Home > Sengoku Dynasty > Sengoku Dynasty Major Iron Mine Locations

Sengoku Dynasty Major Iron Mine Locations

A simple guide to iron locations I’ve found.

Sengoku Dynasty Major Iron Mine Locations

People have asked about iron quite often. You are guided by quest to the village of Iwasaki and one mine but where are others? Here are the main sources of iron outside of Iwasaki that I have found so far.

1) Near the watchtower you go to during the main quest after speaking to the onibaba:

Major Iron Mine Locations

(That’s my village so don’t get confused and start looking for buildings. Only the watchtower will be present in your game).

Map location: (look for the “You” marker)

Major Iron Mine Locations

To the west of this, under a watchtower special project site on the hill.

Major Iron Mine Locations

Map location: (look for the “You” marker)

Major Iron Mine Locations

There are a few small caves near Enjiro with a couple iron deposits but nothing major.

I will try to update as I find more or more are added.

Written by Winter's Embers

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