SD Gundam G Generation Cross Rays Achievement Guide 100%

I haven’t seen any 100% achievement guides for this game so I decided to make a guide to make it easier to see through.

If you have any other info or tips that you think would be helpful feel free to comment and I’ll try to add it to the guide (and I’ll credit you, of course). The difficulty doesn’t affect achievements.

This isn’t really a tips guide as there are some really great and informative guides on mobile suits, dispatch missions etc. here on Steam. I did leave some thoughts though.

SD Gundam G Generatıon Cross Rays Achievement Guide 100%

Story related achievements

This game covers the main events of each series. If you play absolutely everything the game has to offer, you shouldn’t miss these because the following achievements are all story related. (unless you only play dispatch missions which I highly doubt)
100% Achievement Guide for SD GUNDAM G GENERATION CROSS RAYSThe Final Victor – Complete “Mobile Suit Gundam Wing

100% Achievement Guide for SD GUNDAM G GENERATION CROSS RAYSReturn to Forever – Complete “Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz”

100% Achievement Guide for SD GUNDAM G GENERATION CROSS RAYSA Future that Never Ends – Complete “Mobile Suit Gundam SEED”

100% Achievement Guide for SD GUNDAM G GENERATION CROSS RAYSPath to Peace – Complete “Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Dual Story -G-Unit-”

100% Achievement Guide for SD GUNDAM G GENERATION CROSS RAYSStargazer, starchaser – Complete “Mobile Suit Gundam SEED C.E. 73 -Stargazer- “

100% Achievement Guide for SD GUNDAM G GENERATION CROSS RAYSThe Final Power – Complete “Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny”

100% Achievement Guide for SD GUNDAM G GENERATION CROSS RAYSThose Who Went Astray – Complete “Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Astray”

100% Achievement Guide for SD GUNDAM G GENERATION CROSS RAYSReturn Report – Complete “Mobile Suit Gundam SEED X Astray”

100% Achievement Guide for SD GUNDAM G GENERATION CROSS RAYSAfter Colony – Complete all series in the “After Colony (A.C.)” timeline

100% Achievement Guide for SD GUNDAM G GENERATION CROSS RAYSTheir Place – Complete “Mobile Suit Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans”

100% Achievement Guide for SD GUNDAM G GENERATION CROSS RAYSChanging World – Complete “Mobile Suit Gundam 00F”

100% Achievement Guide for SD GUNDAM G GENERATION CROSS RAYSBeyond – Complete “Mobile Suit Gundam 00”

100% Achievement Guide for SD GUNDAM G GENERATION CROSS RAYSA New Journey – Complete “Mobile Suit Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans Gekko”

100% Achievement Guide for SD GUNDAM G GENERATION CROSS RAYSCosmic Era – Complete all series in the “Cosmic Era (C.E.)” timeline

100% Achievement Guide for SD GUNDAM G GENERATION CROSS RAYSAnno Domini – Complete all series in the “Anno Domini (A.D.)” timeline

100% Achievement Guide for SD GUNDAM G GENERATION CROSS RAYSPost Disaster – Complete all series in the “Post Disaster (P.D.)” timeline

100% Achievement Guide for SD GUNDAM G GENERATION CROSS RAYSBlade to the Future – Deal more than 100,000 damage points to an enemy unit in one battle
I have 1 tip, if anyone has more AND better tips feel free to comment.

A Warship Group. Take Warship with high ATK, number of units don’t matter.
Raise each of the crew’s respective stats to 999 (Captain’s Command, Navigator’s Navigation, XO’s Auxiliary and so on) to get a 500% bonus damage and execute Warship Link up on single unit. Warship’s ATK is 20 times more important than units and it doesn’t care about enemy DEF so put your investment on warship for high damage link up attack. Use Attack Burst β or γ on Warship if damage still isn’t high for you. Any pilot works because both Ranged/Melee aren’t used in case of Warship Link up attack, focus on Crews’ stats.
Make sure no one is on “end turn” state, stay in Warship or have 0 EN to maximize the damage output.

100% Achievement Guide for SD GUNDAM G GENERATION CROSS RAYS

Field of Battle Flowers
Reach 4,000 total kills
Kill 4,000 enemies. That’s it.

100% Achievement Guide for SD GUNDAM G GENERATION CROSS RAYSLegendary Power – Clear all stages

Miscellaneous Achievements

Most of these achievements are easy to get. This section will show you the achievements that are really easy to get and should unlock as you’re playing through the game. You’re gonna have to form groups, enhance mobile suits, scout characters etc.

100% Achievement Guide for SD GUNDAM G GENERATION CROSS RAYSTrigger of Success – Complete a quest
Cannot be missed. Pretty self-explanatory. Just complete a quest and the achievement is yours. You can get this achievement along with Set Sail for Tomorrow which is coming up next, so more on that in the next description. I was thinking whether I should put this into the Story Related Achievements section or not.

100% Achievement Guide for SD GUNDAM G GENERATION CROSS RAYSSet Sail for Tomorrow – A dispatched group successfully returns
You can get both this and the above mentioned Trigger of Success achievement at the same time. At least, that’s how I got them. Send a group on a dispatch mission, and when they return you’ll get this achievement.

100% Achievement Guide for SD GUNDAM G GENERATION CROSS RAYSAbility Level – Develop a unit
Pretty self-explanatory. Develop a unit and the achievement is yours.

Develop is like evolving. But not always evolving to become stronger. Sometimes the development takes you down a different tech tree or different variants of the same unit. Honestly knowing the lore behind the series would help a tone because you can probably guess what can develop into what.
In general the units at the end of the development line-up are an improvement over the current unit (unless you’ve already hit the end of that development tree) and will eventually lead you to that series’ end-tier units.Some units have a couple quirks in that regard. Phoenix Gundam Full-Powered for example can be developed into the Strike Gundam, Exia or Barbatos, which is probably one of the fastest ways to get those.

Development List for ALL units:

100% Achievement Guide for SD GUNDAM G GENERATION CROSS RAYSStray Warriors – Scout a new character
Once you have enough caps (that’s the in game currency) scout a character, “buy” them and this achievement will unlock for you.

100% Achievement Guide for SD GUNDAM G GENERATION CROSS RAYSA New Door – Register a new modification to the Production List
Completing quests will grant you modifications. Just keep completing quests.
Here’s a list of all the quests and their rewards:

100% Achievement Guide for SD GUNDAM G GENERATION CROSS RAYSDream Fragments – Spend 1,500,000 Capital

100% Achievement Guide for SD GUNDAM G GENERATION CROSS RAYSCentral Design Apartment – Design a unit
Design allows you to register new MSs to the Production List by combining two units together.

100% Achievement Guide for SD GUNDAM G GENERATION CROSS RAYSChosen Path – Create a new custom character

100% Achievement Guide for SD GUNDAM G GENERATION CROSS RAYSExchanging Fates – Exchange a unit

100% Achievement Guide for SD GUNDAM G GENERATION CROSS RAYSShip of Hope – Level up a Warship to LV 35

100% Achievement Guide for SD GUNDAM G GENERATION CROSS RAYSMachine to Change the World – Level up an MS/MA unit to LV75

100% Achievement Guide for SD GUNDAM G GENERATION CROSS RAYSVeritable Warrior – Level up a scouted character to LV 75
ONLY scouted characters count! Once you scouted a character level them up to lvl 75 and the achievement should unlock.

Difficult/Time consuming/Grindy achievements

This section of the guide will showcase the more time consuming achievements. They aren’t necessarily difficult, I only added that word to the title because some people might find them difficult.
These achievements are also pretty rare on Steam, statistically speaking.
This section will be about achievements that require you to get all warships, MSs, achievements etc, so I thought I’d throw them into one section.

100% Achievement Guide for SD GUNDAM G GENERATION CROSS RAYSResolute Gunfire – Register all warships to the Warship Profile
Get all warships.

100% Achievement Guide for SD GUNDAM G GENERATION CROSS RAYSEnding the Conversations – Register all characters to the Character Profile

100% Achievement Guide for SD GUNDAM G GENERATION CROSS RAYSRecorded Calamity – Register all MS/MA units to the MS/MA Profile
This achievement is actually to have all units unlocked in the gallery, not in the production list

100% Achievement Guide for SD GUNDAM G GENERATION CROSS RAYSLight of Peace and Hope – Unlock all profiles

100% Achievement Guide for SD GUNDAM G GENERATION CROSS RAYSDoor of Reformation – Register all modifications to the Production List
You get modifications as quest rewards. If you do every quest you’ll get this achievement.

100% Achievement Guide for SD GUNDAM G GENERATION CROSS RAYSVestiges of Victory and Defeat – Complete all quests

100% Achievement Guide for SD GUNDAM G GENERATION CROSS RAYSSD Gundam: G Generation Cross Rays – Acquire all achievements

Thank you for reading!

Hope this guide will somewhat help, but really, check out other guides too because they’re much more informative. This guide is mainly for those who want the achievements for this game easier to look up.