Besides a few exceptions almost all of them only work from the 2nd stage onward. For example if you make yourself Beetle Guard you’ll either need a mod to skip a level or a friend to help out. Also from what I can tell the numbers do not go past 82 as of now.
Character & Enemy IDs
- Ancient Wisp = 1
- Arch Wisp = 2
- Assassin (can’t be targeted) = 3
- Strike Drone = 4
- Old Strike Drone = 5
- Bandit = 6
- Beetle = 7
- Beetle Guard (friend) = 8
- Beetle Guard (enemy) = 9
- Beetle Queen = 10
- Brass Contraption = 11
- Birdshark (camera under map) = 12
- Bighorn Bison = 13
- Bomber = 14
- Clay Man (can’t be targeted) = 15
- Clay Dunestrider = 16
- Clay Templar = 17
- Commando (base game character) = 18
- Performance Test Commando (works from start) = 19
- Acrid (base game character) = 20
- Gunner Drone = 21
- Healing Drone = 22
- Overloading Magma Worm = 23
- Emergency Drone = 24
- Enforcer = 25
- Engi Beam Turret = 26
- Engineer (base game character) = 27
- Engi Turret = 28
- Engi Walker Turret = 29
- Equipment Drone = 30
- Explosive Pot = 31
- Flame Drone = 32
- Fusion Cell = 33
- Golem = 34
- Golem (invincible) = 35
- Grovetender = 36
- Greater Wisp = 37
- Han-D = 38
- Hauler (car) = 39
- Hermit Crab = 40
- Huntress (base game character) = 41
- Imp = 42
- Imp Overlord = 43
- Jellyfish = 44
- Lemurian = 45
- Elder Lemurian = 46
- Loader (base game character) = 47
- Artificer (base game character) = 48
- Magma Worm = 49
- TC-280 Prototype = 50
- Mercenary (base game character) = 51
- Missile Drone = 52
- Void Reaver = 53
- Paladin/Pod Textured Beetle Guard = 54
- Pot = 55
- Pot Car2 (doesn’t move) = 56
- Pot Car (falls through ground) = 57
- Solus Control Unit = 58
- Solus Probe = 59
- Scavenger = 60
- Kipkip the Gentle = 61
- Wipwip the Wild = 62
- Twiptwip the Devotee = 63
- Guragura the Lucky = 64
- Scavenger Bag Projectile = 65
- Bazaar Newt = 66
- Sniper = 67
- Spectator = 68
- Spectator Slow = 69
- Squid Turret (works from start, can’t move) = 70
- Alloy Worship Unit = 71
- Time Crystals (camera under map) = 72
- Stone Titan = 73
- Aurelionite = 74
- Mul-T (base game character) = 75
- REX (base game character) = 76
- Gunner Turret (works from start, can’t move) = 77
- Malachite Urchin = 78
- Wandering Vagrant = 79
- Alloy Vulture (works from start) = 80
- Vulture Egg (camera under map) = 81
- Lesser Wisp = 82
It’s end. I hope “Risk of Rain 2 Character & Enemy IDs” helps you. Feel free to contribute the topic. If you have also comments or suggestions, comment us.