House Party Brittney Walkthrough Guide

House Party is an open-ended social simulator mixed with a point-and-click adventure inspired by classic comedies of the 90’s. Every decision changes your story and every character has something to reveal. There’s also a button to take your pants off.

House Party Brittney Guide and Walkthrough

This guide provides a walkthrough that will allow you to hook up with Brittney.

Every Nook at Cranny

-Oogle Brittney
Tell her that she looks incredible
Wait for Brittney to go to the kitchen

-Go to the Living Room
Look at Brittney’s dating profile on the computer

-Inspect the liquor cabinet
Ask why it is locked

-Go to the Family Room
Turn off the speaker

-Tell Brittney a safe compliment

-Talk to Brittney
Ask her if the place is haunted
Ask her if she knew about him (Patrick)
Tell her you will get him out of here

-Go to the slider and open it

-Talk to Patrick
Ask him about the website
Tell him you are not familiar with it
Ask him why he is here
Ask him what he can offer you
Agree to his plan

-Go to the living room
Inspect the tablet
Take the tablet

-Give the tablet to Brittney
Ask her how you can help
Tell her you were born to do this

Deliver Us From Homecooked Evil

-Talk to Patrick
Ask about a favor
Ask about getting out of Brittney’s cooking

-Go to the downstairs bathroom
Lift the towel to get the digestive aid

-Go to the garage
Take the Michelin’ Motor Oil on the storage rack (it looks like a beer bottle)

-Go to the kitchen
Open your inventory and ingest the digestive aid
Go to the smelly stove and sabotage it with the motor oil
Wait for Brittney to come into the kitchen

-Go to family room
Use the Flashn’Dash app on Brittney’s phone
Tell them you had a cooking disaster

Turn Up the Heat

-Listen to Brittney
Tell her that she is more than meets the eye

-Tell Brittney an off-color joke

-Talk to Brittney

-Lean in to Brittney
Tell her that you should head upstairs

-Talk to Patrick
Tell him that Brittney is giving you the cold shoulder

-Go to the living room
Search for Patrick on the computer

-Talk to Patrick
Tell him that you are being ripped off

-Talk to Brittney
Tell her that Patrick is creeping around the backyard
Follow Brittney to the garage

Turn the Tables

-Plan with Brittney
Tell her he wants pictures
Tell her that they are going up on a website
Agree to her plan
Mention the liquor cabinet being locked

-Talk to Patrick
Ask about a favor
Ask about the liquor cabinet key

-Go to the patio
Lift the cushion on the comfy chair

-Go to the living room
Unlock the liquor cabinet
Take the Whack Spankiel’s

-Give the whisky to Patrick
Wait for Patrick to get drunk

-Talk to Patrick
Wait for Patrick to pass out
Wait for Brittney to see Patrick

-Take a photo of Patrick using Patrick’s phone

-Upload the photo using Partick’s phone
Choose to select photo
Select one of the options

-Wait for Brittney to ask you to expose yourself

Sex with Brittney

-Expose yourself [p]

-Talk to Brittney
Select doggystyle

-Talk to Brittney
Select top off
Change positions as you wish

It’s end. I hope “House Party Brittney Guide and Walkthrough” helps you. Feel free to contribute the topic. If you have also comments or suggestions, comment us.