Camera
Once in the free-roam camera the following shortcuts are enabled to control the camera:
- * WASD – move around
- * Q – up and Z – down
- * Mouselook – look around
- * Mousewheel – change FOV
Key Frame
- * 1-9 – Create regular keyframe at current recorder frame (remembering camera world position and rotation)
- * Shift 1-9 – Create targeted keyframe looking at human (stores camera world position, camera rotation will be set to look at the human – it might get shaky with fixed camera looking at jumping human)
- * Ctrl 1-9 – Create human keyframe (camera position relative to human is remembered)
- * 0 clear keyframes
- You can mix and match all three types of keyframes (regular, targeted, human).
- Without recorder you are limited to 2 keyframes (1 & 2), pressing space will interpolate those 2 using a 10 second animation.