Battalion 1944: Tips and Tricks for Grenades and Smokes

Battalion 1944 Tips and Tricks for Grenades and Smokes

Battalion recaptures the core of classic competitive shooters & refines the ‘classic’ FPS feel for the next generation. Focusing on 5v5 infantry combat, where precise flick shots with your Kar98, covering fire with your Thompson and fluid movement are key to clutching every round for your team. Tips and Tricks for Grenades and Smokes Tutorials, … Read more

Battalion 1944: Console Commands (Cheat Codes)

Battalion 1944 Console Commands

Battalion recaptures the core of classic competitive shooters & refines the ‘classic’ FPS feel for the next generation. Focusing on 5v5 infantry combat, where precise flick shots with your Kar98, covering fire with your Thompson and fluid movement are key to clutching every round for your team. Battalion 1944 Console Commands This is the official … Read more

Battalion 1944: Server Commands (Admin Commands)

Battalion 1944 Server Commands

We have released both the Linux and the Windows server files. Please use all commands with caution. When tweaking a server you are knowingly changing the tested core game set up. Bulkhead fully supports modders and any server admins wanting to change the game for their entertainment in a non-competitive capacity. However, please do so … Read more