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How to open the locked doors in Roboquest.
Roboquest Locked Doors
Locks be gone!
Buddy-Bot Locks *old* (Buddy-Bot and you)
NOTE: buddy bot doors appear to have been removed for now. At least you get to keep your new friend!
As the title suggests, these locks require you to have a Buddy-Bot on you to open them.
To get one, you have to encounter a special version on the small robots. Specifically one with a green eye.
When you find one, simply walk up and interact with the little guy. This will place him in one of your free weapon slots. Now that you have a Buddy-Bot, interacting with a Buddy-Bot lock with open it.
Once you have picked up a Buddy-Bot for the first time, there will always be one available at the start of a run.
The Entrance to “Ruins” (locked door on the left in “Canyons”)
The entrance to the ruins is found half way through the first level “Canyons”.
The key to unlock this door is acquired by defeating the first boss.
The Entrance to “Quarry” (Locked door on the Right in “Canyon”)
This doors key can be found half way through the level “Fields”, behind the locked door on the left. See the section “The key door in ‘fields’ ” for how to open this door.
The key door in “Fields”
The key to this door can be found in the level “Ruins”. This area is accessed through the left door at the midpoint of “Canyon”.
The key is found in the section coloured Green on on the mini-map.
The combination lock in “Quarry”
The combination can be seen on a panel to the left of the door you entered at the “Canyons” midpoint.
Just note that this combination is unique to your game, and will be different from that of other players. So using the code from this guide won’t work!
The Exit door in “Haven city”
To open this door you need to defeat four “Elite” enemies scattered around the map.
These enemies appear on the mini-map as a large red dot.
The exit door in “Haven city – corrupted”
To open this door you must first clear the two challenge areas. These can be found in orange sections of the mini-map.
And that’s about it!