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DayZ: Keyboard Controls & Hotkeys

The post-soviet country of Chernarus is struck by an unknown virus, turning the majority population into frenzied infected. Fighting over resources has bred a hostile mentality among survivors, driving what’s left of humanity to collapse. You are one of the few immune to the virus – how far will you go to survive?

DayZ: Keyboard Controls & Hotkeys

Before jumping into the game, you’ll need to familiarize yourself with the basic controls including the ability to move your character and interact with your environment. You can access these key assignments by visiting the Controls section of the Configuration menu, which you can from the in-game menu using the ESC key or from the game’s main menu. Additional controls can be accessed via the drop-down menu at the top of the key assignment screen. You can reconfigure the controls based on your own personal preferences. The tables below show the default key assignments for the game.


Basic game controls (outdated)
Key Function
W / Up Move Forward
S / Down Move Backward
A / Left Strafe Left
D / Right Strafe Right
Q Lean Left (double-tap to toggle)
E Lean Right (double-tap to toggle)
L Ctrl Walk/Jog (hold for temporary; double-tap to toggle)
L. Shift Run (hold for temporary)
Space Jump
C hold/push Stand
C push Crouch
C hold Prone


Key Function
Tab Toggle Inventory Screen
~ Toggle Hotbar (Hide/View)
0 to 9 Hotkey Slots
Right Mouse Button Lower/Raise Item in Hands
G Throw Item in Hands
Left Mouse Button Flashlight On/Off
Alt or * Free Look
Enter or V Toggle Between 1st Person (1PP) and 3rd Person (3PP) Perspectives
Middle Mouse Button Zoom (Hold)
Scroll Wheel View Available Actions
Left Mouse Button Use / Action


Key Function
Left Mouse Button Fire Weapon (Firearms) / Swing Weapon (Melee)
Right Mouse Button (Stable branch)L. Shift or Middle Mouse Button (Experimental branch) Use Optics
L. Ctrl(Hold) Hold Breath
R Chamber New Round (weapon)
X Toggle Weapon Firing Mode
Right Mouse Button Raise Weapon
Ctrl + Space (Stable branch) Toggle Raise Weapon
Page Up Zeroing – Up
Page Down Zeroing – Down


Key Function
W / Up Accelerate
S / Down Slow Down
A / Left Turn Left
D / Right Turn Right
Q Shift Down One Gear
E Shift Up One Gear
L. Shift Turbo


Key Function
/ Use Text Chat
Caps Lock Hold to speak in voice chat. Double-tap to toggle voice chat on/off.
F1 Hello
F2 Hands Up (Wave) (Stable branch)
F3 Sit Down (Stable branch)Heart (Experimental branch)
F4 Frig off
F5 Surrender (Stable branch)
F6 Point (Stable branch)Magnifique (Experimental branch)
F7 Thumbs Up (Stable branch)Point (Experimental branch)
F8 Facepalm (Stable branch)Taunt elbow (Experimental branch)
F9 Silent (Stable branch)Thumbs Up (Experimental branch)
F10 Die
F11 Suicide

It’s end. I hope “DayZ: Keyboard Controls & Hotkeys” helps you. Feel free to contribute the topic. If you have also comments or suggestions, comment us.

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