Keyboard Controls
Movement and Interaction
(Up/Jump): Up arrow; W; Spacebar
(Down/Crouch): Down arrow; S
(Left): Left arrow; A
(Right): Right arrow; D
(Action): Ctrl; X; E; Left Mouse; Enter
(Ranged): Alt; Z; Q; Right Mouse
(Sprint): Shift; C; Middle Mouse
(Change Weapon): Tab
(Switch Auto Walk): CapsLock
(Menu): Esc
(Music toggle): Ctrl+M
(User Interface toggle): Ctrl+U
(Timer visibility): T
Character Actions
Jumping and Rolling
(Jump): Up + Forward
(Long Jump): Run + Jump
(Fall and roll): Falling + Down
(Dodge roll): Crouch + Stand + Crouch
(Shoot): Ranged + Action
(Aim/Distant range): Ranged + Up
Melee Fighting
(Melee attack): Action
(Melee charge): Run + Action
(Melee alternative): Sprint + Action
(Melee combo): Repeated Action
(Plunging attack): Falling + Action
(Melee block): Hold Action + Up
(Melee move): Hold Action + Move
(Melee move fast): Sprint + Melee move
(Melee stun): Melee move fast forward