Wartales Best Companion Builds

Wartales Best Companion Builds

Some of the best builds I use for my own party composition. This guide is about builds I’ve found very effective in my play through on Adaptive Expert. I’ll continue adding more when I have time.

Although combat is a big part of this game, the most important aspect is really about feeding & paying your merry band of mercs. That means killing enemies as efficiently as possible while taking as little damage as possible.

In that aspect, bursting targets down & killing them just before they take their turns is most effective. While utilizing DOT tactics runs counter to this doctrine.

This guide was made on game version: v.1.0.26636, patch just after helmets were introduced.

Version Update:

With Community Update 2, most of these are still viable on Extreme, but some tweaks will be needed. Notably on Extreme, VP is more costly with all skills costing +1 more instead. Brave Oil & concentrate would replace 2nd oil so that there’s enough VP to keep using skills.

Archer – Sniper

Offense: ★★★★★
Defense: ★☆☆☆☆
Avg Kills per turn: 2

Mid game Build (Level 5)
Role: Ranged Dealer / Assassinator
TLDR: Cheaper to use than Marksman

Wartales Best Companion Builds

Class Skills

  • L2 – Valorous Support
  • L3 – Hunter
  • L5 – Precision
  • L8 – Easy Prey or Thrill of the Hunt
  • L10 – Lone Wolf or Second Weapon
  • L12 – Class Specialization – Thrill of the Hunt or Easy Prey

Other Skills: Aim, Wrath, Run, Tactical Order (Lieutenant), Galvanise Troops (Captain)
Recommended Starting Traits: Cooperative, Nimble, Bloodthirsty, Confident, Quick

Wartales Best Companion Builds


  • Helm – Captain’s Bycocket or Trapper’s Headband (+Willpower, Range +1)
  • Helm Skill – Stimulating Coating (+20% damage when no debuff on self)
  • Weapon – War Bow (30-80% damage, critical hit attacks again)
  • Oil 1 – Perforating Oil (Attacks dealt ignore 50% of the target’s guard)
  • Oil 2 – Sharpening Oil (+10% Crit Chance), Swiftness Oil (50% chance to +10% dexterity), Infectious Oil (50% chance to apply 50% damage), or Animal Essence Oil (+25% damage against animals)
  • Armour – Akhedian Steel Waistcoat (3 slots)
  • Layers – Colossal Reinforced Layer of the Falcon (+6% Critical Hit, +4 Dexterity)
  • Belt – Light Feathers (Range +1)


  • Profession – Master Alchemist (+10 Dexterity) or Master Tinkerer (+12% Critical Chance)
  • Aptitude Points – raise Willpower to 15/16, movement to 16~18 & everything else into Critical Hit.


  1. This is a level 5 build once you get upgraded Easy Prey (As long as target not adjacent to any other unit, +30% damage taken by target)
  2. The main strength of this build is to kill 2 high value targets from afar (11 range) or kill 1 & maim the other so that target remains out of reach of your team.
  3. This is growth build, you can start with level 3 Hunter. However, you will need at least level 8 to output enough damage to kill targets.
  4. Use Aim & the weapon skill (Volley of Arrows) to take out the enemy leader or high damage target. Then use Recoil Shot to kill or prevent the next target from reaching your team.
  5. Choosing between Lone Wolf or Second Weapon is a bit of a toss up: Do you want more utility with 2 weapons of different skills or do you want a little bit more damage when archer is far from your main force? A good candidate for the alternate weapon is The Indomitable One. Higher Dexterity, knockback on critical hit for all enemies in a line is quite handy to kill more or stall longer.
  6. This build can exceed 100% critical hit chance. If you are confident in your luck, you can swap out your items to maintain 80% critical hit chance & squeeze out a bit more range with the +1 range amour for a total of 12 range.

Brute – The Iron Maiden

Offense: ★★★★★
Defense: ★★★★★
Avg Kills per turn: >4

Endgame Build (Level 8)
Role: Main Tank / Main Dealer / Solo Play

TLDR: This companion will soak a lot of damage & make your enemies bleed themselves to death. One of the few builds that can solo kill bosses, such as the Creeper King, in 1 turn.

Suitable for achievement:

Lute – Win a battle with only one Undying unit.

Wartales Best Companion Builds

Class Skills

  • L2 – Destroyer
  • L3 – Valorous Duel
  • L5 – Cruelty
  • L8 – Temperance
  • L10 – Defensive Riposte
  • L12 – Class Specialization – Overwhelming Presence

Other Skills: Wrath, Taunt, Run
Recommended starting Traits: Solitary, Strong


  • Helm – Paladin’s Galea (+Willpower, +Crit Damage)
  • Helm Skill – Legionary’s Ointment (Gain Anticoagulant Weapon for 1 round – All attacks apply bleeding)
  • 1H Weapon – Erkeshet’s Mace (50-60% damage, If this unit has more strength than the target, damage dealt is doubled and a critical hit is guaranteed)
  • Oil 1 – Bleeding Oil (Every time a skill deals damage to a bleeding enemy, has a 25% chance to trigger bleeding damage)
  • Oil 2 – Perforating Oil (Attacks dealt ignore 50% of the target’s guard)
  • Armour – Akhedian Steel Battleplate (3 slots)
  • Layers – Colossal Reinforced Layer of the Horse (+4 Strength, +6 Guard) or Colossal Reinforced Layer of the Stag (+4 Strength, +18 Armour)
  • Shield – Alazarian Heater Shield (Powerful Counter – When hit by the engaged opponent, this unit retaliates with an attack of opportunity)
  • Belt – Bleeding Oil Concentrate (Increases Bleeding Oil chance by 25% (total 50%))
Wartales Best Companion Builds
Wartales Best Companion Builds
Wartales Best Companion Builds
Wartales Best Companion Builds
Wartales Best Companion Builds


  • Profession – Master Blacksmith (+10 Strength)
  • Aptitude Points – raise Willpower to 15/16, movement to 14~18 & everything else into Strength. At level 12, the difference between adding Critical Hit & Strength is not significant. However, before getting Overwhelming Presence, adding Critical Hit improves more damage


  1. This build starts at level 8 with upgraded Temperance giving Riposte after taking 2 attacks.
  2. The essential pieces are Legionary’s Ointment, Bleeding Oil, Bleeding Oil Concentrate & Alazarian Heater Shield
  3. Bleeding oil deals 20% of max hp (25% if Path upgraded)
  4. Since we are not taking Armor Breaker, Perforating oil is needed to negate enemy guard
  5. Overwhelming Presence guarantees critical hits for every attack.
  6. Use Horse Layer to get max guard (80%) & swap out with Stag Layer when over the guard cap for more armour to keep critical hits going longer.
  7. Start the fight by activating anticoagulant weapon, focus on killing high value targets.
  8. Use disengage to trigger AO after each strike.
  9. Taunt & disengage to take less damage & trigger more AO. Best to prioritize taunt on a tank as will need several disengages to kill.
  10. End turn by positioning adjacent to ranged melee units such as spearmen & axe throwers as they will still strike at melee range & trigger your AO.

This build has only 1 weakness – Damage Over Time (DOT). So avoid being poisoned, burned or bleeding.

Brute – Nutcracker

Coming Soon.

Ranger – Busybody

Coming Soon.

Ranger – Bodybagger

Coming Soon.

Spearman – Watchtower

Offense: ★★★★☆
Defense: ★★☆☆☆
Avg Kills per turn: 1.5

Mid game Build (Level 5)
Role: Ranged Support / Ranged Dealer / BBQ Skewer
TLDR: Utility companion, best at tenderizing foes from near & afar

Wartales Best Companion Builds

Class Skills

  • L2 – Valorous Support
  • L3 – Harpooner
  • L5 – Team Spirit
  • L8 – Harnessing Strength
  • L10 – Unstoppable
  • L12 – Class Specialization – Fervent Support

Other Skills: First Aid, Aim, Wrath, Run, Tactical Order (Lieutenant)
Recommended starting Traits: Cooperative, Strong, Bloodthirsty, Confident, Quick

Wartales Best Companion Builds


  • Helm – Any Medium helm (+Willpower, +Critical Chance, +Critical Damage)
  • Helm Skill – Intimidating Effigy (+10% damage per debuff on target) or Stimulating Coating (+20% damage when no debuff on self)
  • Weapon – Officer’s Pilum (30% damage, strikes 4 times)
  • Oil 1 – Perforating Oil (Attacks dealt ignore 50% of the target’s guard)
  • Oil 2 – Putrid Oil (50% chance to apply Fever) or Explosive Oil (50% chance to apply 5% max health damage to target’s health) or Bleeding Oil (Every time a skill deals damage to a bleeding enemy, has a 25% chance to trigger bleeding damage)
  • Armour – Akhedian Steel Spaulder (3 slots)
  • Layers – Colossal Reinforced Layer of the Rat (+1 Movement, +8% Critical Hit) or Colossal Reinforced Layer of the Serpent (+6% Critical Hit, +4 Strength)
  • Belt – complementary Oil Concentrate (Putrid (80% total chance), Explosive(100% total chance) or Bleeding (50% total chance))


  • Profession – Any
  • Aptitude Points – raise Willpower to 15/16, movement to 16~18 & everything else into Critical Hit.


  1. This is a level 5 build once you get upgraded Team Spirit (As long as next to an ally, both gain Brutality)
  2. The main strength of this build is (1) supporting tanks & archers, (2) fill out any roles lacking (Adventure, Combat, etc…). (3) While endgame being able to deal a lot of damage.
  3. This is one of the most flexible builds while growing. Since the role is to boost other characters, damage on self is not important. The main focus is on buffing allies or de-buffing enemies.
  4. Start the fight by moving next to an ally & use Piercing Throw on a row of targets. Use Aim if it can let you strike even more targets.
  5. If you have enough movement, approach a target & use the weapon skill (Flurry of Blows) to deal heavy damage or kill.
  6. Then move back to park behind a tank before ending turn.
  7. You will need at least 18 movement in total to pull this off consistently, but 21 – 23 movement with buffs is recommended.
  8. Team Spirit & Fervent Support will let help your tank return fatal or near fatal damage to the target attacking the tank.
  9. Archers can park adjacent during their turn to hit even harder.

Swordsman – Bleed Fighter

Offense: ★★★★★
Defense: ★★★★★
Avg Kills per turn: >4

Endgame Build (Level 10)
Role: Main Tank / Main Dealer / Solo Play

TLDR: I solo-ed 3 level 14 polar bears on Expert starting with only 1 VP.
Swordsman variant of the The Iron Maiden (Brute)

Suitable for achievement:

Lute – Win a battle with only one Undying unit.

Bear Fight

Wartales Best Companion Builds
Wartales Best Companion Builds
Wartales Best Companion Builds
Wartales Best Companion Builds
Wartales Best Companion Builds
Wartales Best Companion Builds
Wartales Best Companion Builds
Wartales Best Companion Builds

Class Skills

  • L2 – Fighter
  • L3 – Valorous Duel
  • L5 – Bulwark
  • L8 – Master Opportunist
  • L10 – Defensive Riposte
  • L12 – Class Specialization – Hardcore Training

Other Skills: Wrath, Taunt, Run
Recommended starting Traits: Solitary, Strong, Bloodthirsty

Wartales Best Companion Builds


  • Helm – Any heavy helm (+Willpower, +Critical Chance, +Critical Damage, +AO Damage)
  • Helm Skill – Legionary’s Ointment (Gain Anticoagulant Weapon for 1 round – All attacks apply bleeding)
  • Weapon – Any legendary 1H sword [Mehyt’s Kopis (+2 VP on kill), Glory (+Protection), Clink’s Sword (Triple Strike, Knockback)]
  • Oil 1 – Bleeding Oil (Every time a skill deals damage to a bleeding enemy, has a 25% chance to trigger bleeding damage)
  • Oil 2 – Perforating Oil (Attacks dealt ignore 50% of the target’s guard)
  • Armour – Akhedian Steel Battleplate (3 slots)
  • Layers – Colossal Reinforced Layer of the Horse (+4 Strength, +6 Guard) or Colossal Reinforced Layer of the Rat (+1 Movement, +8 Critical Hit)
  • Shield – Alazarian Heater Shield (Powerful Counter – When hit by the engaged opponent, this unit retaliates with an attack of opportunity)
  • Belt – Bleeding Oil Concentrate (Increases Bleeding Oil chance by 25%)


  • Profession – Master Tinkerer (+12 Critical Hit Chance)
  • Aptitude Points – raise Willpower to 15/16, movement to 14~18 & everything else into Critical Hit.


  1. This is a level 10 build, its hard to get it working before that level.
  2. The essential pieces are Legionary’s Ointment, Bleeding Oil, Bleeding Oil Concentrate & Alazarian Heater Shield
  3. Use Horse layer to get max guard (80%) & swap out with Rat layer when over the guard cap
  4. This build is tougher than The Iron Maiden, but deals less damage due to lower critical hit chance
  5. Clink’s Sword procs bleed more times (up to 3), but last strike causes knock back. If your target isnt against a wall & you cant kill it, you lose 1 AO strike because of this.
  6. Start the fight by activating anticoagulant weapon, focus on high value targets first.
  7. Use disengage to trigger AO after each strike. (Warning: nerfed in CU2 to only 1st time engaged)
  8. Taunt & disengage to take less damage & trigger AO. Best to prioritize taunt on a tank as will need several disengages to kill.
  9. End turn by positioning adjacent to ranged melee units such as enemy spearmen or axe throwers as they will still strike at melee range & trigger your AO.

Swordsman – The Workhorse

Offense: ★★★★☆
Defense: ★★★☆☆
Avg Kills per turn: 3

Mid game Build (Level 5)
Role: Melee Dealer / Off-tank / Tank Killer / Boss Hunter

TLDR: With armour as a consumable resource, your best friend from level 5 that keeps growing stronger & stronger. After you collect better items, you can re-specialize him into end-game builds

Wartales Best Companion Builds

Class Skills

  • L2 – Fighter
  • L3 – Valorous Duel
  • L5 – Counter-Attack
  • L8 – Hardcore Training
  • L10 – Defensive Riposte
  • L12 – Exhort

Other Skills: Wrath, Taunt, Run, First Aid, Galvanize Troops (Captain)
Recommended starting Traits: Solitary, Strong, Bloodthirsty, Thick-skinned, Confident, Quick

Wartales Best Companion Builds


  • Helm – Any heavy helm. Look for +Crit Chance, +Crit Damage, +AO Damage
  • Helm Skill – Enhanced Visibility (Every time this unit is engaged by an opponent, perform an attack of opportunity)
  • 1H Weapon – Any sword, just keep upgrading as you get better ones
  • Oils – Sharpening Oil (+10% Crit Chance), Perforating Oil (50% ignore guard), Unstable Oil (25% proc AO) or any other oil
  • Armour – Early game, use medium armour until you have about 14~16 movement, then swap over to heavy armour.
  • Layers – Bard (+Crit Chance), Rat (+Movement, +Crit Chance)
  • Shield – Any shield, preferably one with active attack. Eg.: Legion Buckler (Motivated), Rampart (armour & bonus ability damage), Alazarian Buckler (Fragility), Hothead’s Scutum (highest ability damage, Confused)
  • Belt – Tin Lucky Charm (Reduce AO damage taken by 50%), +Crit Chance, complementary Oil Concentrate.

Strongest Companion Builds


  • Profession – Master Tinkerer (+12% Crit Chance) or Master Blacksmith (+10 Strength)
  • Aptitude Points – raise movement to 14~18, raise Willpower to 15/16, & everything else into Critical Hit.


  1. This build starts at level 5 with Counter-Strike, getting it upgraded grants Inspiration that lets you strike at enemies further away, being able to focus down enemy Leaders & other high value threats
  2. Start the fight another unit with Lieutenant to buff this unit if there is no imminent danger of taking AOE damage.
  3. Engage a nearby unit with Legion Buckler skill Motivating Blow to buff self-damage
  4. Use Taunt null damage taken & Destabilizing Strike to kill tanks faster
  5. Use Disengage actively for AO strike after each engagement (Warning: nerfed in CU2 to only 1st time engaged)
  6. Remember, this build uses armour as a resource. Tin Lucky Charm will let you stretch it a lot longer before you get Defensive Riposte.
  7. Move on to next target or run away if you drop to <25% armour
  8. At level 8
    • Ludern swamps & Cursed Villages become easy due to poison immunity from Hardcore Training.
    • If you take Master Opportunist instead, with Tin Lucky Charm you are immune to AO
  9. At level 10
    • Defensive Riposte will let you deal more damage while taking less (or none).
  10. At level 12
    • Start the fight with Exhort buff your party with stronger criticals.
    • You can turn this unit into a Captain as Exhort has the same radius as Galvanize Troops.
    • If you have taken Class Specialization or re-specialized, replace Hardcore Training with Master Opportunist to make this build even better.

Swordsman – Vanguard

Coming Soon.

Strongest Companion Builds

Strongest Companion Builds

Warrior – Axecutioner

Coming Soon.

Warrior – Whirlstorm

Coming Soon.

Strongest Companion Builds

Strongest Companion Builds