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The Outer Worlds Percival Platt Quest Guide

Percival Platt Quest Guide

He can be found at the HHC Building at Byzantium.

Percival Platt Related Quests
Long Distance

Long Distance Walkthrough

This quest is obtained by speaking with Sophia Akande on Byzantium after completing the quest The Demolished Woman.

This quest is also available after stealing the chemicals Phineas wants from Byzantium for the quest The City and the Stars.

Head to Phineas’ Laboratory and plant the tracking signal by using the terminal to gain 27,000 XP. Then speak with Ada aboard the Unreliable and you will be contacted by Sophia. She’ll reward you with 27,000 more XP and you’ll lose Negative Reputation with The Board. She’ll then ask you to speak with her on Byzantium by using Adjutant Akande’s Landing Pad. Go in and Guard Esparza will let you through. If you speak with her there you will gain a further 27,000 XP.

During your conversation, depending on what you have done before arriving here (if you got this quest after The City and the Stars), you will learn the Emerald Vale plague is a result of malnutrition, and that the Roseway research for “Diet Toothpaste” was for this purpose as well. She will then ask you to wipe out Edgewater. Refusing to do so and telling her to go to hell botches the quest and makes everyone within the building aggressive.

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You’ll get the Foundation quest at this point from her.

Sophia will then give you the quest Signal Point in Space and tell you to speak with Percival for your reward and Nav Key. This will net you 100,000 XP, 2000 Bit Cartridges and a lot of Reputation with The Board

If you speak with Phineas and let him know about the tracking signal, he’ll ask you to plant a corrupt signal to buy him some time. If you do this on the terminal you will gain 27,000 XP. Sophia will also not be aware that you corrupted the signal, and you’ll gain another 27,000 XP. Speak with her a gain on Byzantium to gain the same quest and receive the same XP.

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