Home > The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt > The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt List of Witcher Contracts Trophies

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt List of Witcher Contracts Trophies

Witcher trophies are special rewards that can be obtained only by completing jobs (quests) called witcher contracts. In the witcher contracts (with some exceptions) Geralt is eliminating strong monsters. Each such beast is leaving some trophies after being killed. Those items give various bonus to statistics. Some can increase the chance for dismembering attacked enemies, other can increase the speed of accumulating experience.


Geralt can gain profits only from one trophy at a time. In order to “activate” a trophy, you must move it to the proper slot in the inventory. Unneeded trophies should be sold immediately because they weight a lot and can overload the character. It is best to sell trophies to the alchemist living near Novigrad, more specifically in a small city East from the city and North from Oxenfurt Gate. More information about whereabouts of this character can be found on the Where can I sell trophies from witcher contracts? page of our strategy guide to Witcher 3 (a separate guide). This character offers best prices for trophies of all merchants available in the game. Usually you can obtain few hundred crowns for a single trophy.

Quests Name

1. The Beast of White Orchard

2. Contract: Devil by the Well

3. Contract: Missing Brother

See also:  Witcher 3 A Towerful of Mice Quest Walkthrough

4. Contract: Shrieker

5. Contract: The mystery of the Byways Murders

6. Contract: Jenny o’ the Woods

7. Contract: The White Lady

8. Contract: The Lord of the Wood

9. Contract: Deadly Delights

10. Contract: An Elusive Thief

11. Contract: Doors Slamming Shut

12. Contract: The Apiarian Phantom

13. The Creature from the Oxenfurt Forest

14. The Oxenfurt Drunk

15. Contract: Phantom of the Trade Route

16. Contract: Swamp Thing

17. Contract: The Merry Widow

18. Contract: Mysterious Track

19. Patrol Gone Missing

20. Contract: Missing Son

21. Contract: Muire D’Yaeblen

22. Contract: The Phantom of Eldberg

23. Contract: Dragon

24. Contract: Waylaid Transport

25. Contract: Here Comes the Groom

26. Contract: Strange Beast

Where the quests starts & Trophy type

Written by Corvo_.

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