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Project Zomboid Cheats & Console Commands
In Project Zomboid, cheats are activated via chat using the / key.
How to enter cheat codes
In order to use cheat codes in Project Zomboid, you must have administrator rights on the server.
Use the in-game chat to enter the cheat code.
(the cheat code must start with a / ), then send the command to the chat.
General console commands
- /addalltowhitelist – add all players with a password to the “white” list.
- /alarm — trigger a siren in the room where the administrator is located.
- /chopper – cause the sound of a helicopter from an arbitrary player.
- /connections — to get information about all connections.
- /gunshot – make a gunshot sound next to a random player.
- /help – show all available commands.
- /players – call up a list of all connected players.
- /quit – stop the server with a previous save.
- /reloadoptions — Reload options from the “ServerOptions.ini” file.
- /sendpulse — displays server performance to the client.
- /showoptions — Displays server options.
- / Startrain – cause rain.
- /stoprain – remove rain.
- /thunder start – cause thunder.
- /thunder stop – remove thunder.
- /save – save server progress.
Server admin commands
Please note that when entering these commands, instead of the word “name” you need to write the nickname of a certain player, instead of the word “number” – write the desired value, instead of “SteamID” – the digital identifier of the player’s account, instead of the word “reason” – specify the reason for ban.
- /additem “name” “item name” – add an item to a specific player. If you do not enter a name, you will receive this item.
- /adduser “name” “password” – add a new player to the “white list” with a password.
- /changepwd “password” – change the password.
- /addusertowhitelist “name” – add a user with a password to the whitelist.
- /addvehicle “vehicle name” “name” – give the selected player a new vehicle.
- /addxp “name” “parameter name” = “number” – give additional experience in a specific skill to a specific player.
- /banid “SteamID” – ban the player by the digital ID of the Steam account.
- /unbanid “SteamID” – unban the player by the digital identifier of the Steam account.
- /banuser “name” -ip -r “reason” – ban the player by name and IP address with the reason. The IP address and reason can be omitted.
- /unbanuser “name” – unban the player by name.
- /voiceban “name” -true – block the player’s voice chat.
- /voiceban “name” -false – unblock voice chat to the player.
- /createhorde “number” “name” – call a certain number of zombies to a specific player.
- /disconnect “number” – disconnect the player from the client server by the connection number.
- /godmode “name” -true – make a certain player immortal.
- /godmode “name” -false – disable immortality for a specific player.
- /invisible “name” -true – enable invisibility for a specific player.
- /invisible “name” -false – disable invisibility for a specific player.
- /kickuser “name” -r “reason” – disconnect the player with a reason. It is not necessary to enter it.
- /noclip “name” -true – allow a specific player to walk through walls.
- /noclip “name” -false – disable the ability of a certain player to walk through walls.
- /reloadlua “file name” – reload the lua file
- /removeuserfromwhitelist “name” – remove the player from the “white” sheet.
- /servermsg “message” — send a message to the entire server.
- /grantadmin “name” – grant server moderator authority to a certain player.
- /removeadmin “name” – remove server moderator rights from a specific player.
- /teleport “player” – teleport yourself to a certain player.
- /teleport “player 1” “player 2” – teleport one specific player to another.
- /teleportto “digit”, “digit” – teleport yourself to the specified coordinates.
- /changeoption “setting name”=”value” — change server settings.