Darkest Dungeon 2 – All possible names to come up with various team compositions.
All Team Composition Names in Darkest Dungeon 2
Abbreviation Guide
- HWM – Highwayman
- MAA – Man-At-Arms
- GR – Grave Robber
- PD – Plague Doctor
- HEL – Hellion
- RUN – Runaway
- JES – Jester
- LEP – Leper
- OCC – Occultist
- VES – Vestal
- FLA – Flagellant
Team Composition Names
Scraped from the files and formatted by hand, so pardon any mistakes I may have made (and let me know so I can fix them).
- PD/GR/HWM/MAA = The Unusual Suspects
- GR/PD/HWM/MAA = Standard Flip
- PD/HWM/GR/MAA = The Shuffle
- HWM/PD/GR/MAA = Backstabbers
- GR/HWM/PD/MAA = Special Treatment
- HWM/GR/PD/MAA = Bedside Manner
- PD/GR/MAA/HWM = Knowledge Highway
- GR/PD/MAA/HWM = Point Blank Inspection
- PD/MAA/GR/HWM = Highway Robbery
- MAA/PD/GR/HWM = The Stick Up
- MAA/GR/PD/HWM = The Rear Guard
- GR/MAA/PD/HWM = The Entrance
- PD/HWM/MAA/GR = Fall From Grace
- HWM/PD/MAA/GR = Dignitary’s Escort
- PD/MAA/HWM/GR = Robbed Blind
- MAA/PD/HWM/GR = The Chain of Command
- HWM/MAA/PD/GR = Night Cap
- MAA/HWM/PD/GR = The Magpies
- GR/HWM/MAA/PD = Crimson Cross
- HWM/GR/MAA/PD = The Expedition
- GR/MAA/HWM/PD = The Archeologists
- MAA/GR/HWM/PD = Tomb Raiders
- HWM/MAA/GR/PD = The Morgue
- MAA/HWM/GR/PD = A Grave Prognosis
- OCC/RUN/JES/HEL = Twist and Bleed
- RUN/OCC/MAA/HEL = The Reverse Sear
- PD/GR/RUN/HEL = Sisters of Battle
- HEL/PD/MAA/HWM = Highway to Hell
- GR/HWM/MAA/JES = Insane Crown Posse
- RUN/PD/OCC/JES = A Fool’s Mistake
- JES/HWM/HEL/LEP = Brute Squad
- OCC/PD/HEL/LEP = Blood Train
- OCC/JES/HWM/LEP = The Meat Grinder
- HWM/GR/MAA/LEP = A Bold Move
- GR/HWM/MAA/LEP = The Iron Crown
- HWM/JES/MAA/LEP = The Queue
- OCC/HWM/MAA/LEP = The Carpenters
- OCC/JES/RUN/LEP = The Butcher’s Circus
- OCC/PD/RUN/LEP = Wyrd Science
- PD/RUN/HWM/MAA = Travelers by Gaslight
- GR/HWM/JES/MAA = The Crimson Dance
- OCC/PD/HEL/RUN = Death by Inches
- OCC/GR/HWM/RUN = Fear the Reaper
- PD/OCC/HWM/RUN = The Laboratory
- PD/GR/HEL/RUN = Running with the Devil
- OCC/PD/HWM/HEL = If It Bleeds, It Leads
- PD/RUN/HEL/GR = Finishing School
- PD/HWM/RUN/HEL = Cut and Run
- OCC/JES/LEP/GR = Grave Dancers
- PD/HWM/HEL/LEP = Meat Cute
- PD/OCC/GR/HWM = The Dismal Science
- PD/JES/HWM/LEP = The Best Medicine
- OCC/RUN/HWM/MAA = Arms to Farewell
- OCC/JES/HWM/RUN = Riding Shotgun
- OCC/GR/HEL/RUN = Eye of the Beholder
- OCC/RUN/JES/LEP = The New Blood
- PD/GR/HWM/RUN = Wall of Fire
- PD/JES/HEL/RUN = Hot Blooded
- PD/GR/RUN/HWM = Thieves Guild
- PD/HWM/HEL/RUN = The Defiant
- OCC/GR/MAA/HWM = Honor Among Thieves
- OCC/GR/RUN/PD = Project Runaway
- OCC/JES/LEP/HEL = Devil’s Advocate
- OCC/GR/RUN/HWM = By Hook or by Crook
- OCC/JES/HEL/RUN = Powder Keg
- OCC/HWM/GR/RUN = Whisper in a Whirlwind
- PD/HWM/RUN/GR = Short Arms, Deep Pockets
- PD/GR/HWM/LEP = Pat Hand
- OCC/LEP/MAA/PD = Delenda Est
- PD/RUN/HWM/JES = The Lottery
- PD/JES/MAA/RUN = False Shine
- OCC/HEL/PD/RUN = Red Azimuth
- OCC/HWM/HEL/RUN = Blood Zenith
- JES/GR/HWM/LEP = Caveat Emptor
- OCC/RUN/LEP/JES = Dulce est Desipere
- OCC/HWM/JES/RUN = Favor the Bold
- HWM/GR/RUN/PD = Manu Propria
- OCC/HELL/HWM/RUN = The Deluge
- OCC/MAA/GR/RUN = The Defectors
- OCC/HWM/GR/HEL = Devil’s Due
- PD/OCC/HELL/LEP = Night Terrors
- RUN/JES/OCC/PD = Cause and Effect
- OCC/PD/RUN/HEL = Forces of Nature
- OCC/MAA/PD/JES = The Mind’s Eye
- OCC/HWM/PD/HEL = In the Red
- PD/JES/HEL/LEP = A Cut Above
- OCC/RUN/PD/JES = Bittersweet Symphony
- OCC/GR/PD/RUN = Smoke and Mirrors
- PD/HWM/JES/OCC = The Prestige
- OCC/HWM/LEP/JES = Live on Tour
- PD/JES/GR/OCC = Occlusion Culling
- PD/HWM/JES/GR = Masquerade Ball
- OCC/LEP.GR.JES = Death’s Waltz
- OCC/PD/JES/RUN = Blaze Black
- OCC//HWM/RUN/HELL = Burning Rage
- PD/GR/LEP/MAA = The Diplomats
- PD/JES/HWM/RUN = Wolf on the Fold
- OCC/JES/LEP/MAA = Blunt Force
- JES/VES/PD/LEP/ The Motley
- OCC/GR/HEL/LEP = Outcasts
- OCC/VES/HWM/LEP = Unlikely Tetret
- HWM/VES/GR/HEL = Guns ‘n Roses
- VES/PD/RUN/HEL = Sisters of Mercy
- PD/OCC/VES/MAA = Hook, Serve, Delicious
- VES/JES/HEL/LEP = Ghost Busters
- PD/OCC/VES/LEP = Doctor / Patient
- PD/GR/VES/HEL = Valkyries
- GR/VES/HWM/MAA = The Collection
- PD/VES/RUN/OCC = Safe than Sorry
- JES/OCC/VES/LEP = Light and Darkness
- GR/PD/JES/HWM = Knives
- VES/RUN/GR/HEL = Night Out
- LEP/HEL/VES/OCC = Folie à Quatre
- OCC/VES/MAA/HEL = Shouting Match
- VES/JES/MAA/LEP = Old King’s Court
- OCC/VES/HWM/HEL = Divine Intervention
- GR/PD/HEL/MAA = Yellow Brick Road
- PD/VES/OCC/HEL = Cultural Exchange
- VES/PD/HWM/MAA = The Uneasy Suspects
- PD/VES/OCC/LEP = Triage
- JES/VES/MAA/HEL = Requiem
- VES/PD/OCC/MAA = Third Opinion
- OCC/VES/RUN/LEP = Stars Above
- PD/OCC/VES/RUN = Conflagration
- OCC/JES/FLA/LEP = Crimson Court
- VES/OCC/FLA/HEL = Grave Discomfort
- OCC/RUN/HWM/FLA = Hunted
- HWM/FLA/MAA/HEL = Haunted
- PD/VES/FLA/LEP = Rue Morgue
- VES/PD/FLA/LEP = The Malady Militia
- PD/OCC/HEL/FLA = Near Death
- VES/RUN/FLA/MAA = Rain of Sorrows
- GR/JES/FLA/LEP = No Regrets
- PD/OCC/FLA/LEP = Biology Assignment
- GR/PD/HWM/FLA = Graveyard Shift
- OCC/GR/FLA/LEP = La Danse Macabre
- GR/PD/RUN/FLA = Toxin Trickery
- OCC/MAA/FLA/HEL = Army of Fools
- HWM/PD/HEL/FLA = The Harbingers
- RUN/MAA/FLA/LEP = Ruthless Orchestra
- JES/MAA/FLA/GR = The Stumbling Corpse
- GR/OCC/PD/FLA = Grave Prognosis
- VES/JES/FLA/LEP = Bitter Memories
- OCC/FLA/HEL/LEP = Pain and Power
- OCC/FLA/HWM/LEP = Borrowed Time
- PD/RUN/LEP/FLA = Doctor’s Orders
- GR/PD/FLA/LEP = Blight Town
- PD/GR/FLA/HEL = Cadaver Caravan
- PD/GR/FLA/LEP = Rot Squad
- RUN/OCC/LEP/FLA = Fever Dream
- PD/GR/OCC/FLA = Rain of Blight
- PD/HEL/VES/FLA = Medical Breakthrough
- GR/PD/FLA/RUN = Dying Blight
- VES/RUN/FLA/LEP = Last Light
- GR/FLA/HEL/LEP = The Bell Tolls
- GR/HWM/MAA/FLA = The Iron Fortress