A Little to the Left Cupboards and Drawers Walkthrough Guide

This is a complete and comprehensive guide showing you how to get all the achievement in the game’s first DLC (Cupboards and Drawers).

A Little to the Left Cupboards and Drawers Walkthrough Guide

If you have never played this game or you are just for the achievements, this guide will show you how to get them all.

Achievement Info

  • Difficulty level: 1/10
  • Total Achievements: 8 (100%)
  • Offline Achievements: 8 (100%)
  • Online Achievements: 0 (0%)
  • Estimated time to 100%: Under 5 hours
  • Glitchy Achievements: Yes. “A Balanced Meal” and “Where is my Cap?”
  • Missable trophies: None.
  • Achievements with difficulty levels: None.

100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

The Other Side

100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers
The Other Side
Complete the Cupboard & Drawers DLC

For this achievement you just need to complete every level, you don’t have to get all stars on each level, just one solve on each is enough. Once you complete all 30 levels, the achievement will unlock. If you feel stuck on a level, you can also get a hint for a solution on the pause menu, just rub the paper to reveal the intended solution.

Check “Level Solutions” Section for all solutions.

Everything Put Away

100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers
Everything Put Away
Find all solutions in the Cupboards & Drawers DLC (100% Completion)

For this achievement you will have to get all stars for each level. There are a total of 36 stars in 30 levels. In the DLC there are only 3 levels with multiple starts. Those being level 3, level 15 and level 21. Every other level requires only the intended solution.

Check “Level Solutions” Section for all solutions.

Where Is My Cap?

100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers
Where Is My Cap?
Every cap has a new owner, but no two owners traded their caps

In Level 3 of the DLC, the one that shows a pen cap with a snake miniature on the thumbnail, you basically have to do what the achievement description says, just mix up the pen caps on other pens, but don’t trade pen caps between 2 pens, the best way to do this is to fill all the spaces with pens first, and then find the cap of the first pen and put it on the second one, find the second pen’s cap and put on the third, and so on.

Keep in mind that this achievement is a little glitchy, even if you have all caps correclty placed it might not unlock, if that happens, try restarting the game and go to that level and try again. It worked for me.

100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

A Balanced Meal

100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers
A Balanced Meal
All you can eat

In Level 7 of the DLC, the one with the triangle yellow snack on the thumbnail, what you will have to do is to stack everything, including the trays, this is a little tricky to do.

There are several ways you can do this, I used the center circle for the stack but it can be done out of the circle too, so, I will show you the way I did it as an example:
(There are some reports that you need to also stack the apple slices on top of the trays too. If this doesn’t work for you, try putting the slices after the stack)

  • Put the 2 slices of apple on the center
100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

  • Bring the trays closer to the screen so you can fill them up. DO NOT attach them to the bigger tray, otherwise you will not be able to remove them after. If that happens just reset the level and start over.
100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

  • Fill the trays with the food, like you would if you were to complete the level, see the image below for the preparation
100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

  • Stack the trays on top of the center circle, start with the sandwiches, then the snacks, then brocolis, then the peas. If any piece falls of the plate, just put them on top of the pile. This is a little messy and glitchly to achieve since the pieces are not stable. But keep putting everything on top, until eventually the achievement pops up.
100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

Can Do Altitude

100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers
Can Do Altitude
That’s one epic stack

In Level 12 of the DLC, the one with the corn can thumbnail, for this achievement you have to stack every can on top of each other. There are 5 types of cans:

  • 2 Sugar Cans – The biggest can
  • 3 Corn Cans – Second Biggest can
  • 4 Bean Cans – Middle sized can
  • 5 Fruit sliced Cans – Second Smallest can
  • 6 Fish Cans – Smallest cans

The easiest way to accomplish these, is to pile up cans in groups up to where it is still visible on the screen, this should give you around 3 piles of cans, and then pile the biggest one on top of another, and then add that new joined one on top of the next, and so on, until you end up with only 1 pile. Once you have one pile of cans, the achievement should unlock.

100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

In No Rush

100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers
In No Rush
Sit with the cat for a while

This achievement can be done on any of the Kitty levels where you need to pet the cat, the first one is at level 6, just wait a few seconds without petting, it takes about 30 seconds for the achievement to pop up.

100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

Now You’re Playing With Power

100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers
Now You’re Playing With Power
A blast to the past

In Level 17 of the DLC, the one with the Rubik’s Cube on the thumbnail, there will be an orange gamepad, just press any of the buttons on the gamepad to turn it on, either the directional buttons or the right black square button will work, that should unlock the achievement. You don’t have to play the game when the gamepad lights up to unlock it.

100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

Show Off

100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers
Show Off
Be proud of your accomplishments

In Level 26 of the DLC, the one with the golden cat trophy thumbnail, all you have to do is just remove all trophies from their cases to the ground. Once all trophies have been removed from any cases, the achievement should unlock.

100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

Level Solutions

100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

In this section, you will see how to solve every level including all star variants.

There are a total of 36 stars, and 30 levels.
The last level does not have a star.

In the DLC, there are only 3 levels that contain multiple stars. Those being:

  • Level 3 – Pens & caps – 4 Stars
  • Level 15 – Files & Folders – 3 Stars
  • Level 21 – Coin Casing – 3 Stars

Let’s get started:

Level 1 – Clock Shelf

100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers
In this level you will see a shelf with clocks around, just put the clocks in their correct position, keep in mind the pointers, they have to be connected when you place the clocks together.

Here is the solution:
100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

Level 2 – Rubber Band Artist

100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and DrawersIn this level you will see items laying around a tabletop with a drawer on each side. Just fill the drawers with the correct items to complete the level. Keep in mind the order of the brushes and the paint tubes. The brushes must increase/decrease in brush size and the paint tubes must connect their colors on the sides. The 2 yellow big tubes must also connect.

Here is the solution:
100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

Level 3 – Pens & Caps

100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers
In this level you have to place all pens in the case with their respective cap, in 4 different orders to get star variants. See each solution below and the explanation accordingly:

Solution 1:

Place all pens in order according to the number of rings in the middle. It works either, ascending or descending order.

Here is the solution:
100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

Solution 2:

Place all pens in order according to the cap size. It works either, ascending or descending order.

Here is the solution:
100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

Solution 3:

Place all pens in order according to the rotation of the cap, it goes from left to right, being the snake pen in the center.

Here is the solution:
100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

Solution 4:

Place all pens in order according to the tip of the pen, either the cap or the bottom part of the pen, they have different sharpnesses, the snake pen having the sharpest tip, and the black pen being the least pointy. It works both ways.

Here is the solution:
100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

Level 4 – Flowers & Petals

100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and DrawersIn this level, you will have to place all flowers and petals into the correct spots, try to remove or complete all petals and flowers already on top of the book, after you start filling the book it might get hard to distinguish the ones correclty placed from the ones that started there. Some of the silhouettes do not represent the correct flower entirely, you might need to find the connecting petals to complete the corresponding silhouette.

Here is the solution:
100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

Level 5 – Brooms & Toilets

100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers
In this level you have to organize all items below the sink, in a way that all of them fit perfectly without overlapping. The order of the toilet papers doesn’t matter.

Here is the solution:
100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

Level 6 – Kitty in the Sink

100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

For this level, you just have to pet the cat. Hover your cursor above the kitty’s head until the cursor changes to a petting hand and click to clear the level.

Here is the solution:
100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

Level 7 – Snacks & Bites

100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and DrawersIn this level your objective is to organize the food inside the trays scattered around. For this just place the trays first, they will lock into place (If you are going for the achievement “A Balanced Meal” on this level don’t lock the trays into place) and the apple slices in the middle. And then, fill the food pieces into their respective locations.

Here is the solution:
100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

Level 8 – Kitchen Cutlery

100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers
In this level, you have to hang all cutlery into their respective slots so that none of the items touch each other. Place the knives on the bottom hangers, from left to right, starting with the biggest.

Here is the solution:
100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

Level 9 – Kitchen Drawers

100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers
In this level, you will have to fill 2 drawers with the items in a way that they fit in the organizers perfectly. To open the second drawer, just push the handle on the top of the screen, a orange organizer will pop out. To return to the previous drawer just press again in the same handle.

Some of the items will be on the wrong drawer. To bring the items to the correct drawer just drag them to the drawer handle and it will switch drawers automatically.

There are some items that go together on top of each other, those being the red and black pans, and the white cupcake liners.

Here is the solution:
Green Drawer (Opened at the start)
100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers
Orange Drawer (Closed at the start)
100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

Level 10 – Tea Shelf

100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers
In this level you will have a shelf where you need to organize the items in a way that they all fit perfectly. When organizing you will have to keep in mind that some items require a specific order.
Those being:

  • Jelly jars must go from bottom to top starting from the tallest.
  • The bird’s beak on the spoon have to face each other.
  • The small metal cans have to connect the red stripe.
  • The big grey jars have the birds facing each other.

The order of the tea cups and the big jars with a rose in it can be place in any order. Same goes with the cupcakes on the cupcake stand, the can be placed in any way.

Here is the solution:
100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

Level 11 – Sharp Hangers

100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers
In this level, you will have to organize the the items in a way that none of them touch each other, and can be placed in the hangers correctly and aligned perfectly.

Here is the solution:
100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

Level 12 – The Pantry

100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and DrawersIn this level, similar to previous ones, you have to organze the shelf in a way that all items fit perfectly.

Put all apples inside the apple basket, and all potatoes inside the crate. Sort the sugar and pastas in a way that it does some sort of montain shape with the slopes. Regarding the cans, just put them in order. Biggest can pile of the same type to smallest, or vice-versa. Make sure to put all white containers with grey stripes inside each other.

Here is a solution:
100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

Level 13 – Kitty in the Shelf

100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

For this level, you just have to pet the cat. Hover your cursor above the kitty’s head until the cursor changes to a petting hand and click to clear the level.

Here is the solution:
100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

Level 14 – Gadget Drawer

100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and DrawersIn this level, there will be a drawer with an organizer. Your objective is to fill the organizer compartments with their respective gadgets. Although it might be prettier if you order the bigger pencils, ear plugs and postcard stickers, they are not necessary to complete the level. However, the cards have to be ordered from Ace to 10 or vice-versa.

Here is a solution:
100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

Level 15 – Files & Folders

100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

In this level, your objective is to order the folders. There are 3 different ways of sorting the folders, and 3 unique starts to collect from this level.

Solution 1:

Place all folders by color, the colors of the tabs also count, for example, in between the red folder with yellow text there will be a yellow folder with red text, and a complete red folder. It works both ways.

Here is a solution:
100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

Solution 2:

Place all folders ordered by tab position, it works both ways.

Here is a solution:
100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

Solution 3:

Place all folder according to the position of its papers, the papers have to be position in a way tha goes from one corner to the opositve. The middle one will always be the blue folder with green text.

Here is a solution:
100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

Level 16 – Shards & Fossils

100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and DrawersIn this level you will have a bunch of fossil shards laying around and some inside the drawer. What you will have to do is place the shards in their correct positions so that the fossils are recovered into their respecive rock.
There are a total of 6 unique fossil assembled rocks. 2 big ones in the first drawer, and 4 smaller ones on the second drawer.

To switch between drawers just press the drawer handle on the bottom of the screen. You can also drag shards into the handles to automatically switch drawers.

Here is the solution:
100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

Level 17 – Game Room

100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers
In this level you have to organize all pieces into the shelf so that they fit perfectly. There are a few things you need to do, to complete the level.

These are the steps you need to accomplish to solve the puzzle:

  • You have to turn on the gamepad, change the orange shape to a square and place it in the center box. (By turning the gamepad you also unlock “Now You’re Playing With Power” Achievement).
  • The rubik’s cubes have to be stacked so that the colors connect.
  • The vertical game cases have to be ordered so that the design in the center shrinks in size, making a shape like a triangle pointing to the right.
  • The joysticks have to be ordered in a way that the red buttons increase (or decrease) in quantity. Going from 1 to 5 buttons or vice-versa.

The horizontal cases don’t have to be orderd in any way, you can stack them in random colors it will still work.

Here is the solution:
100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

Level 18 – Board Games

100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and DrawersIn this level, you are tasked to arrange the pieces into their compartments, there are 4 different drawers in each side of the center board you can open. Place all pieces correctly and the remaining square puzzle pieces of the board game are placed in the center. Keep in mind tha the dice have numbered from 5 to 0, or vice-versa. And the domino pieces have to connect. The “L” and “A” pieces don’t have an order.

Curiosity: The dice are also ordered by their number of sides. The dice with the 5 is a d20, which means it has 20 sides. 4 is a d12, 3 is a d10, 2 is a d8, 1 is a d6 which is the common 6 sided cube and 0 is a d4 with 4 equal sides.
All of the dice, with the exception of d10 (dice with the number 3 face up), have the shape of all of the 5 possible platonic solids.

Here is the solution:
100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

Level 19 – Fishing Hooks

100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers
In this level your objective to place all fish gadgets and hooks into their respective areas. Some of the items have a specific order to complete the level, in most of the cases, the items will not snap into place if they are not in the correct spot.

For the bug shaped hooks, you have to place them so that the segments in their body scale up/dowm in quantity. They go from 1 to 5, or vice-versa.
The chocolate bar goes right in the middle of the box.

Here is the solution:
100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

Level 20 – Kitty in the Bowl

100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

For this level, you just have to pet the cat. Hover your cursor above the kitty’s head until the cursor changes to a petting hand and click to clear the level.

Here is the solution:
100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

Level 21 – Coin Casing

100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers
In this level your objective it so place the coins inside the case. There are 3 ways you can complete this level. Here are the explanation and examples for all of the solutions for this puzzle.

Solution 1:

The easiest and most obvious solution, place all the coins in their respective silhouettes, the coins have different shapes and each shape will have a matching silhouette.

Here is a solution:
100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

Solution 2:

Place all coins with matching color, vertically. There are 3 coins of each color. The order in which you place them is irrelevant as long as the colors match vertically.

Here is a solution:
100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

Solution 3:

Place all coins according to their distinct face, horizontally. There 3 types of coins:

  • Coins with holes in the middle.
  • Coins with patterns and images carved into the coin.
  • Coins with plain surface.

The order in which you place the coins is irrelevant as long as the coins are macthing horizontally.

Here is a solution:
100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

Level 22 – Stitch & Sewing

100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers
In this level you are tasked to arrange sewing materials in their respective places. Most of them are straight foward since most of them differ from shape to shape. There are also 2 drawers, one on top and one on the bottom, normally closed when you start the level, they can be opened by clicking on their respective handles. The scissors go in the middle, you can see the shape of the wood to see where each scissor will go.

The buttons that go on the left bottom spaces don’t have a specific color area, they can be place in any of the 4 areas, as long as all the colored buttons are together.
The zips have no specific order, as long as the orange goes in the middle.
Make sure that the sewing thread rolls are connected on the tips. For the horizontal ones, the color order is irrelevant.

Here is a solution:
100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

Level 23 – Hidden Jewelry

100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers
In this level your objective is to place all jewelry into their respective spots. This level, unlike the previous ones, you have to progressively complete sections to unlock other compartments of the case.

  • Step 1 – Start by placing all rings starting from the light green on top and going down from there increasing the number of sides on the gems. That will unlock the bottom right drawer.
  • Step 2 – Place the clocks on the center space so that the pointers connect too each other. Once they are all in place, the top left drawer will unlock.
  • Step 3 – You can now either complete any of the now opened drawers in any order. Lets start with the top left. Place all golden polyominoes in a way that they all fit together. This will unlock the left bottom drawer.
  • Step 4 – Place all 4 owl pendents in the bottom left drawer, starting on the top left spot with the untilted owl, on the left side place the owl tilted to your right, and so on clockwise.
  • Step 5 – Coming back to the bottom right drawer. Place all 5 golden pieces with a ruby in the center on the drawer. This will unlock the final drawer on the top right.
  • Step 6 – There you will only need to place the cat image inside the pendent. Press the pendent to open it, then place the cat image inside. You don’t have to close the pendent once the image is there.
  • Step 7 – Finally, just place the white pieces on the top area in a way that they fit well together.

Here is the solution:
100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

Level 24 – Kitty in the Drawer

100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

For this level, you just have to pet the cat. Hover your cursor above the kitty’s head until the cursor changes to a petting hand and click to clear the level.

Here is the solution:
100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

Level 25 – Magic Swords

100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers
In this level you will see a black box with 4 swords laying around. Your objective to open the drawers and place the swords inside them respectively. If you can’t open the drawer all the way to the end, you can move the box around to make space for the drawer to open. Once all swords are in place, close all drawers to complete the level.

Here is the solution:
100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

Level 26 – Trophy Swapper

100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and DrawersIn this level you will have to move the trophies around to they match the window of their respective place. An easy and faster way to do it is to remove the trophies from their places and put them on the ground (You can also go for the “Show off” Achievement while doing this), and then place them in the correct places once you have them all around.

Here is the solution:
(Those are just illustrative examples, you cannot remove the shelf doors, you will have to open and close them for different spots)
100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

Level 27 – Porcelain Kitties

100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers
In this level you will have to fill the middle box with other boxes and on top with kitties. To start, move all boxes into their respective slots, then, when all wooden boxes are in place, move the kitties to the empty spots in a way that they all fit.

Here is the solution:
100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

Level 28 – Pesky Peanut

100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and DrawersIn this level you will have to place the peanut in the last drawer. There a total of 7 drawers to open, the last one contains a red base. On the first attempt, the last drawer will close by itself when you try to put the peanut inside, just open it again, and move the peanut there. The strategy is to move the peanut to the edge of the screen, so when you open all drawers, the peanut is not below them, and therefore you cannot pick it up.

Here is the solution:
100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

Level 29 – Locked Drawer

100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and DrawersIn this level, there will be a drawer with 4 key holes. And a key to start with. There are 3 different puzzles to solve and a cutscene at the last key. What you have to do is place the given key in one of the key holes, it doesn’t matter which one you choose, the puzzles will always be shown in the same order, regardless the position of the key.

For the first puzzle you will have to re-arrange the items to appear on the center of the screen with the chairs on the side of the table and the food on top of the table accordingly.

Here is the solution for the first puzzle:
100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

Once you complete the first puzzle you will be brought back to the drawer with a second key, just place the new key on one of the empty key holes to start the second puzzle.

For this puzzle, you will have to re-arrange the cars by color vertically and by direction horizontally. There are no order of colors, and you can either put the cars facing each other or the other way around.

Here is a solution for the second puzzle:
100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

For the third and last puzzle you will have a bunch of land pieces you need to align. Just place the tiles in the correct positions to complete this puzzle

Here is the solution for the last puzzle:
100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers

Once you complete all 3 puzzles, you will be brought back one last time to the drawer to use your last key in the missing empty slot. There will be a short 3D animation cutscene after you insert the last key and the level will be completed.

Level 30 – The End

100% Achievement Guide DLC - A Little to the Left: Cupboards and DrawersThis level has no stars and no puzzles to solve.
The screen will be rolling the credits of the game.
It takes about 3 minutes for the credits to finish.
Once the credits end you will return to the start menu and complete the last level of the DLC.


There you go, a full guide for the DLC Cupboards and Drawers. Congratulations on 100%!

Hope it was useful and you got all achievements easily.