Pacify Headquarters Guide

This guide is for the new mission, Headquarters. Since there is virtually no info available I decided to make my own. It is a work in progress, as more about this level is discovered.

Pacify Headquarters Guide

There are minor spoilers in this guide, so if you want to discover this mission yourself you should read with caution.

There is very little info available about this mission, as it is still very new. I have made a map of the main floor you play on to help with knowing where every battery socket and charger is. Knowledge of the map makes maintaining battery charge much more efficient, and using disruptors to keep yourself safe easier.

I also have included some information on all the new achievements. I don’t currently have all of them, so I will update to make everything more accurate when possible.


Lower Floor:

Headquarters Guide


These are the steps for a main ending win on Mission: Headquarters.

  1. Enter the Supply Room and get batteries and items.     
  2. Power hatch, and drop down to the main area.    
  3. Maintain door battery levels.    
  4. Re-power Lesser Containment Unit.    
  5. Continue maintaining door battery levels.    
  6. Once Shag escapes, blast him x3 with the Disruptor beams.    
  7. Once Cursed Dolls are released into the map, quickly burn them all while managing all the monsters they set free.    
  8. Another Shag-entity will spawn once last Cursed Doll has been burned. Hit it x5 with a Disruptor to kill it.    
  9. Once the entity is dead, re-trap all monsters to win. If the game isn’t ending, double check that all monsters are behind the second set of bars, not just the outside doors.


Headquarters GuidePower it up
Place a charged battery in a battery socket.
You’ll get this as soon as you put a battery in a socket. There’s one as soon as you exit the elevator at the start.

Headquarters GuideCharge it
Charge a battery to full.
The first battery charger you can access is in the Supply Room. Go down the main hall from the start, and take the second to last left. The charger is just to the left of the door, and there is a wall of batteries on the right. Just put one in and wait until it hits 100.

Headquarters GuideBull’s Eye
Get a bullseye on the dart board.
The dartboard can be found in the Break Room. It is the second door on the right from spawn, and requires a battery to open. My only tip for hitting a bullseye is aim high.

Headquarters GuideCreepy Experience
Solve the haunted simulation.
The Haunted Sim is the last door on the right from spawn, and requires a battery to get in. Once you enter, you can’t leave until you ‘solve’ it. Your goal is to get to the door with the stairs. It is always open, as the actual door is off the hinges, and leaning against the wall next to it. The smoking entity will randomly teleport you to other rooms when you run into it, so wait for it to pass you towards spawn while hiding in a side room, then run deeper into the house. Once down there, pass through the mirror. Walk on top of the burning person in a crib, and you have solved it, and can freely leave now.

Headquarters GuideGet back in there!
Power the Lesser Containment Unit.
At a certain point keeping the batteries maintained, the batteries of the LCU will malfunction, and quickly deplete. replace them with fresh batteries for this achievement to pop.
Note: I did this in singleplayer, because it seems like some achievements only go to the host in multiplayer.

Headquarters GuideDon’t Do That
Let a monster out of its cell, yourself.
The description would imply that you get this by opening the inner cell door to let a monster out, as opposed to the battery running out. But, I have tried this in both single and multiplayer with no luck. It may be bugged, or it’s more complicated than that.

Headquarters GuideSelf Destruct
Run out of time during the self destruct sequence.
This ending involves having too many entities out of their containment. The AI will begin a countdown to self destruction, and all you need to do is not return any monsters to their cells for the timer to run out.
Note: I did this in singleplayer, because it seems like some achievements only go to the host in multiplayer.

Headquarters GuideBye!
You and the entities escape the headquarters.
Play the game as normal until Shag escapes it’s containment. Then, lead him to the first floor where the Supervisor’s room is. Once the monster is outside the door you will get some unique voice lines from the Supervisor. Once he’s killed, make a run for the exit door (same as where you start), and this achievement will pop. Don’t worry about the monster at this point, he will also just be running for the exit.
Note: I did this in singleplayer, because it seems like some achievements only go to the host in multiplayer.

Headquarters GuideYou Can Do It!
Take on the Headquarters during the power outage all by yourself.
This achievement involves getting the good ending in singleplayer. You must keep entities contained, kill Shag, burn all the cursed dolls, deal with the next entity, re-contain all entities again, then you’ll win. It’s definitely not an easy mission to solo.

Headquarters GuideWelcome to PAH HQ
Help at the headquarters during the power outage in cooperative mode.
This achievement involves getting the good ending in multiplayer. The same steps apply as in singleplayer. This achievement worked in multiplayer without being the host.

Headquarters GuideInvincible
Don’t get hurt once, while keeping the headquarters safe.
This achievement involves getting the good ending in either single or multiplayer, but without getting attacked by an entity. Keep your items stocked so when entities escape they eat the items instead of damaging you, and make sure you play around where the disruptors are. This is easier done in multiplayer.