SnowRunner Tire Differences Chart

Have you ever wondered what the difference between the tires is, other than what the game tells you? Ratings of “Poor”, “Average”, “Good”, and “Excellent” aren’t very clear when there are several tires all with the same score, and nothing to tell you how they differ.

Certain trucks have a variety of tire types available under each category; In the image below you can see the KRS 58 “Bandit” has 3 tires available under “Highway”, “Allterrain”, and “Off-road”.

Take the Allterrain tires as an example, “UAD I”, “UAD II”, and “UAD III” all have the same in-game wheel performance of “Good”, “Good”, and “Average” for on-road, off-road, and mud.

Now, how do you know if there’s actually any difference in these tires other than a cosmetic one? You don’t, at least not as far as the game is concerned with telling you, and so this guide will give you the answers to your question: Is there any difference at all? Yes, yes there is!


The following values are Tire Friction Values, where a higher value is better. In real life, friction between the tire and the road surface is what allows the car to move forward, the same applies in-game where higher friction values result in a better ability to traverse these surfaces.

HS I20.80.4
HS II210.2
HS III2.50.80.2
UHD I310.4
UHD II31.20.2
UHD III3.210.2
HMD I310.4
HMD II31.20.2
HMD III3.210.2
FHMD I310.4


AS I11.41
AS II111.2
AS III1.211
UAD I1.91.51
UAD II1.51.51.2
UAD III1.51.71
ATHS I1.51.51.2
ATMD I1.91.51
ATMD II1.51.51.2
ATMD III1.51.71
P12 AT1.91.51
TrAT I1.51.51


OS I121.2
UOD I131.5
UOD II0.831.9
UOD III0.83.21.5
OHD I0.831.9
OHD II0.83.21.5
OHD III131.5
OHS I131.5
OHS II0.831.8
TrO I0.831.5
OHD I (P16)0.833.5
OHD I (P512 PF)0.833.5
Hummer H2 Offroad331.5
ANK Mk38 Offroad0.831.7
ANKO 10.531.7
OJ 1 (Jeep)321.2
TO I (Apache)121.2


MS I0.531.6
MHS I0.522
MHS II0.522.4
MHS III0.52.42
MSH I0.522
MSH II0.51.73.2
MSH III0.523
MSH IV0.71.73
TMHS I0.522.4
TM I0.52.42
TM II0.522.4
TrM I0.522
TO I0.532
AMHS I0.522.4
ZHM Tires (605R)0.522
Caterpillar 770G Tires0.523.5
Caterpillar TH357 Tires0.522


CS I0.921.1
UAD III All Chains1.231.3
UAD III Rear Chains1.231.3
MHS I All Chains1.231.3
OHD II All Chains1.231.3
TrC I1.231.3
  • Chained tires also have an additional “IsIgnoreIce” value in the files, giving them a unique property which prevents them from slipping on ice.
  • For rear-only chained tires, the front tires retain their base values, e.g. For “UAD III Rear Chains”, the front tires use “UAD III” values (1.5 | 1.7 | 1), while the rear tires use “UAD III Rear Chains” values (1.2 | 3 | 1.3).

Extra Information

The information in the guide was obtained from files which can be found within the game’s directories, using the in-game tire names for reference.

Base friction values for the different tire types:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Codename – SR/preload/paks/client/initial.pak/[media]\_templates\trucks.xml

Further vehicle specific information:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Codename – SR/preload/paks/client/initial.pak/[media]\classes\wheels\*.xml

Further DLC vehicle specific information:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Codename – SR/preload/paks/client/initial.pak/[media]\_dlc\

If you wish to explore these values yourself, you will have to open the “initial.pak” file using an archiver utility such as WinRAR or 7zip, there you will have access to the “[media]” directory allowing you to explore the above files – and any others if you wish.

Note: I do not own the separate DLC vehicles – Western Star 49X, Chevrolet Apache 6×6, Navistar 5000-MV tractor, and the GMC Brigadier – so I cannot look up their tire names and check if they have unique tires. Though based on the files available, the Chevrolet Apache 6×6 is the only one with different tire modifiers, and they appear to be matching the “AS I”, “AS II”, and “AS III” values already present in the Allterrain section.

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