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Kingdom Two Crowns – Horses


Other Kingdom Two Crowns Guides:

The Light Brown Horse is the one the Monarch begins their reign with. It has average speed and stamina.

The Black Horse is the only available alternative in Kingdom: Classic. In Kingdom: New Lands, it can be found grazing with the other two variants in an open field with a fence. It is both faster and has more stamina compared to the starting horse.

The Dark Brown Horse can be found grazing with the other two variants in an open field with a fence. It is both faster and has more stamina compared to the starting horse. It is the fastest horse, but runs out of stamina quicker than to the original horse.

The White Horse can be found grazing with the other two variants in an open field with a fence. It is slightly slower than the original horse, but has about twice the stamina.

All three variations of the superior horses are unlocked at the Second Island. After this, an open, grassy field may appear on any given island, spawning with it two random horses.

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