Home > Risk of Rain 2 > Risk of Rain 2: Interactable Objects Guide

Risk of Rain 2: Interactable Objects Guide

This guide will cover most interactable objects that spawn within levels.

Other Risk of Rain 2 Guides:

Chests and Things

The ubiquitous chest. Easy to figure out, pretty easy to master too. All normal chests cost money to open, and will spawn an item once opened. The cost of each chest scales as difficulty increases, but they only change price once you progress to the next stage. The amount of money that enemies drop also scales with difficulty, so it becomes a game of how much time you want to spend killing enemies in order to get at the goodies in a chest. For the purposes of this guide, Common items are the white items, Uncommon items are green, Legendary items are red, Boss items are yellow, Use or Equipment items are orange, and Lunar items are blue. Chests come in a few variations:

A tiny capsule that has no cost, and isn’t really considered a ‘normal’ chest. When opened, it provides a small amount of cash and experience, which makes them suitable for scraping together some coins for an actual chest. Interestingly, these chests are not locked down by the teleporter when activated, so they can be accessed by anyone regardless of if the teleporter is charging or not.

Run of the mill, common chest. Its base cost at the beginning of the game is $25. When opened, it will spawn an item of at least common (white) rarity. It is possible for uncommon and legendary (green and red, respectively) items to spawn from these chests, though it is a rare occurrence.

Equipment Chest
A deceptively small but orange chest that costs the same amount as a normal chest. This chest always spawns an equipment item when opened, so it may not be in your interest to open them if you already have an equipment item you like.

Large Chest
A heftier looking chest, as uncommon as the items it spawns (which is to say, it usually spawns uncommon items). Base cost is approximately twice the cost of a small chest (so $50 in the beginning of the game). When opened, it will spawn an item of at least uncommon (green) rarity, though occasionally it will spawn a legendary item.

Legendary chest
Large, hefty, orange, expensive. This describes lots of things and also the legendary chest. I have only ever seen them spawn in the Abyssal Plains, the fourth stage. They are typically many times more expensive (usually a few thousand dollars the first run) than normal chests, but they will always drop a legendary item. It may be useful to stick around killing enemies to unlock these, but in the same stroke that could ramp difficulty up further than is comfortable. Decide if it’s a good trade-off.

Not technically a chest but functions kind of like one. The multi-shop has three windows on it, each containing a different item (or a question mark, which will generate a random item). The rarity of each item in the multi-shop is always the same, though I have only ever seen common and uncommon item multi-shops. Therefore, the cost of each item is the same, and this gives you some control over which item you want to pick out of the shop.

Once you select an item from the multi-shop, all shutters close. You only get one item out of the three, so choose carefully. In Risk of Rain 1, the random item choice sometimes generated an item of higher rarity, however this does not seem to be the case in the sequel. The cost of an item in the multi-shop is the same as the cost of the respective chest; I.E, a common chest costs $25, so a common item in the multi-shop costs $25 as well.

Lunar Pod
I guess it’s kinda a chest, in the most vague definition possible (that being “it’s a container that hols things and has a lock on it”). The lunar pod always costs one Lunar Coin to open (which are randomly dropped from enemies, and carry over between games). When opened, it always spawns a Lunar item. Lunar items usually have a really cool upside and a really bad downside, so they are not automatically picked up when moved over like other items.

The item you get from the pod is random, so it could be a use Lunar item, or it could be a normal item. It is, however, cheaper to get a random item then it is to wait or call for a portal and purchase one for two lunar coins from the bazaar, so think before you blow your coins.


Shrines are where worshippers whisper sweet nothings to a deity (who may or may not listen), usually combined with an offering to help ensure the deity is at least looking in your general direction when you scream for help. Each shrine does something different, and each shrine is useful in its own way:

Shrine of Chance
It looks like a statue of one of those stupid rock golem dudes. The shrine of chance can be prayed to with a monetary offering for a chance to spawn a random item. The shrine can be prayed to as many times as you want — however the cost increases with each prayer. In addition, once you get two items out of the shrine, it cuts its losses and goes silent instead of allowing you to gamble further.

These guys initially start cheaper than normal chests (around only 65% cost, so $17 on the first prayer on the first level). Each prayer increases the cost by about 35%. Once you start failing this shrine three or four times, the cost becomes prohibitively expensive and you might as well cut your own losses. An interesting side note, the shrine is capable of giving out uncommon, legendary, and equipment items, all in addition to common items.

Shrine of Blood
The shrine of searing pain and get rich quick schemes. When praying to this shrine, it takes a percentage of your maximum health, and then returns to you gold, proportionate to the amount of health taken. This shrine is great to get some quick cash to open nearby chests, however it can be dangerous if you do not have decent healing items or are under attack.

This shrine can only be used up to three times. The percentage of health taken increases with each use, starting at 50%, then 75%, then 93%. If you do not have more health than the percent needed to activate the shrine, you will not be able to activate it until healed. For those with very small health pools (i.e people using transcendence, and have only 1 HP), you will find you get literally no money from interacting with these things. Again, the amount of money awarded is proportionate to the amount of health you lost (not the percentage of health, though that is a factor). Characters with more maximum health will get more money.

Shrine of the Woods
The shrine of laughter and tickles. It only spawns on The Roost (one of the first levels). It costs slightly more than a common chest to activate, and cost modestly increases with each use. Once activate, it creates a zone of healing around itself that heals you and your allies for a small percentage each second. Each activation of the shrine increases the radius (but not the amount healed) of the shrine’s influence.

This shrine can only be activated three times, and can be useful early and mid game if nearby the teleporter or a similar hot area. Unfortunately, its healing is relatively small compared to the amount of healing you could generate with certain item combinations, but it is welcome nonetheless.

Shrine of Order
The shrine of being… Sequenced. The ultimate gambler’s cocaine. It costs one lunar coin to activate. Once activated, the shrine takes an inventory of all of your items. The total number of items of each class is counted (I.e, 30 common items, 15 uncommon items, 3 legendary items, etc; Lunar and boss items also have their own category). The shrine then chooses a random item you had in each category, and converts all other items of that category to that item.

For example: you had 30 total common items and 15 total uncommon items. Within your common items, you were carrying some crowbars, and for your uncommons you were carrying Hopoo feathers. If the shrine were to choose the Crowbar and the Hopoo feather for its items, you would now have no items except for 30 crowbars and 15 Hopoo feathers. Enjoy doing 1020% damage to enemies above 90% health, and enjoy having 16 total jumps.

This sounds awesome. And it is. It’s completely awesome and fun to throw out the synergy of everything and try out truly radical stacks of items. But it’s also incredibly dangerous, since you have no way to control which items get picked to be the stack of items. You can end up with 30 war banners and 15 rose bucklers and be absolutely thrashed by the enemy. But, like I said, gambler’s cocaine.

Shrine of Gold
Looks exactly like a Shrine of Chance, but its gilded gold. It’s also about ten times as expensive. Once prayed to, you will see “A gold orb appears…”. Once the teleporter event is completed, a gold portal will spawn. I’ll just leave you to figure it out from there.

Shrine of the Mountain
Looks like three twisted claws coming out of the ground. Costs nothing to activate. Once activated, you will “Invite the challenge of the Mountain…”. This modifies the teleporter event for the current stage to spawn additional bosses, or modify bosses into elites. This ramps up the difficulty of the teleporter challenge, but entices double (or even triple) loot once the bosses are defeated. Multiple Shrines of the Mountain will stack together if activated before the teleporter is activated, which further increases difficulty and loot.

Shrine of Combat
Has a weird looking purple icon above it that looks like a mortar shell pointed downwards, surrounded by wings. The Shrine of Combat costs nothing to activate, and spawns a few slightly-more-difficult-than-the-current-difficulty mobs to fight. There’s really no reward beyond the money you get from killing the spawned mobs for activating this. Late game, this shrine can and will spawn a whole boat load of Overloading Magma Worms specifically engineered for your destruction.

Newt Altar
It’s like an… oyster or something with blue stalagmites poking out of the side of it. They appear in a few predefined places, which are usually hard to reach (though a few are just out on the ground). They cost one Lunar coin to activate, and once they do they will guarantee a blue portal spawn at the end of the teleporter event. It is, however, important that the shrine is activated before the teleporter is, or else you’ll probably end up wasting a coin.

Drones and Turrets

Mechanical Machinery to Meticulously Motivate Myself to Massacre Monsters.
They do some of the killing for you. they’re also somewhat expensive, and not all of them are retained through levels. Also, unlike items, they are vulnerable to being damaged and taken from you. Where possible, it’s usually wise to go for items first, then drones if you have extra cash.

Drones unfortunately become much less viable as the game progresses. Due to the xbox hueg damage that everything puts out later game, as well as the very few options you have of protecting the drones, they are usually destroyed without your knowledge during some absolute cluster of an engagement in the Abyssal Plains. They can work as a great distraction during mid and early game though.

Gunner Drone
The most basic drone, starting at $40 on the first level. It is fairly agile and regularly shoots for light damage. Its strengths include harassing air targets, bullying wisps, and its hobbies include getting stuck on walls and being destroyed by a Vagrants EMP blast. Weak but serviceable.

Missile Drone
A slightly advanced drone. Costs a fair shake more than a basic drone, but shoots homing missiles for solid damage at enemies. Given this virtue, it has a little more free reign and can more reliably help out with smacking targets. It still suffers from relatively slow speed though.

Medical Drone
Your best pal for life. When you or a nearby ally is under maximum health, the drone will attempt to heal them with a healing beam for a small percentage of the target’s maximum health. They can be useful early game for recovering from tough smacks for chants to the blood shrine and blood gods. Their use wanes during the later stages of the game due to their fragility and bullet-magnetness.

Strike Drone
The special forces of the drone world. These are only spawned when the equipment item “The Backup” is used. Four of them are spawned per use of the equipment item, and they are equipped with both a machine gun and missiles. They will immediately begin engaging nearby targets, then will quickly expire and self destruct in 25 seconds. Absolutely fun to deploy en-masse using fuel cells. The only unfortunate part about them is they last for a relatively short time.

Gunner Turret
Stationary turrets that can help keep an area relatively monster free. While having a large downside of being stationary, they sport impressive tracking and rate of fire. They’re pretty good at shooting wisps back into the stratosphere and cleaning up softer targets around itself, however it is still fragile since it cannot avoid attacks. In addition, turrets will not follow you between stages. Once you exit the stage, you leave that sad turret there for the rest of its days. Usually only useful if they are nearby the teleporter or a similar hot area.

TC-280 Prototype
This is essentially the A-10 Thunderbolt of the drone world. You will have to find them on the third stage, Rally Point Delta. They don’t always spawn, and when they do, they require usually a few thousand quid to repair. But I promise, repair them at least once. You will be in awe at the size of this lad. He is an absolute unit.

Engineer Turret
Honorable mention. Engineer turrets have a unique property of inheriting all of their owner’s items. Suffice to say, this makes for… interesting combinations. Majority of engineers will almost always have busting fungus equipped, since this turns any of their turrets into healing zones for all allies (and the turrets themselves, too). The healing zone, if large enough, can also heal nearby drones or gunner turrets.

The Teleporter

That black thing with the spires coming out of the side that you have to find each level. Sometimes, frustratingly elusive. But it’s always there, waiting for you to find it. It yearns for your gentle touch, so it can spawn bosses to smash you for violating it. If you activated one or more Shrines of the Mountain beforehand, prepare for additional fun.

The teleporter is your primary objective in every stage. It is a black platform with two curved spikes coming out of either side of the edge of its base. In the center is a pedestal. When activated, the teleporter creates a red bubble around itself, which I will ballpark is approximately 50 meters in radius. At least one player must stay inside this bubble, or else the teleporter will not charge (and thus enemies will continue to spawn). Once this bubble is created, all interactables (barring capsule chests) will be locked down with a red cage, forbidding interaction. This prevents unscrupulous players from letting one or two honest, hardworking, devoted survivors fight off the big bad while he helps himself to the rest of the items on the map. Once the bosses are defeated and the teleporter fully charged, the interactables will be released.

The bosses MUST be defeated in order to for the teleporter to fully charge. Boss enemies that must be defeated are indicated by a red arrow when not in direct view, and a red health bar while being observed. The teleporter will charge up to 99% while the boss(es) are still alive, but no further. Bosses are largely random for each stage, but certain bosses are barred from spawning on certain stages. Once the bosses are defeated, the loot for those bosses will spawn on the teleporter, even if it is not fully charged yet. The number of items generated for loot is equal to the number of players present (times however many Shrines of the Mountain you activated beforehand).

You may notice differently colored orbs rotating around the pedestal of the teleporter. These indicate that a portal of that color will open once the teleporter event is completed. There is no limit to the number of portals, and one portal of one type will not override another type; however the team can still only choose one portal to go through when the time comes.

  • Blue Orb/Portal: A trip through time to a magical wizard salesman
  • Gold Orb/Portal: A trip to the pirate coast of booty
  • Celestial Orb/Portal: Merc; Obliterate urself my man

As far as loot: by default, the teleporter always spawns one item per player in the match. The items spawned will always be of uncommon rarity, and all items will be the same item. Avoid being that guy who vacuums up all of the loot from everyone else.
Occasionally, one or more of the loot items may pass a check and instead become a boss item, if that boss was spawned as a result of teleporter activation (so the Titanic Knurl or the Queens Gland, for the Titan and Queen respectively). This spawn chance appears to be random for each item, so usually it just replaces one of the uncommon items that spawned.

Once you are done with the stage, using the center of the teleporter again begins the teleportation. All remaining cash in each player’s inventory is turned into experience. If killing enemies while cash is draining, that cash is also turned into experience. If you manage to kill an enemy after all cash is drained, you can carry over a small sum of cash to the next level.

Written by Skeleton Man

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