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Bewitching Sinners: Beginners Guide from developer, Miss Xero.
Bewitching Sinners: Beginners Guide
Official guide from developer.
How to Enter the Principal’s Office
Ask the girl in the far right corner of the Fountain Map, she will talk about a hairpin. This will enable you to look at the fountain more thoroughly and get a sword shaped hairpin. Use this to unlock the principal’s office.

You can then take the letter on his desk to complete the “Confession Gone Wrong” Quest
Touch the Globe in the principal office to unlock the Diary Quest later and for an extra scene in the principal office with Arshem later on.
How to Catch The Cat
- Craft some Cat Food. You can get the recipe for free if you deliver Quill’s Ink quest manually, and you can get some ingredients for it if you head to the library, look around in the hidden corner section and spot Fia with the cat. Tell her that Quill is in on the quest so that she will give you some ingredients.
- Head to the shops, and click on the well.
- GIve the cat some cat food.
How to Bond with Thane
- First get the “Find the Culprit” Quest on the 17th of May from Keppler in the Library.
- Enter the Rune Graphology and Healing Remedies Classroom then check the desk with the red doodles.
- You can then turn in the quest right away or head to the sparring field and talk to Winston for more info. Either way, have this quest done BEFORE MEETING MEYZA A SECOND TIME.
- After the whole biting incident with Fia, agree to go visit her with Thane.
- Answer anything for with the talk with the boys on curing Thane, but do not cure Thane. DO NOT CRAFT THE CURE POTION.
- After finishing Io’s arc, Thane should ask you to bond, say yes.
If you don’t cure Thane and reject to bond, he will always bond with Fia. If you cure him, he won’t be dateable to the point he is willing to go to your world.
Dating Guide
General notes:
Likes: Touching, Wine, Honey, Honey Pops, Bread, Mystery Novels.
Dislikes Past Talks, Talks about his club.
Has a low bad date threshold, as he will like you basically even if it’s a bad date as long as it’s not abysmal
You can find him at the Courtyard or Archery Field.
His gift to you are: A cake, fire gem after you got necrotize, and a love fruit when he’s affection with you is over 80 points.
Route Detail:
- Date 1, happens on the weekend of your first week in this world. Arshem will come to you:
“Order something expensive” = +5 points, if you order something cheap it’s negative 5
“I might like it” = +10, “I’m not answering that” = +20 , “I’m uncomfortable” = -10
“Eat it” = +5, then answer anything else besides “But I like your hair” to get him to like you (not the actual Palmier) more - Date 2, triggers when entering the Potion Classroom after Thane’s biting event. Only saying “no?” will give you negative points
- Date 3, triggers after date 2 is done, or if you somehow skipped it, after you killed Io. Spend time in Arshem’s room. if you say “Didn’t you expect it?” he will kick you out. If you hug Arshem, he’ll get a excited and offer you to stay or leave. Stay to have an intimate moment with him, and reach out to him for another CG.
- Date 4, needs 75 points with Arshem to trigger. Arshem asks you to see who knows his father. Depending on your stats you can “see what she wants” if curiosity >= 50 or “Step on her shoe” if kindness < 10. Say thanks to get points, or anything else to lose them.
- Date 5, needs 90 points with Arshem to trigger. Arshem confesses and vows to come with you. “Pin him down” or “Let him lead” to unlock different cgs
- Parting Event, visit the Archery Field after Palmier awakened.
General notes:
Basically likes to talk, it’s cheaper than gift him anything. Needs to do his fake engagement to continue his route, or else his route won’t continue, or skip the fountain event and head right to the 4th date if you experience his beach day.
You can find him at the Church or Sparring Field.
He always gift you money, except the last time, he will give you a magic mirror.
Route Detail:
- Date 1, goes watching Kelpies at night:
“I meant the stars” = -15 points
“Stroke his ego” = + 5 points
“Hug Quill” need 15 kindness = +10 points
“That’s rough buddy” = -10
“Talk and reassure” = -5
“Distract” = +15 - Date 2, Engagement Event at the fountain. “I’m not marrying” = If you persist, it will break his date chain for good. Other choices, he likes.
If you have gotten Dietrich to give you the kiss Quill quest, you will kiss Quill and complete the quest, if not then you will go to Leynar and later kiss him in your dorm. - Date 3: Triggers only after Io’s arc is resolved and you experience the lake event. Go with Quill to meet his dad and discover the true secret behind the hatred towards witches and the Ravens role in all this. “Praise Quill” = +5 points. “Ask for explanation” = +5 , others add negative points
- Date 4: Only available if Date 3 event is done. He will take you to Meyza and confess. Accept him to continue and solidiy your bond
- Parting Event, visit Quill after Palmier awakened.
General notes:
The best way to gain points with Thane is gifts. He likes Candy (+10 Date points), Blood Pops (+20), Satire novel (+10),Vita Up (+15), and Blood (Blood points 25, Siren Blood 35, Unicorn 45).
If you touch him, he only likes being touch at his cheek, hand, and arms, while his stomach and chest is random he might like it, he might not. To chat, he likes talking about the Bloodmoon and Jellyfish. The bloodmoon topic you can get when checking the big sphere in potion class.
You need at least 50 date points for your date to gain 5 points, and 70 points to add 10 points
You can find him at the Upper Gardens (if you did not trip Lyall), Arena, or Classrooms (if you tripped Lyall).
He will give you potion materials. Magic powder, ashes, and boner begone at 20,50 and 70 points. NEED TO SOULBOND TO GET HIM TO COME TO YOUR WORLD.
Route Detail:
- Date 1: Sushi date, he will automatically ask you out if you give him a blood potion in week1. If not, you can ask him out at night or as his usual spot. “Play it cool” and “this is great” and “what about you?” to add 5 points each, other are neutral or negative.
- Date 2: Triggers after Meyza is killed. Cafe date where MC can tease Thane, saying “It’s hot” = +10 and open additional option “Stare back” = +5 the other is “It’s natural” = +5
- Date 3: This event will differ slightly Depending if Fia bonds with him, you cure him, or you bond with him. It starts off with Thane trying to find books about soul bonds though. If you bonded with him, you can try to do telepathy and that will have the highest point boost.
- Date 4: You join Thane as he sulk under the lion statue, “Punch the woman” and “check on him for having the highest point” if you “Stay out” you will lose 10 points.
- Parting Event, visit Thane after Palmier awakened.
General notes:
Likes all sweets and baked goods, and touching. Has no dislikes.
Always in the fishing port, can date him twice a day (add 10 points per day), as he spends his nights in the living room as long as you have done Thane’s first date event.
He will give you rare fish. Gives you 2 angelfish and 2 octopus at 10 and 30 points. Both are rarer fish, you will need especially if you want to finish the ink replacement quest.
Route Detail:
- Date 1: To date Lyall, you have to let Thomas (Ivar’s flower) out to sea, you can do this by tackling Lyall instead of tripping him on 17/5. If you don’t, you can also trigger Lyall allowing you to date him by helping out on Leynar on the 24th, go check the fishing port at that day. If he doesn’t ask you to help. Or after the dance festival is done, he will ease up with you.
This date will be different depend on when you trigger it. If you trigger it after you visit Leynar on the 24th, you will play in the river together. If not and you haven’t seen Leynar, the event of Leynar will trigger. Accept his offer to add 5 points, if you have the Leynar date instead of the river date, none of the options add points - Date 2: Only triggers when done before Io’s arc is resolved. Lyall takes you to the beach and shares his powers if he hasn’t reveal them to you in the dancing event. If you do see his powers the first time here, choose “♥♥♥♥ no!” for +20 points or “Why would I be” to add 10 points, if you say “A little” his points will go all way to 0.
- Date 3: Lyall takes you to the side garden to tend the flowers. “Praise me more” and “Lean in” to add points, others put it in the negatives. He will then ask you some more stuff Hug/rub back for +5 points, but the best is say “You are, but” if you have 50 honesty points.
- Date 4: Lyall confesses to you. Accept his confession by saying I like him too.
- Parting Event, visit Lyall in the fishing port, also will let you date him once this is resolved if you haven’t bond with anyone else.
Easy to Miss Events
CG of MC sitting on Ivar’s Lap
Be kind to Lyall, don’t crush the flower, or trip him. On 26/5, assuming you guys have a decent relationship (he doesn’t mind hanging out with you) he will ask for your help for the dance festival. Offer to teach him how to dance by choosing “Why not come with me instead?”. Then during the jellyfish festival, do not go after Lyall with Arshem, just focus on Fia or Thane (if you have the option to chase Thane to the pubs). The next time you meet Ivar on 30/5, he should ask you to dance and sit on his lap.
Topics to ask Arshem on the 16th
You can ask Arshem about the Drakmar Witch if you head to the arena on the 15th, tell Diana Sharom that “It’s a date!”
For topic of his mother, head to the archery field and listen to the guys sitting on the bench.
Additional Events with Fia
- 15/5 – You can talk to Fia in the side garden either about the drakmar with or choir if you explore the arena and fountain beforehand.
- 16/5 – Find Fia in the library with the cat in the hidden alcove.
- 18/5 – Choir event with Fia if you head to the church.
- 19/5 – Library event with Thane and Fia. Either choice (stay with Thane or Fia) opens up a scene.
- 24/5 – If you rejected Lyall’s offer to help him with Leynar, you can choose to head to the library and get this event. If not you can go with Quill or help Lyall as long as you examine the Fishing Port.
- 27/5 – You can get additional CGs of Thane licking Fia if you do not confess to Arshem of who you are beforehand (that includes NOT FINISHING THE ANGEL’S FOR ARSHEM QUEST)
- 1/6 – Fia bonds with Thane only happens if you didn’t catch Winston before Meyza’s Arc is finished or you decide not to escort Thane to go see Fia in the infirmary.
Additional Events with Lyall
- 17/5 – Tackle Lyall to get on his good side and learn about Ylf which opens up the option to ask Ylf for a letter. Trip him if you want him to hate you but opens up new events on 23/5.
- 23/5 – Water Lyall with Thomas, to trigger the spread of Ivar’s flowers, choose “I did” when questioned by a student.
- 23/5 – Alternative event, if you tackled Lyall instead, hangout with Lyall if he’s not hostile towards you.
- 24/5 – Head to the docks and agree to help Pike and Lyall if you haven’t previously triggered this event.
- 26/5 – Assuming you guys have a decent relationship (he doesn’t mind hanging out with you) he will ask for your help for the dance festival. Offer to teach him how to dance by choosing “Why not come with me instead?” to unlock a dance CG with him
Lyall will also give you free angelfishes and octopus if you managed to make him not wary of you and progress his route.
Additional Events with Thane
- 15/5 – Head to the basement of the dorms and enter the dark door. Offer your blood to get CG
- 16/5 – Visit the side garden to learn about his cat
- 24/5 – Fight with Winston, only happens if you finished “Find the Culprit” Quest beforehand.
- 25/5-26/5 – Talk to the pair in the back of the arena, they want to dance with Thane in the jellyfish festival. Agree to help for an extra CG with Thane.
- 27/5 – Lick Fia CG, don’t admit to Arshem that you are not the OG Palmier. This includes lines like “I’m not” or “There’s something you should know” when in Meyza’s event and do not complete the Angels for Arshem Quest. Then chase after him, leave Fia with Quill, go to the pub to talk with him for an additional event.
- 7/6 – The Vortec Vamps visit school, only happens if you bond with Thane.
Endings Guide
True Ending
- Get the Diary Quest. The easiest way to get this is by answering “Leave this to me” when consoling Prim in the bathroom. Another way is by first touching the globe in the principal office, then have Arshem take you to the office when prompted, then “ask about Sirens” when inside the office with William, and then “Is this the skull thing?” when talking with Arshem.
- Find the Diary Password, you can do so by asking the guy standing near the benches in the shop map. Remember all passwords are case sensitive. The password is Licorice.
- This will ask for another password to access the first diary entry. You need to wait until meeting Meyza to get the password which is her nickname for you LittleDemon.
- To get the next password, you need to enter what OG Palmier bonded under, you should know this after exploring the potions map and touching the giant sphere. It is bloodmoon.
- The final diary entry can be opened by the witch hunter’s saying when they first toasted with Headmaster William in the Solaris part. It is Aegna.
- Reading the final diary entry will secure your true end regardless of how the final fight went
Ivar Ending
- Answer you want to learn the truth when asked by Ivar the first time in your dream
- During his fight with Seth, if the option pops up, do not kiss Ivar, trust in him.
Seth Ending
- Answer you want to learn the truth when asked by Ivar the first time in your dream
- At the end of Io’s Arc, choose to freeze the lake to get the Ice Rune
- During the final fight, freeze them both with Io’s Ice Rune.
- Side with Seth. Kiss Ivar, when he asks you to and agree with him when he asks again.
Io Ending
Choose to stay in Io’s dream
Meyza Ending
Choose to seduce Meyza in her fight
Seth Alternate Ending
Bring a Loki’s Frost Potion to the final fight. During the final fight, choose to help Seth
Boys Epilogue (3 months after) in Your World
- Answer you want to learn the truth when asked by Ivar the first time in your dream
- Pair up with one of the bachelors. You can tell if this is done by checking their hint in the character info screen. Should say “they will follow you to your world”.
Note that this is not a main story ending, and thus will always be followed up with either Seth’s or Ivar’s Happy Ending. Thus this only shows you what happens when they are in your world.
Quest Guide
Answering Ctulhu!
Trigger: Ask the stoner kid in the Rune Graphology classroom.
How to Finish: Craft the potion and drink it.
Angels for Arshem!
Trigger: Finish meeting Meyza
How to Finish: Get Arshem an Angelfish by the 22nd of May
Allergy Begone!
Trigger: Talk to the couch boys in the dorm, only happens if the upper garden is full of Ivar’s flowers.
How to Finish: Craft the Potion
Blood Needed!
Triggers if you go find Thane in the basement at 15/5 and tell him you got him a Blood Potion.
How to finish: Craft the Blood Potion, the recipe is in the library alcove. Needs to be done before auto fail on the 17th.
Trigger: Head to the side garden.
How to Finish: Craft Boner-be-gone only can be done if you know the recipe on 16/5 if you choose “And you haven’t because…”
Bottled Love!
Trigger: Finish Cove’s Sweet Sorrows quest then talk to Nina.
How to Finish: Make a Love Potion for her. This quest will later make Cove and Nina run away together, and make Poppy super angry. If you decide to kill the headmaster with this quest completed, ultimately this will lead to Poppy getting fired for attacking you.
Cat Pics!
Trigger: Enter Merry’s bar on the weekend.
How to Finish: Catch every fish and give them to cats near the fountain area of Gomorrah.
Dope Up!
Trigger: Talk to the man in the sparring field.
How to Finish: EIther get the Vita Up from Thane if he bit you on 15/5 or craft it. Give directly for some extra rewards and info on OG Palmier.
Finding the Culprit!
Trigger: Enter the library anytime after 16/5
How to Finish: Head into the Rune Graphology classroom, check the red doodled table. You can also confront Winston in the Sparring Field after checking his desk so long you haven’t turned in the quest.
Hang in There!
Trigger: Talk to the kids sitting on the bench in the courtyard, only happens if the upper garden is full of Ivar’s flowers.
How to Finish: make 5 candies for Hedwin
Hedwin Lies!
Trigger: Talk to the person on the upper right side of church
How to Finish: Get truth Serum either from Thane or crafting it after getting the recipe from Nina.
Ink for an Inkwell
Triggers automatically.
How to finish: Get 2 ink from the shops. Deliver it personally and not through your phone for a free cooking recipe.
Ink Replacement 1 and 2
Trigger: Talk to the guy on the upper courtyard area
How to Finish: Give him an octopus for the first quest and angelfish for the second. You can get them from Lyall if you have bad luck fishing.
Keppler’s Seed!
Trigger: Head to the side garden. Only happens after you bond with Thane and the Vortec vamps visit
How to Finish: Ask Keppler for an extra seed
Knowing Yourself!
- The easiest way to get this is by answering “Leave this to me” when consoling Prim in the bathroom. Another way is by first touching the globe in the principal office, then have Arshem take you to the office when prompted, then “ask about Sirens” when inside the office with William, and then “Is this the skull thing?” when talking with Arshem.
- Find the Diary Password, you can do so by asking the guy standing near the benches in the shop map. Remember all passwords are case sensitive. The password is Licorice .
- This will ask for another password to access the first diary entry. You need to wait until meeting Meyza to get the password which is her nickname for you LittleDemon.
- To get the next password, you need to enter what OG Palmier bonded under, you should know this after exploring the potions map and touching the giant sphere. It is bloodmoon.
- The final diary entry can be opened by the witch hunter’s saying when they first toasted with Headmaster William in the Solaris part. It is Aegna.
- Reading the final diary entry will secure your true end regardless of how the final fight went
Kiss Quill!
Trigger: Make sure you have that hairpin. Head to the Blessing and Charms Classroom, head in, then run out when the teachers are heading out the room.
How to Finish: Do Quill’s fake engagement event in the fountain.
Let there be Fire!
Trigger: Talk to the girl in the center of the courtyard after the gang met Meyza.
How to Finish: Make her a fire potion, if you deliver it directly or talk to her once it is delivered, you can keep the potion and use it to unlock a CG during Meyza’s fight.
Missing Cat!
Triggers automatically.
How to finish: Give the cat cat food. Recipe from the cooking recipe scroll.
Mimicking the Ice Prince!
Trigger: Talk to the girl near the fountain. Only happens if the upper garden is full of Ivar’s flowers.
How to Finish: Buy her an Ice Crystal, talk to her after the quest is done for more rewards and info.
Night Roaming !
Trigger: Talk to the boys inside the arena after finishing Meryza’s arc
How to Finish: Craft and give potion
Need Some Shut Eye!
Triggers if you go ask the guy on the couch in the dorm
How to finish: Craft the hot cocoa, recipe is from the cooking scroll.
Papa Prim!
Trigger: When consoling Prim, say “Find That Hoe”.
How to Finish: Head to the Lounge in Meyza’s event before heading into the Bathroom. Then give the Bloody Kor to Prim’s dad instead of Arshem.
Stag Hunting!
Trigger: Enter the cafe in Gomorrah on the weekends when Quill isn’t there.
How to Finish: Ask for a strand of hair from Keppler in the library. Make sure you have read about Dark Fairies beforehand.
Sweet Sorrows!
Trigger: Finish Nina’s With Love quest then talk to Cove.
How to Finish: Bake a cake and give to Nina.
Wrong Confession!
Triggers if you go ask the girls talking in the archery field
How to finish: Enter the principal’s office by getting a hairpin. This can be done by asking this girl on the far right corner of the fountain map, and later checking the fountain. Take the hairpin. The letter is on the left side of the desk. Deliver directly for extra money
With Love!
Trigger: Head to the Bookstore on the weekend, ask if you can help her anything.
How to Finish: Deliver the letter to Cove directly.
Walk of Shame!
Trigger: Talk to the man at church after meeting Ivar a second time in your dreams.
How to Finish: Talk to Risa in the dorm, craft her the magic handcuffs, then get what he needs.