Necrosmith Beating the Endgame

Necrosmith Beating the Endgame

A quick walkthrough of how to beat the end of the game. Early Game Prep & Tips Many players suggest playing defensively controlling a Turtling AoE or similar and letting other mobs clear the map. Instead of this, try playing offensively with a single mob. Enemy bases only begin spawning once you aggro them. By … Read more

List of All Body Parts and Stats in Necrosmith

List of All Body Parts and Stats in Necrosmith

This is list of all the body parts and the stats they have, if there are some super uncommon drops that i missed then please let me know. Take note that DPS values from weapons and abilities are adjusted in game real time when you do castle upgrades to increase damage, the values I have … Read more

Necrosmith Recipes: A list of all known recipes

Recipes for Necrosmith

A list of all known (to me, and all who comment) recipes in-game. Necrosmith Recipes I have only played this game thus far for a few hours, so a lot of the information will be missing. That is where you come in! Yes you! I need your help! Please comment below and we can grow … Read more