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Witcher 3 How to Beat Opinicus (Archgriffin)

How to Beat Opinicus (Archgriffin)

The Opinicus fight is similar to the Basilisk and Griffin fights we’ve encountered earlier in the game although it is much tougher due to its high level and its ability to stack debuffs on Geralt. Fortunately, it acts in much the same way as the aforementioned monsters and as such the tactics remain essentially the same.

Whilst it does have wings, for the most part it will attack from the ground and has quite a large area of attack due to its large wings being able to perform sweeping moves. It will often jump in the air and leap attack at your position as well as utilising a nasty lunge attack. When it is in the air, it will occasionally attempt a swooping attack that can be easily rolled under/away from but will hit like a tonne of bricks if not avoided. Whilst on the ground it can also rear back and perform a screeching attack which will stun Geralt temporarily, so if you see it coming, try to roll away as quickly as possible.

Similar to the Basilisk it is able to spit green projectiles at you which will poison Geralt if it makes contact and additionally, any melee attack that it hits Geralt with has the chance to cause a damage over time bleeding effect.

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The easiest way to take it down quickly is to use a combination of AXII to stun it, IGNI and AARD to dish out damage or YRDEN to slow its movements to get a few attacks in. Whilst in the air, hit it with crossbow bolts or AARD to bring it crashing to the ground – run up and smash it a few times and then use your dodges and rolls to avoid its ground-based attacks whilst dishing out your own attacks when you see an opening. Repeat this process until it hits the dust.

Once the Griffin is dead loot its body for the Griffin Trophy and Archgriffin Mutagen along with any other items of interest it is carrying around.

Boss: Opinicus (Archgriffin) Boss Fight

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