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XCOM Chimera Squad Debug Console (How to Enable & Use)

XCOM Chimera Squad Debug Console

Does anyone know how to turn on the console mode? and its commands?

How to Enable Debug Console

  • Bypass the launcher and run “binaries/win64/xcom.exe -allowconsole”
  • Be careful not to go ham on the debug buttons
  • Open console with tilde key when in savegame
  • Commands are similar to xcom2

Console Commands

  • GiveResource credits 100
  • GiveResource elerium 100
  • GiveResource intel 100
  • GiveItem Medikit 10
  • GiveItem VenomRounds 10
  • GiveItem APRounds 10
  • GiveItem MissDamageUpgrade_Sup 10 (Stock)
  • GiveItem AimUpgrade_Sup 10 (Scope)
  • GiveItem ClipsizeUpgrade_Sup 10 (Ext. Magazine)

Doesn’t it work? Try these tips!

  • Try the usual keys if you have non-US keyboard. (shift+2, ö. ´`´etc etc)
  • Change your keyboard to en-us in windows and try the key above TAB.

How do you set up the shortcut for the console?

Set the shortcut to below:

  • “C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM-Chimera-Squad\Binaries\Win64\xcom.exe” -allowconsole

How to bypass launcher?

1- Rightclick the XCOM Chimera shortcut, select properties and add it at the end of the “Target”-field so that it looks something like this:

  • “C:\Games\XCOM: Chimera\Binaries\Win64\XCom.exe” -allowconsole

2- If using Steam, right-click the game in your Library, select Properties and add it under “Set launch options”.

See also:  XCOM Chimera Squad PC Keyboard Controls

Here what i did (step by step) 

1. Go to… S:\Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM-Chimera-Squad\Binaries\Win64
2. Create Short Cut of Xcom.exe
3. Xcom.exe (short cut) Right click properties
4. Copy and paste: -allowconsole in Target after Xcom.exe
Target Example: S:\Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM-Chimera-Squad\Binaries\Win64\xcom.exe -allowconsole
5. Should work!

Note: Yours might be C: instead of S: for Hard Drive.

Full Cheat List

For those that do want to go heavy on the cheats, here is the full list:

XCOM Chimera Squad


Command=SetStrategyFacilitiesSuperSpree on

Command=fquery -class=StaticMesh -summary
Command=fquery -class=SkeletalMesh -summary
Command=fquery -class=ParticleSystem -summary

Command=set xcomwavesystem m_benabled false
Command=set seqact_delayvictory bNoLongerDelayed true

Command=set seqact_delayvictory bNoLongerDelayed true

Command=SetMonth 6
Command=GiveFacility OTS
Command=GiveFacility Foundry
Command=GiveFacility PsiLabs
Command=GiveFacility EleriumGenerator
Command=GiveCash 20000
Command=GiveItem Elerium115 1000
Command=GiveItem AlienAlloys 1000
Command=GiveItem WeaponFragment 1000
Command=GiveResource Engineers 50
Command=GiveResource Scientists 50
Command=GiveTech Xenobiology
Command=GiveTech WeaponFragments
Command=GiveTech AlienMaterials
Command=GiveTech PsiLabs
Command=GiveTech Exp_Warfare
Command=GiveTech Elerium
Command=GiveTech PsiArmor
Command=GiveTech Armor_Skeleton
Command=GiveTech Armor_Titan
Command=GiveTech Armor_Ghost
Command=GiveTech Armor_ArchAngel
Command=GiveTech Plasma_Pistol
Command=GiveTech Plasma_Rifle
Command=GiveTech Plasma_Heavy
Command=GiveTech Plasma_Sniper
Command=GiveTech Alloy_Cannon
Command=GiveTech BlasterLauncher
Command=GiveTech InterrogateSectoid
Command=GiveTech InterrogateFloater
Command=GiveTech InterrogateMuton
Command=GiveTech InterrogateSectoidCommander
Command=GiveTech InterrogateBerserker
Command=GiveTech InterrogateThinMan
Command=GiveTech InterrogateHeavyFloater
Command=GiveTech InterrogateMutonElite
Command=GiveTech InterrogateEthereal
Command=GiveTech AutopsySectoid
Command=GiveTech AutopsyFloater
Command=GiveTech AutopsyThinMan
Command=GiveTech AutopsyMuton
Command=GiveTech AutopsyCryssalid
Command=GiveTech AutopsyZombie
Command=GiveTech AutopsyCyberdisc
Command=GiveTech AutopsyBerserker
Command=GiveTech AutopsyHeavyFloater
Command=GiveTech AutopsyMutonElite
Command=GiveTech AutopsyDrone
Command=GiveTech AutopsySectopod
Command=GiveTech AutopsyEthereal
Command=GiveTech AutopsyMechtoid
Command=GiveTech AutopsySeeker
Command=Levelupbarracks 7
Command=GiveItem PlasmaPistol 6
Command=GiveItem PlasmaAssaultRifle 6
Command=GiveItem AlloyCannon 6
Command=GiveItem HeavyPlasma 6
Command=GiveItem PlasmaSniperRifle 6
Command=GiveItem BlasterLauncher 6
Command=GiveItem MecKineticArm 6
Command=GiveItem MecFlameThrower 6
Command=GiveItem MecGrenadeLauncher 6
Command=GiveItem MecRestorativeMist 6
Command=GiveItem MecElectroPulse 6
Command=GiveItem MecProximityMineLauncher 6
Command=GiveItem ParticleBeam 6
Command=GiveItem ArmorSkeleton 6
Command=GiveItem ArmorTitan 6
Command=GiveItem ArmorArchangel 6
Command=GiveItem ArmorGhost 6
Command=GiveItem ArmorPsi 6
Command=GiveItem Medikit 6
Command=GiveItem CombatStims 6
Command=GiveItem ChitinPlating 6
Command=GiveItem ArcThrower 6
Command=GiveItem FlashBang 6
Command=GiveItem GhostGrenade 6
Command=GiveItem GasGrenade 6
Command=GiveItem NeedleGrenade 6
Command=GiveItem AlienGrenade 6
Command=GiveItem TargetingModule 6
Command=GiveItem SHIV_Hover 1
Command=GiveItem SHIVPlasma 1
Command=GiveItem SHIVDeck_III 1
Command=GiveItem MecArmor3_Flamethrower_Grenade_ProximityMine 1
Command=GiveItem SectoidCorpse 10
Command=GiveItem SectoidCommanderCorpse 10
Command=GiveItem FloaterCorpse 10
Command=GiveItem FloaterHeavyCorpse 10
Command=GiveItem ThinManCorpse 10
Command=GiveItem MutonCorpse 10
Command=GiveItem MutonEliteCorpse 10
Command=GiveItem BerserkerCorpse 10
Command=GiveItem CyberdiscCorpse 10
Command=GiveItem EtherealCorpse 10
Command=GiveItem CryssalidCorpse 10
Command=GiveItem SectopodCorpse 10
Command=GiveItem DroneCorpse 10

See also:  XCOM Chimera Squad Save File Location

Command=SetMonth 3
Command=GiveFacility OTS
Command=GiveItem AlienAlloys 50
Command=GiveItem WeaponFragment 25
Command=GiveResource Engineers 15
Command=GiveResource Scientists 15
Command=GiveTech Xenobiology
Command=GiveTech WeaponFragments
Command=GiveTech AlienMaterials
Command=GiveTech AutopsySectoid
Command=GiveTech Laserweapons
Command=GiveTech Armor_Carapace
Command=GiveTech InterrogateSectoid
Command=Levelupbarracks 3
Command=GiveItem Medikit 3
Command=GiveItem TargetingModule 3
Command=GiveItem LaserAssaultRifle 3
Command=GiveItem LaserPistol 6
Command=GiveItem ArmorCarapace 6

Command=SetMonth 5
Command=GiveFacility OTS
Command=GiveItem AlienAlloys 50
Command=GiveItem WeaponFragment 25
Command=GiveResource Engineers 15
Command=GiveResource Scientists 15
Command=GiveTech Xenobiology
Command=GiveTech WeaponFragments
Command=GiveTech AlienMaterials
Command=GiveTech AutopsySectoid
Command=GiveTech Laserweapons
Command=GiveTech Armor_Carapace
Command=GiveTech InterrogateSectoid
Command=Levelupbarracks 5
Command=GiveItem Medikit 3
Command=GiveItem TargetingModule 3
Command=GiveItem LaserAssaultRifle 3
Command=GiveItem LaserPistol 6
Command=GiveItem ArmorCarapace 6
Command=GiveTech Armor_Skeleton
Command=GiveTech Armor_Titan
Command=GiveTech Plasma_Pistol
Command=GiveTech Plasma_Rifle
Command=GiveTech InterrogateFloater
Command=GiveTech InterrogateMuton
Command=GiveTech PrecisionLasers
Command=GiveTech AutopsyThinMan
Command=GiveTech AutopsyMuton
Command=GiveTech AutopsyCryssalid
Command=GiveTech AutopsyZombie
Command=GiveItem PlasmaPistol 6
Command=GiveItem PlasmaAssaultRifle 6
Command=GiveItem ArmorSkeleton 6
Command=GiveItem ArmorTitan 6
Command=GiveItem CombatStims 6
Command=GiveItem ChitinPlating 6
Command=GiveItem AlienGrenade 6
Command=GiveItem TargetingModule 6
Command=GiveTech PrecisionLasers
Command=GiveTech HeavyLasers
Command=GiveItem HeavyLaser 3
Command=GiveItem LaserSniperRifle 3
Command=GiveItem LaserAssaultGun

Command=SetMonth 4
Command=GiveFacility OTS
Command=GiveItem AlienAlloys 50
Command=GiveItem WeaponFragment 25
Command=GiveResource Engineers 15
Command=GiveResource Scientists 15
Command=GiveTech Xenobiology
Command=GiveTech WeaponFragments
Command=GiveTech AlienMaterials
Command=GiveTech AutopsySectoid
Command=GiveTech Laserweapons
Command=GiveTech Armor_Carapace
Command=GiveTech Armor_Skeleton
Command=GiveTech InterrogateSectoid
Command=GiveTech ArcThrower
Command=GiveTech PrecisionLasers
Command=GiveTech HeavyLasers
Command=Levelupbarracks 4
Command=GiveItem Medikit 3
Command=GiveItem TargetingModule 3
Command=GiveItem ArcThrower 1
Command=GiveItem LaserAssaultRifle 3
Command=GiveItem LaserSniperRifle 3
Command=GiveItem HeavyLaser 3
Command=GiveItem LaserAssaultGun 3
Command=GiveItem LaserPistol 6
Command=GiveItem ArmorCarapace 6
Command=GiveItem ArmorSkeleton 3


It’s end. I hope “XCOM Chimera Squad Debug Console (How to Enable & Use)” helps you. Feel free to contribute the topic. If you have also comments or suggestions, comment us.

See also:  XCOM Chimera Squad Achievement Guide (How to Get All Achievements)
Written by Zombie Lenin

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