Potionomics Gifts & Coupons

Potionomics Gifts & Coupons

Potionomics Gifts & Coupons Favorite gifts for all characters. Gift type for each character Quality Quantity Coupons Achievement Give Luna a bug.

Potionomics Quinn’s Card Unlock Guide

Potionomics Quinn's Card Unlock Guide

All of the Quinn’s card unlock. Potionomics Quinn’s Card Unlock The basic of the game Passing a turn will cost n patience where n is the number of the turn. You will have all the patience points that you can use for that customer. Customer will attack you with price decrease, or a debuff that … Read more

Potionomics Day 21 Infinite Deck

Potionomics Day 21 Infinite Deck

Relatively early deck to go infinite during haggling. Deck List This is messy, but I just wanted to post this here quickly so people had access to it, before I did any cleanup and formatting. Core List Upgrades Gameplay Theory and GoalOnce we get a deck to go infinite, we are capped by maximum interest … Read more