Returning To Mia Walkthrough Guide: Achievements & Endings

Guide to all achievements and endings in Returning To Mia.

Returning To Mia Walkthrough Guide: Achievements & Endings

There are 4 different endings to this game. Both of Sadie’s routes can be gotten in one playthrough with a save near the end of the story. Mia’s route and the Single route require their own playthroughs. I started this guide with a ‘try everything’ style playthrough to get as many scene options as possible. There may be a faster way of getting all the achievements but this is the way I went about it. If I missed anything, please let me know!

The following 4 achievements can be gained at any time during the story

◈Click the rotate image button that appears during some scenes at the middle-right of the screen

◈Same as above, on some scenes the rotate button will appear with the x-ray red dot

◈Click the red x-ray dot at the top-right of the screen during a scene where it’s active

◈Press the P button at any point

I Want Everyone / Mia Route

This route you can get scenes with pretty much everyone and still end up with Mia

◈Start Returning to Mia
◈Name yourself

◈{Continue Story}

◈Name the relationship
◈Name the relationship
◈She seems cool

◈You look great yourself
◈Name the relationship {for story purposes, do not make her your girlfriend}
◈Name the relationship
◈Hug her

◈Not long

◈I’d like to help
◈I wanna know everything
◈Compliment her
◈Probe for more info

◈It looks nice

◈None of your business
◈I still enjoyed it

◈{Continue story}

Double down on the ♥♥♥♥-talk

◈I wanna hear it
◈Falcon punch his face

◈I ended it
◈Pretty good
◈{Continue story}

◈Say you have a girlfriend
◈Call her bluff
◈Side with Mia
◈Offer help
◈Yeah, it is
◈Avoid incident with Mia

◈Sensitively ask about Vivian
◈Let it happen

◈Leave it alone
◈Tell her not to go
◈Sure, I wanna see it
◈You look beautiful
◈Go with it
◈I’d never work for you
◈Don’t stop her
◈<Your choice>
◈{Continue story}

◈Ask how she is
◈Scare her
◈{Continue story}

◈{Continue story}

◈Kiss her
◈Hug her
◈Say you’ll watch TV
◈{Continue story}

◈I don’t know
◈Looking for you

◈Keep quiet
◈Go to the bathroom



◈{Continue story}

◈Talk to Mia yourself
◈<Your choice>
◈Tell her you do
◈Give in
◈Curse at him
◈Name the relationship
◈Push your luck
◈{Continue story}

◈Be a gracious loser
◈Offer help

◈Keep quiet
◈We had some fun times
◈Give in to her
◈Offer to help
◈We can’t let this get out
◈There’s no need to
◈{Go through all actions at top left}

◈Ask about Cindy
◈Keep going
◈Do nothing

◈Tell her she’d be enough for you
◈Kiss her


◈<Your choice>
◈Keep going
◈<Your choice>
◈Compliment her

◈Let her have it
◈Suggest giving Emma a chance
◈Spice things up


◈Keep it to yourself
◈Try calming things down
◈Agree with her
◈Keep watching

◈Let Grace see your erection

◈♥♥♥♥ the rules
◈Comfort her
◈Let it go
◈<Your choice>
◈Volunteer for it
◈Kiss her
◈Go to Isla

◈Ask her to confide in you
◈Tell her what you saw
◈Kiss her forehead
◈Hit on her
◈{Go through all actions at top left}
◈Tell her a part of the truth
◈Act surprised
◈<Your choice>
◈Sneak a peek
◈Help her shower

◈Get naked
◈Let her

◈{Go through all actions at top left}
◈Confess your attraction to her


◈Pick Sadie

◈Make up a lie
◈{Continue story}

◈Slurp away

◈Encourage the idea
◈Tread carefully
◈Be sincere
◈Agree to come

◈Pull her hair
◈Drag her
◈{Go through all actions at top left}
◈{Continue story}

◈{Continue story}

◈Say you’ll be there
◈Reassure her
◈Be open-minded
◈Don’t provoke her
◈Try calming her down
◈Lick Sadie’s ♥♥♥♥♥
◈{Go through all actions at top left}
◈Question her decision
◈Agree with his plan
◈{Continue story}

◈Reject her
◈Tell her she’s better than that
◈Act relieved
◈Say you don’t know
◈Remove your towel

◈Calm down
◈Plead with her
◈Agree to give her alcohol
◈Be gentle
◈Tell Grace to shove her
◈Pull her aside for a private talk
◈Rush to Sadie’s side

◈Let her continue
◈Don’t mess with her

◈Advise they keep working on it
◈Admit you still have feelings for her
◈Say it’s not


◈Follow Sadie

◈{Go through all actions at top left}
◈Do it
◈Let it go
◈Pretend you didn’t know
◈Demand answers
◈Say something sweet
◈Give in
◈Reassure her she’s the only thing that matters
◈Be realistic
◈Cut her some slack
◈Deny hoping for something bad
◈Kiss her
◈Downplay the situation
◈Be delicate about it
◈Slow him down
◈Agree with her
◈Take Emma’s hand
◈Focus on the situation at hand
◈{Go through all actions at top left}
◈{Continue story}

End Up Single Route

◈Name relationship x2
◈She scares me
◈That’s nice of you to say
◈Name relationship x2
◈Don’t hug her
◈Things changed
◈Not long
◈If that’s what you want
◈I wanna know everything
◈Make a joke
◈Probe for more info
◈It looks nice
◈None of your business
◈I still enjoyed it
◈Double down on the ♥♥♥♥-talk
◈I wanna hear it
◈Not really
◈Try calming the situation down
◈She eventually ended it
◈Pretty good
◈Say you have a girlfriend
◈Call her bluff
◈Side with Grace
◈Offer help
◈Yeah, it is
◈Mention incident with Mia
◈Sensitively ask about Vivian
◈Let it happen
◈Leave it alone
◈Tell her not to go
◈Sure, I wanna see it
◈You look beautiful
◈Ask for a story from her past
◈I’d never work for you
◈Don’t stop her
◈<Your choice>
◈Ask how she is
◈Scare her
◈Hug her
◈Don’t flirt
◈Hug her
◈Say you’ll watch TV
◈I don’t know
◈Keep quiet
◈Go to the bathroom
◈Let Grace talk to her
◈<Your choice>
◈Tell her you do
◈Give in
◈Punch him
◈Name the relationship
◈Push your luck
◈Be a sore loser
◈Let her do it alone
◈I’m happierr with the way things are now
◈Give in to her
◈Offer to help
◈We can’t let this get out!
◈There’s no need to
◈Ask about Cindy
◈Keep going
◈Do nothing
◈Tell her she’d be enough for you
◈Unzip your pants

◈Start gently
◈<Your choice>
◈Say nothing
◈Take the drink
◈Suggest giving Emma a chance
◈Spice things up
◈Tell her the truth
◈Try calming things down
◈Agree with her
◈Keep watching
◈Let Grace see your erection
◈♥♥♥♥ the rules
◈Comfort her
◈Provoke him
◈Volunteer for it
◈Tickle her
◈Stay with Mia

◈Kiss her forehead
◈Comfort her
◈Hit on her
◈Tell her the whole truth
◈Sneak a peek
◈Help her shower
◈Get naked
◈Let her
◈Confess your attraction to her
◈Jokingly offer Sadie
◈Remove the straw
◈Encourage the idea
◈Remind Mia of her past
◈Make a joke
◈Agree to come
◈Pull her hair
◈Drag her
◈Joke about Mia “convincing” him
◈Say you’d dump him
◈Question her decision
◈Agree with his plan
◈Reject her
◈Tell her she’s better than that
◈Skip it all
◈Say you don’t know
◈Remove your towel
◈Calm down
◈Plead with her
◈Agree to give her alcohol
◈Be gentle
◈Tell Grace to insult her
◈Remind her it’s time to go
◈Try getting the show back on track
◈Let her continue
◈Don’t mess with her
◈Advise they separate
◈Tell her you no longer have feelings for her
◈Say it’s not
◈Do it
◈Tell her about Grace and Sebastian
◈Pretend you didn’t know
◈Demand answers
◈Sneak a peek
◈Give in
◈Give her hope
◈Cut her some slack
◈Deny hoping for something bad
◈Let her blow you
◈Don’t go into detail
◈Be delicate about it
◈Keep drinking
◈Demand he tell you about Sebastian
◈Show pity on him

Sadie’s Routes

◈Name relationship x2
◈She seems cool
◈That’s nice of you to say
◈Name relationship x2
◈Don’t hug her
◈Things changed
◈Not long
◈If that’s what you want
◈Probably for the best
◈Make a joke
◈Change subject
◈It looks nice
◈None of your business
◈I still enjoyed it
◈Apologize for your comments
◈Not really
◈Try calming the situation down
◈She eventually ended it
◈Pretty good
◈Say you have a girlfriend
◈Side with Grace
◈Offer help
◈Yeah, it is
◈Avoid incident with Mia
◈Sensitively ask about Vivian
◈Stop her
◈Close it
◈Tell her not to go
◈No thanks
◈Go with it
◈I’d never work for you
◈Ask how she is
◈Scare her
◈Kiss her
◈Reassure her
◈Say you’ll watch TV
◈Looking for you
◈Keep quiet
◈Go to the bathroom
◈Let Grace talk to her
◈<Your choice>
◈Tell her you do
◈Stop yourself
◈<Your choice>
◈Name relationship
◈Be a sore loser
◈Let her do it alone
◈I’m happier with the way things are now
◈Reject her
◈<Your choice>
◈Thank you
◈Ask about Cindy
◈Keep going
◈Do nothing
◈Tell her she’d be enough for you
◈Unzip your pants

◈Compliment her
◈Take the drink
◈Suggest giving Emma a chance
◈Keep it fun
◈Keep it to yourself
◈Try calming things down
◈Agree with her
◈Keep watching
◈Quickly make your exit
◈Not interested

◈<Your choice>
◈Comfort her
◈Let it go
◈Volunteer Sadie for it
◈Tickle her
◈Go to Isla
◈Ask her to confide in you
◈Tell her what you saw
◈Touch her hand
◈Don’t hit on her
◈How she used to be
◈Tell her a part of the truth
◈Act surprised
◈♥♥♥ on Sadie
◈Don’t sneak a peek
◈Make up a lie
◈Remove the straw
◈Encourage the idea
◈Remind Mia of her past
◈Make a joke
◈Pull her up
◈Check if she really wants this
◈Be open-minded
◈Don’t provoke her
◈Try calming her down
◈Lick Sadie’s ♥♥♥♥♥
◈Question her decision
◈Agree with his plan
◈Go with it
◈Lick her foot
◈Lose your ♥♥♥♥
◈Agree to give her alcohol
◈Be gentle
◈Tell Grace to insult her
◈Pull her aside for a private talk
◈Rush to Sadie’s side
◈Don’t mess with her
◈Try changing the subject
◈Pretend you don’t know
◈Advise they keep working on it
◈Tell her you no longer have feelings for her
◈Say it’s not
◈Do it
◈Don’t tell her about Grace and Sebastian
◈Pretend you didn’t know
◈Demand answers
◈Keep your eyes to yourself
◈Give her hope
◈Cut her some slack


◈Let it happen

◈Deny hoping for something bad
◈Tell her the truth
◈Trust her
◈Assure her they’ll understand
◈Stop drinking
◈Demand he tell you about Sebastian
◈Show pity on him


◈Turn her down

◈Deny hoping for something bad
◈Offer to go down on her
◈Don’t go into detail
◈Tell her how beautiful she looks
◈Demand he tell you about Sebastian
◈Show pity on him

Finishing Up


◈Load this save 4 times and choose each girl to get the remaining achievements for this section


◈Pick Mia


◈Don’t follow