Campaign/Battle Map
- 15 Rounds in total & each round have different monsters.
- The further you proceed, the tougher the monster.
- Once you beat a round, you will not be able to repeat the round & force to fight the next round the next time you begin adventuring to fight (Plan properly if you are still learning to fight!)
Must Know!
- Hugh will wait at Outskirt before 12pm if you want to go fight monster, but after 12pm, he will leave Squire behind if you don’t approach him & can only go fight monster the next day with Hugh.
- Once you begin the campaign, you will only return at 4pm on the same day so please plan properly.
How to start campaign/battle:
1. Go to Town Map & click on Outskirts (* Make sure Hugh is there if not, you are not able to go fight monster on that day)
2. Once Hugh is at the outskirt then click on Hugh & Let’s Go.