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XCOM Chimera Squad Cheats & Console Commands (Dev Console)

Welcome to City 31, a model of peace in a post-invasion world. However, not all of Earth’s inhabitants support interspecies alliance. Chimera Squad, an elite force of human and alien agents, must work together to destroy the underground threats driving the city toward chaos.

XCOM Chimera Squad Cheats & Console Commands

Does anyone know how to turn on the console mode? and its commands?

How to Turn on the Console Mode?

  • Bypass the launcher and run “binaries/win64/xcom.exe -allowconsole”
  • Be careful not to go ham on the debug buttons
  • Open console with tilde key when in savegame
  • Commands are similar to xcom2

Console Commands

  • GiveResource credits 100
  • GiveResource elerium 100
  • GiveResource intel 100
  • GiveItem Medikit 10
  • GiveItem VenomRounds 10
  • GiveItem APRounds 10
  • GiveItem MissDamageUpgrade_Sup 10 (Stock)
  • GiveItem AimUpgrade_Sup 10 (Scope)
  • GiveItem ClipsizeUpgrade_Sup 10 (Ext. Magazine)

Doesn’t it work? Try these tips!

  • Try the usual keys if you have non-US keyboard. (shift+2, ö. ´`´etc etc)
  • Change your keyboard to en-us in windows and try the key above TAB.

How do you set up the shortcut for the console?

Set the shortcut to below:

  • “C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM-Chimera-Squad\Binaries\Win64\xcom.exe” -allowconsole
See also:  XCOM Chimera Squad PC Keyboard Controls

How to bypass launcher?

1- Rightclick the XCOM Chimera shortcut, select properties and add it at the end of the “Target”-field so that it looks something like this:

  • “C:\Games\XCOM: Chimera\Binaries\Win64\XCom.exe” -allowconsole

2- If using Steam, right-click the game in your Library, select Properties and add it under “Set launch options”.

Here what i did (step by step) 

1. Go to… S:\Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM-Chimera-Squad\Binaries\Win64
2. Create Short Cut of Xcom.exe
3. Xcom.exe (short cut) Right click properties
4. Copy and paste: -allowconsole in Target after Xcom.exe
Target Example: S:\Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM-Chimera-Squad\Binaries\Win64\xcom.exe -allowconsole
5. Should work!

Note: Yours might be C: instead of S: for Hard Drive.

from Hikifroggy

Full Cheat List

For those that do want to go heavy on the cheats, here is the full list:

XCOM Chimera Squad


Command=SetStrategyFacilitiesSuperSpree on

Command=fquery -class=StaticMesh -summary
Command=fquery -class=SkeletalMesh -summary
Command=fquery -class=ParticleSystem -summary

Command=set xcomwavesystem m_benabled false
Command=set seqact_delayvictory bNoLongerDelayed true

Command=set seqact_delayvictory bNoLongerDelayed true

Command=SetMonth 6
Command=GiveFacility OTS
Command=GiveFacility Foundry
Command=GiveFacility PsiLabs
Command=GiveFacility EleriumGenerator
Command=GiveCash 20000
Command=GiveItem Elerium115 1000
Command=GiveItem AlienAlloys 1000
Command=GiveItem WeaponFragment 1000
Command=GiveResource Engineers 50
Command=GiveResource Scientists 50
Command=GiveTech Xenobiology
Command=GiveTech WeaponFragments
Command=GiveTech AlienMaterials
Command=GiveTech PsiLabs
Command=GiveTech Exp_Warfare
Command=GiveTech Elerium
Command=GiveTech PsiArmor
Command=GiveTech Armor_Skeleton
Command=GiveTech Armor_Titan
Command=GiveTech Armor_Ghost
Command=GiveTech Armor_ArchAngel
Command=GiveTech Plasma_Pistol
Command=GiveTech Plasma_Rifle
Command=GiveTech Plasma_Heavy
Command=GiveTech Plasma_Sniper
Command=GiveTech Alloy_Cannon
Command=GiveTech BlasterLauncher
Command=GiveTech InterrogateSectoid
Command=GiveTech InterrogateFloater
Command=GiveTech InterrogateMuton
Command=GiveTech InterrogateSectoidCommander
Command=GiveTech InterrogateBerserker
Command=GiveTech InterrogateThinMan
Command=GiveTech InterrogateHeavyFloater
Command=GiveTech InterrogateMutonElite
Command=GiveTech InterrogateEthereal
Command=GiveTech AutopsySectoid
Command=GiveTech AutopsyFloater
Command=GiveTech AutopsyThinMan
Command=GiveTech AutopsyMuton
Command=GiveTech AutopsyCryssalid
Command=GiveTech AutopsyZombie
Command=GiveTech AutopsyCyberdisc
Command=GiveTech AutopsyBerserker
Command=GiveTech AutopsyHeavyFloater
Command=GiveTech AutopsyMutonElite
Command=GiveTech AutopsyDrone
Command=GiveTech AutopsySectopod
Command=GiveTech AutopsyEthereal
Command=GiveTech AutopsyMechtoid
Command=GiveTech AutopsySeeker
Command=Levelupbarracks 7
Command=GiveItem PlasmaPistol 6
Command=GiveItem PlasmaAssaultRifle 6
Command=GiveItem AlloyCannon 6
Command=GiveItem HeavyPlasma 6
Command=GiveItem PlasmaSniperRifle 6
Command=GiveItem BlasterLauncher 6
Command=GiveItem MecKineticArm 6
Command=GiveItem MecFlameThrower 6
Command=GiveItem MecGrenadeLauncher 6
Command=GiveItem MecRestorativeMist 6
Command=GiveItem MecElectroPulse 6
Command=GiveItem MecProximityMineLauncher 6
Command=GiveItem ParticleBeam 6
Command=GiveItem ArmorSkeleton 6
Command=GiveItem ArmorTitan 6
Command=GiveItem ArmorArchangel 6
Command=GiveItem ArmorGhost 6
Command=GiveItem ArmorPsi 6
Command=GiveItem Medikit 6
Command=GiveItem CombatStims 6
Command=GiveItem ChitinPlating 6
Command=GiveItem ArcThrower 6
Command=GiveItem FlashBang 6
Command=GiveItem GhostGrenade 6
Command=GiveItem GasGrenade 6
Command=GiveItem NeedleGrenade 6
Command=GiveItem AlienGrenade 6
Command=GiveItem TargetingModule 6
Command=GiveItem SHIV_Hover 1
Command=GiveItem SHIVPlasma 1
Command=GiveItem SHIVDeck_III 1
Command=GiveItem MecArmor3_Flamethrower_Grenade_ProximityMine 1
Command=GiveItem SectoidCorpse 10
Command=GiveItem SectoidCommanderCorpse 10
Command=GiveItem FloaterCorpse 10
Command=GiveItem FloaterHeavyCorpse 10
Command=GiveItem ThinManCorpse 10
Command=GiveItem MutonCorpse 10
Command=GiveItem MutonEliteCorpse 10
Command=GiveItem BerserkerCorpse 10
Command=GiveItem CyberdiscCorpse 10
Command=GiveItem EtherealCorpse 10
Command=GiveItem CryssalidCorpse 10
Command=GiveItem SectopodCorpse 10
Command=GiveItem DroneCorpse 10

See also:  XCOM Chimera Squad Can't load, how to fix?

Command=SetMonth 3
Command=GiveFacility OTS
Command=GiveItem AlienAlloys 50
Command=GiveItem WeaponFragment 25
Command=GiveResource Engineers 15
Command=GiveResource Scientists 15
Command=GiveTech Xenobiology
Command=GiveTech WeaponFragments
Command=GiveTech AlienMaterials
Command=GiveTech AutopsySectoid
Command=GiveTech Laserweapons
Command=GiveTech Armor_Carapace
Command=GiveTech InterrogateSectoid
Command=Levelupbarracks 3
Command=GiveItem Medikit 3
Command=GiveItem TargetingModule 3
Command=GiveItem LaserAssaultRifle 3
Command=GiveItem LaserPistol 6
Command=GiveItem ArmorCarapace 6

Command=SetMonth 5
Command=GiveFacility OTS
Command=GiveItem AlienAlloys 50
Command=GiveItem WeaponFragment 25
Command=GiveResource Engineers 15
Command=GiveResource Scientists 15
Command=GiveTech Xenobiology
Command=GiveTech WeaponFragments
Command=GiveTech AlienMaterials
Command=GiveTech AutopsySectoid
Command=GiveTech Laserweapons
Command=GiveTech Armor_Carapace
Command=GiveTech InterrogateSectoid
Command=Levelupbarracks 5
Command=GiveItem Medikit 3
Command=GiveItem TargetingModule 3
Command=GiveItem LaserAssaultRifle 3
Command=GiveItem LaserPistol 6
Command=GiveItem ArmorCarapace 6
Command=GiveTech Armor_Skeleton
Command=GiveTech Armor_Titan
Command=GiveTech Plasma_Pistol
Command=GiveTech Plasma_Rifle
Command=GiveTech InterrogateFloater
Command=GiveTech InterrogateMuton
Command=GiveTech PrecisionLasers
Command=GiveTech AutopsyThinMan
Command=GiveTech AutopsyMuton
Command=GiveTech AutopsyCryssalid
Command=GiveTech AutopsyZombie
Command=GiveItem PlasmaPistol 6
Command=GiveItem PlasmaAssaultRifle 6
Command=GiveItem ArmorSkeleton 6
Command=GiveItem ArmorTitan 6
Command=GiveItem CombatStims 6
Command=GiveItem ChitinPlating 6
Command=GiveItem AlienGrenade 6
Command=GiveItem TargetingModule 6
Command=GiveTech PrecisionLasers
Command=GiveTech HeavyLasers
Command=GiveItem HeavyLaser 3
Command=GiveItem LaserSniperRifle 3
Command=GiveItem LaserAssaultGun

Command=SetMonth 4
Command=GiveFacility OTS
Command=GiveItem AlienAlloys 50
Command=GiveItem WeaponFragment 25
Command=GiveResource Engineers 15
Command=GiveResource Scientists 15
Command=GiveTech Xenobiology
Command=GiveTech WeaponFragments
Command=GiveTech AlienMaterials
Command=GiveTech AutopsySectoid
Command=GiveTech Laserweapons
Command=GiveTech Armor_Carapace
Command=GiveTech Armor_Skeleton
Command=GiveTech InterrogateSectoid
Command=GiveTech ArcThrower
Command=GiveTech PrecisionLasers
Command=GiveTech HeavyLasers
Command=Levelupbarracks 4
Command=GiveItem Medikit 3
Command=GiveItem TargetingModule 3
Command=GiveItem ArcThrower 1
Command=GiveItem LaserAssaultRifle 3
Command=GiveItem LaserSniperRifle 3
Command=GiveItem HeavyLaser 3
Command=GiveItem LaserAssaultGun 3
Command=GiveItem LaserPistol 6
Command=GiveItem ArmorCarapace 6
Command=GiveItem ArmorSkeleton 3


It’s end. I hope “XCOM Chimera Squad Cheats & Console Commands” helps you. Feel free to contribute the topic. If you have also comments or suggestions, comment us.

See also:  XCOM Chimera Squad Debug Console (How to Enable & Use)
Written by Zombie Lenin

1 thought on “XCOM Chimera Squad Cheats & Console Commands (Dev Console)”

  1. For those that do want to go heavy on the cheats, here is the full list:


    Command=SetStrategyFacilitiesSuperSpree on

    Command=fquery -class=StaticMesh -summary
    Command=fquery -class=SkeletalMesh -summary
    Command=fquery -class=ParticleSystem -summary

    Command=set xcomwavesystem m_benabled false
    Command=set seqact_delayvictory bNoLongerDelayed true

    Command=set seqact_delayvictory bNoLongerDelayed true

    Command=SetMonth 6
    Command=GiveFacility OTS
    Command=GiveFacility Foundry
    Command=GiveFacility PsiLabs
    Command=GiveFacility EleriumGenerator
    Command=GiveCash 20000
    Command=GiveItem Elerium115 1000
    Command=GiveItem AlienAlloys 1000
    Command=GiveItem WeaponFragment 1000
    Command=GiveResource Engineers 50
    Command=GiveResource Scientists 50
    Command=GiveTech Xenobiology
    Command=GiveTech WeaponFragments
    Command=GiveTech AlienMaterials
    Command=GiveTech PsiLabs
    Command=GiveTech Exp_Warfare
    Command=GiveTech Elerium
    Command=GiveTech PsiArmor
    Command=GiveTech Armor_Skeleton
    Command=GiveTech Armor_Titan
    Command=GiveTech Armor_Ghost
    Command=GiveTech Armor_ArchAngel
    Command=GiveTech Plasma_Pistol
    Command=GiveTech Plasma_Rifle
    Command=GiveTech Plasma_Heavy
    Command=GiveTech Plasma_Sniper
    Command=GiveTech Alloy_Cannon
    Command=GiveTech BlasterLauncher
    Command=GiveTech InterrogateSectoid
    Command=GiveTech InterrogateFloater
    Command=GiveTech InterrogateMuton
    Command=GiveTech InterrogateSectoidCommander
    Command=GiveTech InterrogateBerserker
    Command=GiveTech InterrogateThinMan
    Command=GiveTech InterrogateHeavyFloater
    Command=GiveTech InterrogateMutonElite
    Command=GiveTech InterrogateEthereal
    Command=GiveTech AutopsySectoid
    Command=GiveTech AutopsyFloater
    Command=GiveTech AutopsyThinMan
    Command=GiveTech AutopsyMuton
    Command=GiveTech AutopsyCryssalid
    Command=GiveTech AutopsyZombie
    Command=GiveTech AutopsyCyberdisc
    Command=GiveTech AutopsyBerserker
    Command=GiveTech AutopsyHeavyFloater
    Command=GiveTech AutopsyMutonElite
    Command=GiveTech AutopsyDrone
    Command=GiveTech AutopsySectopod
    Command=GiveTech AutopsyEthereal
    Command=GiveTech AutopsyMechtoid
    Command=GiveTech AutopsySeeker
    Command=Levelupbarracks 7
    Command=GiveItem PlasmaPistol 6
    Command=GiveItem PlasmaAssaultRifle 6
    Command=GiveItem AlloyCannon 6
    Command=GiveItem HeavyPlasma 6
    Command=GiveItem PlasmaSniperRifle 6
    Command=GiveItem BlasterLauncher 6
    Command=GiveItem MecKineticArm 6
    Command=GiveItem MecFlameThrower 6
    Command=GiveItem MecGrenadeLauncher 6
    Command=GiveItem MecRestorativeMist 6
    Command=GiveItem MecElectroPulse 6
    Command=GiveItem MecProximityMineLauncher 6
    Command=GiveItem ParticleBeam 6
    Command=GiveItem ArmorSkeleton 6
    Command=GiveItem ArmorTitan 6
    Command=GiveItem ArmorArchangel 6
    Command=GiveItem ArmorGhost 6
    Command=GiveItem ArmorPsi 6
    Command=GiveItem Medikit 6
    Command=GiveItem CombatStims 6
    Command=GiveItem ChitinPlating 6
    Command=GiveItem ArcThrower 6
    Command=GiveItem FlashBang 6
    Command=GiveItem GhostGrenade 6
    Command=GiveItem GasGrenade 6
    Command=GiveItem NeedleGrenade 6
    Command=GiveItem AlienGrenade 6
    Command=GiveItem TargetingModule 6
    Command=GiveItem SHIV_Hover 1
    Command=GiveItem SHIVPlasma 1
    Command=GiveItem SHIVDeck_III 1
    Command=GiveItem MecArmor3_Flamethrower_Grenade_ProximityMine 1
    Command=GiveItem SectoidCorpse 10
    Command=GiveItem SectoidCommanderCorpse 10
    Command=GiveItem FloaterCorpse 10
    Command=GiveItem FloaterHeavyCorpse 10
    Command=GiveItem ThinManCorpse 10
    Command=GiveItem MutonCorpse 10
    Command=GiveItem MutonEliteCorpse 10
    Command=GiveItem BerserkerCorpse 10
    Command=GiveItem CyberdiscCorpse 10
    Command=GiveItem EtherealCorpse 10
    Command=GiveItem CryssalidCorpse 10
    Command=GiveItem SectopodCorpse 10
    Command=GiveItem DroneCorpse 10

    Command=SetMonth 3
    Command=GiveFacility OTS
    Command=GiveItem AlienAlloys 50
    Command=GiveItem WeaponFragment 25
    Command=GiveResource Engineers 15
    Command=GiveResource Scientists 15
    Command=GiveTech Xenobiology
    Command=GiveTech WeaponFragments
    Command=GiveTech AlienMaterials
    Command=GiveTech AutopsySectoid
    Command=GiveTech Laserweapons
    Command=GiveTech Armor_Carapace
    Command=GiveTech InterrogateSectoid
    Command=Levelupbarracks 3
    Command=GiveItem Medikit 3
    Command=GiveItem TargetingModule 3
    Command=GiveItem LaserAssaultRifle 3
    Command=GiveItem LaserPistol 6
    Command=GiveItem ArmorCarapace 6

    Command=SetMonth 5
    Command=GiveFacility OTS
    Command=GiveItem AlienAlloys 50
    Command=GiveItem WeaponFragment 25
    Command=GiveResource Engineers 15
    Command=GiveResource Scientists 15
    Command=GiveTech Xenobiology
    Command=GiveTech WeaponFragments
    Command=GiveTech AlienMaterials
    Command=GiveTech AutopsySectoid
    Command=GiveTech Laserweapons
    Command=GiveTech Armor_Carapace
    Command=GiveTech InterrogateSectoid
    Command=Levelupbarracks 5
    Command=GiveItem Medikit 3
    Command=GiveItem TargetingModule 3
    Command=GiveItem LaserAssaultRifle 3
    Command=GiveItem LaserPistol 6
    Command=GiveItem ArmorCarapace 6
    Command=GiveTech Armor_Skeleton
    Command=GiveTech Armor_Titan
    Command=GiveTech Plasma_Pistol
    Command=GiveTech Plasma_Rifle
    Command=GiveTech InterrogateFloater
    Command=GiveTech InterrogateMuton
    Command=GiveTech PrecisionLasers
    Command=GiveTech AutopsyThinMan
    Command=GiveTech AutopsyMuton
    Command=GiveTech AutopsyCryssalid
    Command=GiveTech AutopsyZombie
    Command=GiveItem PlasmaPistol 6
    Command=GiveItem PlasmaAssaultRifle 6
    Command=GiveItem ArmorSkeleton 6
    Command=GiveItem ArmorTitan 6
    Command=GiveItem CombatStims 6
    Command=GiveItem ChitinPlating 6
    Command=GiveItem AlienGrenade 6
    Command=GiveItem TargetingModule 6
    Command=GiveTech PrecisionLasers
    Command=GiveTech HeavyLasers
    Command=GiveItem HeavyLaser 3
    Command=GiveItem LaserSniperRifle 3
    Command=GiveItem LaserAssaultGun

    Command=SetMonth 4
    Command=GiveFacility OTS
    Command=GiveItem AlienAlloys 50
    Command=GiveItem WeaponFragment 25
    Command=GiveResource Engineers 15
    Command=GiveResource Scientists 15
    Command=GiveTech Xenobiology
    Command=GiveTech WeaponFragments
    Command=GiveTech AlienMaterials
    Command=GiveTech AutopsySectoid
    Command=GiveTech Laserweapons
    Command=GiveTech Armor_Carapace
    Command=GiveTech Armor_Skeleton
    Command=GiveTech InterrogateSectoid
    Command=GiveTech ArcThrower
    Command=GiveTech PrecisionLasers
    Command=GiveTech HeavyLasers
    Command=Levelupbarracks 4
    Command=GiveItem Medikit 3
    Command=GiveItem TargetingModule 3
    Command=GiveItem ArcThrower 1
    Command=GiveItem LaserAssaultRifle 3
    Command=GiveItem LaserSniperRifle 3
    Command=GiveItem HeavyLaser 3
    Command=GiveItem LaserAssaultGun 3
    Command=GiveItem LaserPistol 6
    Command=GiveItem ArmorCarapace 6
    Command=GiveItem ArmorSkeleton 3



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