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Enshrouded Nursery Supplies Quest Guide

Enshrouded Nursery Supplies Quest Guide – Nursery Supplies Side Quest Walkthrough.

Enshrouded Nursery Supplies Quest Guide

Enshrouded Nursery Supplies Quest Guide

The Nursery Supplies quest points you to a location near the center of Surat’s Rest. To reach it, head back down the ladder and continue through the plaza to the south.

Enshrouded Nursery Supplies Quest Guide

After you ascend a short flight of stairs, turn right, head up more stairs, and hook around the buildings to the right again. You’ll encounter a ramshackle scavenger camp with a few scavengers guarding it.

Enshrouded Nursery Supplies Quest Guide

After dealing with the scavengers, look on the west side of the camp to find an explosive barrel buried in the dirt. Shoot it to reveal the treasure chest beneath.

Enshrouded Nursery Supplies Quest Guide

Loot the treasure chest to find Wooden Tooth, a two-handed hammer. This will complete the side quest.

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