Raft Balboa Island Walkthrough Guide: Map, Notes, Blueprints, Locations

Balboa Island is supposed to be against the wind, so use the blueprints you’ve found in the boat to craft some Engines and a Steering Wheel, that will allow you to reach your destination faster. Don’t worry about fuel for now, you can use wood instead to power the engines. Remember that you need 1 Engine for 100 Foundation blocks.

  • There are 13 documents.
  • There are 4 blueprints to find, one for the Machete, one for the Fuel Tank, one for the Pipe and one for the Biofuel Refiner.

This time, to get the next coordinates you need to activate each Radio Station (there are 3 marked 2, 4 and 6), there’s a big lever in each to turn it on.

Raft Balboa Island Map

Raft Balboa Island Walkthrough Guide

Arriving at the Island: There are 4 ways to enter the island and 3 starting points. A beach west, a beach south and a water path north (that will also be your starting point if you enter through the water tunnel east).

Raft Story Walkthrough: Radio Tower Walkthrough | Vasagatan Walkthrough | Caravan Town Walkthrough | Tangaroa Walkthrough

Center Island
=> Pick up at least 5 [Berries] around the island, there are many to be found.
=> Use the [Berries] on the [Basket] near Mama Bear’s cave to distract her ( the huge sleeping bear in the middle of the island ).
=> Now that Mama Bear is distracted, go inside the cave and pick up the crate, there’s the [Machete] in it!
=> Don’t forget to check out the big hill facing Mama Bear’s cave, there are 5 [Notes] on it and the [Lightbulb].
=> There’s a hill on the left when climbing towards Radio 6 and 4. There’s a locker on it with [Bruno’s Saw] inside.

Radio 6
=> Follow the signs until you reach a tunnel blocked by vines. Use your [Machete] on them to free the way. Radio 6 is on the other side of the tunnel.
=> There’s [Bruno’s Wrench] in the entrance of the Radio Station, on the left, on a counter.
=> There are 2 [Notes] inside the Radio Station. Both on a desk, but not the same.
=> There’s also a [Blueprint] next to a [Note], on a desk.
=> Don’t forget to switch the lever at the end of the room! If it’s the 3rd lever you activate, 1 being in each Radio Station, you will receive a [Note] with the coordinates for the next story place).

Radio 4
=> Follow the signs until you reach a precipice. Other the other side you can see a raised bridge with a lever next to it. Shoot the lever with an arrow to lower the bridge (you should be able to hit it with a stone, but it’s really hard).
=> There’s a [Blueprint] on your left, on the wall when you enter the Radio Station.
=> There are 2 [Notes], one next to the [Blueprint] on the wall, on the left when you enter. And one on a stool next to a bookcase.
=> There’s [Bruno’s Hammer] on a shelf next to the big screen.
=> Don’t forget to switch the lever at the entrance, on the left when you enter! (If it’s the 3rd lever you activate, 1 being in each Radio Station, you will receive a [Note] with the coordinates for the next story place).

Radio 2
=> Follow the signs until you reach a path filled with some kind of yellow liquid. Jump on the crates to reach the other end. Careful the crates sink when you touch them, so hurry.
=> There’s 1 [Note] in an open locker.
=> Don’t forget to switch the lever at the entrance, on the right when you enter! (If it’s the 3rd lever you activate, 1 being in each Radio Station, you will receive a [Note] with the coordinates for the next story place).

Ranger Station
=> Follow the signs for Radio Station 2, it’s just next to it. When you reach a path filled with some kind of yellow liquid. Jump on the crates to reach the other end. Careful the crates sink when you touch them, so hurry.
=> There’s a dummy at the entrance, you can give it the [Lightbulb] you found on the big hill facing Mama Bear’s cave.
=> There’s a [Blueprint] on the table, on the left when you enter.
=> There’s a [Note] in a small room at the back, on a mattress.
=> There’s a board with tools on it, on the wall, on the right when you enter. Use the 3 tools on it to make it fall and reveal another [Note] ([Bruno’s Saw] was on a hill, on the left when climbing towards Radio 6 and 4; [Bruno’s Wrench] was in Radio 6; and [Bruno’s Hammer] was in Radio 4).

Balboa (Notes/Blueprints)


The 1st and 2nd documents are on the path that climbs a hill. The said hill is facing Mama Bear’s cave.
=>[IT’S DONE…] – Page 17
=>[FATHER HAS A NEW…] – Page 17

Raft Balboa (Notes/Blueprints)

The 3rd4th and 5th documents are at the top of the hill where you found the first and second documents. There’s one on a tree stump laying on the ground, one inside a mannequin and one on a hanged mannequin.
=>[FATHER HAS TO MAKE…] – Page 17
=>[NOT ENOUGH BOAT…] – Page 18

Raft Balboa (Notes/Blueprints)

The 6th document is inside Radio 6, on a desk.
=>[7th Entry…] – Page 17

Raft Balboa (Notes/Blueprints)

The 7th document is also inside Radio 6, on another desk.

Raft Balboa (Notes/Blueprints)

The 8th document is inside Radio 4, it’s a map between a lever and a blueprint, on a wall.
=>[Map : DO NOT LOSE!] – Page 18

Raft Balboa (Notes/Blueprints)

The 9th document is also inside Radio 4, on a stool between a bookcase and a desk.
=>[4th Entry…] – Page 16

Raft Balboa (Notes/Blueprints)

The 10th document is inside Radio 2, inside an open locker next to a desk.
=>[1st Entry…] – Page 15

Raft Balboa (Notes/Blueprints)

The 11th document is inside the Ranger Station, in a dark room, on a mattress.
=>[SCHEDULE…] – Page 15

Raft Balboa (Notes/Blueprints)

The 12th document is also inside the Ranger Station, hidden behind a toolboard. You need to bring 3 tools to this toolboard to reveal the note ( wrench is in Radio 6, hammer in Radio 4 and saw on a hill next to the path (on the left when climbing the path) leading to Radio 6 and 4 ).
=>[Picture : MERRY CHRISTMAS…] – Page 16

Raft Balboa (Notes/Blueprints)

The 13th document will be revealed when you have activated all 3 Radio Station, the coordinates will appear on the screens inside each Radio Station and the corresponding note will automatically be added in your journal.

Raft Balboa (Notes/Blueprints)


Remember that you discover the blueprint the moment you pick it up, so you can throw it away after that. You’ll just have to finish the research in the research table without the blueprint.

  • The 1st one (Machete) is in Mama Bear’s cave, in a crate with EMP written on it.
  • The 2nd one (Fuel Tank) is in Radio 6, on a desk.
  • The 3rd one (Pipe) is in Radio 4, on a wall.
  • The 4th one (Biofuel Refiner) is in the Ranger Station (next to Radio 2), on a table.
Raft Balboa Blueprints
Raft Balboa Blueprints
Raft Balboa Blueprints
Raft Balboa Blueprints